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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Oh Il oved Kate Smith so much, that I can pass over your uninformed political opinions for her sake. She and Roger Doucet will be enthroned for ever on Hockey God Olympos, like Zeus and Hera.
  2. A broom? Oh yeah, that floor thing, there's one here somewhere. Must admit,Mr. Leland and Mr. Dencer in grades 9 and 10 were pretty inspirational teachers too. I survived Mike Harris, so I guess I can tough out Ford. Life won't be boring anyway.
  3. Marc, Marc, Marc. You are reading something posted because it it pertains to whatever discussion was going on, you know that wss does not post extreaneous material without warning. And your spellcheck is disgraceful, it is "argument" not "arguement". Where was your spellcheck during Grade 9 English? Happy election eve. Gloomily, C.
  4. Hope they have a decent golf course.
  5. And note that it is in a "distraction area" where no US voter cares what happens, while the Avian Order prepares all those dead birds for their barbarous unspeakable rites! Thank the good Lord of what Flies , that our dear Thomas is laid to resr peacefully in the compost heap. Stop the Avian Order #Endure no more Hondurases!
  6. This is well-done and very cinematic, or even tv-like. May I ask if you have adopted the style of one-or-two sentence paragraphs just for the dialogue sections, or for the novel as a whole? I notice that style is very popular now (Louise Penny, a bestselling crime writer up here, uses it exclusively). Integrating cursing into the story properly has been a test for writers since Mailer was forced to substitute "fugging" for "fucking" in the Naked and the Dead. It got tiresome reading that all the time. Many great crime writers weave it so well into the characters' speech you hardly notice it, it just enhances the action. I think you've used it in good proportion. I seem to have got inside your own post, well I can't get out again, this stuff always happens to me.
  7. Hey Donald, we didn't burn it right down, but we sure set it on fire. Maybe next time... l if Melania happened to be there, suppose she would channel stout-hearted Dolley Madison and save the White House treasures? I doubt Donald would let her risk her manicure rescuing a portrait of FDR for instance lol. Meanwhile back at the Ford Circus, Rob Ford's mother from her glass house calls her son's widow an addict (just like her own daughter was, I guess), the widow says she can't afford her house and has put the For Sale sign up, and both sides are using those poor kids as PR weapons. Sigh sigh SIGH, this will just make the Fordites double down on their fervour; I think I better retreat to a remote abbey and take all my books with me. It's getting dark around here.
  8. Protege was wrong word, I meant they backed him financially. Too early, need coffee.
  9. I never thought I'd have a good word to say for the Koch brothers, but for opposing their own protege Trump on free trade, they might teach him that such wars are not as easy to win as he assumed.
  10. Thorough as always, President Trump has reportedly been monitoring the behaviour of NHL players during the National Anthem in the final Cup round. He fulminates that players disrespect the flag by "shuffling around", nudging each other and heinously , spitti'ng on the ice, and demands that the League fire the offenders, and in the case of non-American players (that would be the majority of them) deport them first and ask questions later. Well, that's what a lot of people are saying.
  11. Fight for the right to eat coloured lard -- ah, the Age of Innocence.
  12. OMG,being 213 years old I dimly remember the coloured margarine issue, being in the smuggling capital of Canada we had our choice, they were both so disgusting I did not even eat butter for 25 years.
  13. Dear Diary, The post-wedding letdown is still going on, as I should have anticipated , even if it was not my own wedding. First I had to hear the various complaints (and hear them, and hear them again) first from the Yorks. Beatrice complaining that her date ignored her and spent most of the evening huddled with the Canadians talking about some basketball team. Then Aunt Sarah fulminatng against that American actor , whatshisname who married Amal Alamuddin. He was very tipsy, she claimed, and asked her to dance stating that he intended to "Start with the Duchesses and work his way down", positively batting his eyes, which she said had mascara on them. How did such people get invited? And then of course the photo of her that appeared the next day, in which she appeared as a "dead ringer" for Mrs. Slocombe on "Are You Being Served". I used to watch reruns of that show with Papa,and I must admit the captioning was accurate n this case, although unkind. Now dear K has gone to Bucklebury to recuperate and I am holding the fort with only one nanny, and there is hardly a momen't s peace and at the moment I would like to advise Harry that a honeymoon baby might not be the best idea..Charlotte, Papa is writing ..writing, you know, like texting only without a don't touch that, Charlotte! Get down at once!... Ich...
  14. Sorry, I thought you were responding to my post that preceded yours, and I assumed your link was connected to Ford. I admit I seldom click on links but rely on the gist of the post. My mistake.
  15. You are quite right . Ford meddled and protectionized himself to the point of scrapping the campaign bus tradition to exclude the pesky MSM, and hiring actors to produce staged "press conferences", as mentioned in Real Fake News thread. No Trump angle here, except Doug wantstabe a mini-Trump.
  16. Wowee, it sure isn't Bill Davis's Ontario anymore. Latest eve-of-election news is that Renata , relict of the late Rob Ford, is suing Doug because she alleges he has cheated her and her children out of millions from the family business. Maybe this is old news that has just been unearthed by the two rival parties (we don't have informants in every courthouse like TMZ and the National Enquirer do ).but what a gift to them. Still there is a good chance the Ford fans will dismiss it as mainstream media meddling, or decide that it isn't relevant.
  17. Dear Diary, Phew! I have hardly had a moment to take pen in hand since good old Harry's send-off on honeymoon. Who could have thought it would be so sticky with our tropical friends, simply because Megs is American and they are according to them at "trade war" with her president? I could personally attest, that is if anyone would ask me, that she did not vote for him because she told me so, having been American at that time although she confided that living in Canada for all that time she simply did not notice all the political fuss in the US in 2016. She had a very heavy storyline with many pages of dialogue to learn and when she heard who was elected she had to look him up on Wikipedia. Now she and Harry are in Canada just as I and Kate were. and how well I remember our honeymoon and its joys, and I do envy Harry that he does not have to worry about Trying, you know what I mean Diary, day in and day out and just can watch movies or swim all day long and then have a jolly old nap. But knowing him as I do Harry could do all of the above , really sometimes I do think our royal prerogatives can be negative as well as positive.. I say, that sounds rather well.. I must ask Stephen Fry if I should start writing my own speeches. Ich dien, William
  18. So brilliant. Reminds me of the best improv show ever., the original British Whose Line after Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles came on, when they did impromptu dubbing in foreign languages.
  19. Bobby Clarke, legend and Bully-in-Chief of the Broad Street Bullies! Of course you would become a Trump fan-- I understand it all now. Actually I liked Clarke and his fiendish toothless grin, apparently he has become a good hockey exec now. Did you see Trump's tweet about the Caps when they beat the Pens and advanced to the Cup final, finally? He reminded them they are chokemeisters and said Barry Trotz was losing sleep. Way to encourage the home team, Donald. Benefit of the doubt, maybe he's a Rangers fan and bears a grudge against Washington for winning the East.
  20. I wonder why he picked on us way more than anyone else on the steel and aluminum. Could it be that steel and aluminum are such essentials in, you know, constructing buildings? Surely it could not be that simplistic.
  21. They become you. That is a profoundly true and poignant analysis, even though my reflexive jibe provoked it. Now please explain the coming trade war to me on the new thread.
  22. Marc, William, will this do for a place to "take it outside"? We have now three Canadians, two true patriots who love hockey and one differently-gened who doesn't care about it. But this year since Winnipeg went out I don't care the way I should anyway. Golden Knights and Marc-Andre Fleury are so incredible a story it almost seems the Cup would be too much - tempting the hockey gods. So we can't fight much about the most important issue, I trust. But what good will Trump starting a trade war do to his supporters? There is such a thing as a Punic victory. Is Trump going to attend any of the final games? Does he have a bet with the governor of Nevada about it? Does it involve chorus girls?
  23. Daniel Dale of the Toronto Star, our mild-mannered Clark Kent North, that is who! He has taken on himself the Sisyphean task of fact-checking Trump 24/7, or at least a standard workweek per union regulations. He was one of the the investigative reporters who covered the late Rob Ford. The man must be a masochist.
  24. I think he will probably get enough seats for a minority government, so you are half right. But when did he become feminine? Where were you in Grade 9 French, Marc- or should I say Mark?