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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. If she called them stomach feelings, for a philosopher she wasn't much of an anatomist.
  2. Just got my voting card today. This riding has been NDP forever (it was Bob Rae's federal constituency) but who can tell? My son will be voting for the first time (at age 32!) and prodding his bride to vote, as Ford alarms him mightily. That's my boy! *Note to MSK -- could you spin off these Canadian issues here onto Canadian Boring, or the Real Fake News about the election? I was only away a couple of weeks and I am already getting lost. Please and thank you,C.
  3. zzz-what, what? Why'd you have to wake me? Oh yea, Canadian politics is going through its cycle like Halley's Comet, and getting interesting again . Marc, re my umbrage at your fairly innocuous slur on Trudeau's qualifications, I don't know why I got so upset at that - well, I do sort of. It is all Conrad Black's fault. I had just heard him shilling for Trump on AM640 and his drawling condescending enthusiasm for a man whom he had always considered an amusing inferior , offended me in so many ways. Firstly just that the man who threw his Canadian citizenship away to become Lord Black, now seems to want to be an American pundit, slavish in his devotion to Trump as he was to Thatcher (who reportedly called him "the greatest bore unhung"). When Harper was PM, he went through a phase of praising Canada, in hopes that he could regain his citizenship and become a tall poppy here again, but Harper wasn't playing. Now he's back to living here permanently, enjoying all his former perks without any responsibillities as a citizen, and deriding openly the policies and practices of the country he was too big for,and too smart for, until Chretien outsmarted him right out of the country. I have written elsewhere I admire his achievements and his fortitude in prison and unlike his idol Trump he is a good husband. But like Trump again he is a persistent and unashamed liar, which is what landed him in jail, and now he has paid his debt to society he should go back to Blighty where his lordship rightly belongs. So your drama-teacher remarks hit me on my Trudeaumania at a particularly patriotic moment. And you know us Canadians have more of those moments than anybody else!
  4. J, why are you wasting so much time trying to fit me into the prefab box of a fictional prototype Trump-hater? I don't seethe with hatred against Melania, I think she is pretty and glamorous and in a tough spot and married to an overbearing boor, and does as good a job as possible. I certainly dislike Trump and disapprove of his policies, but I don't feel any burning hatred towards him. I have got kind of used to him. I am not a good hater even in personal life. Political invective when used by Trump is, to you and Michael, a tactical weapon; when used by a critic of Trump, it's a symptom of pathological hatred. I have not turned into a liar, seething with hatred, and the stereotype you create is your own projection. Continually calling me these things does not make me these things. I don't know why you have decided that my distaste for a political figure has turned me into a raging left-wing version of Breitbart . I suppose you are so used to hating Obama and the Clintons that now that they are gone, you need more present targets to defeat. I haven't changed into your fantasy construct. I am the same person you knew. I don't feel the reverse is true.
  5. No Michael, the magic word was "equally". I believe it is wrong to condone a spouse's betrayal and bad treatment of other women. But I really can't denounce it all that much, in those three or any betrayed wife, and feel sorry for them too in equal measure also. The pain of betrayal must be the same no matter what rewards accrue from keeping silent about it.
  6. lol of course you would not ask me about Melania. I didn't ask you about Hillary either but you , being at least as fixated on hating her as you suppose I am about Trump, have to hold her up always as the )most evil person in the room, even when she's not there. Since Trump and Weinstein are both accused of offences against women (Weinstein criminally, and NO I don't consider Trump a rapist ) and since both certainly cheated on their wives, I did note that Melania, like the other two wives, and thousands more, turned a blond* eye to it. Alas, I may indeed be sick, who can stay well in these tumultuous times? But doctors,heal yourselves. *a typo I decided to stet. Well, she does have blonde streaks
  7. Your impression of Black is quite right. I have nothing but admiration for him for how he weathered his 6 years in prison, and even learned from them. Before that he was someone who cared not and had no compassion for those lower than himself, especially those whose pensions he appropriated as part of his own assets ( Dominion grocery workers, whom he characterized as "the bozos in the warehouse ", e.g)Clever business move, ho-ho. He is hugely intelligent and literate and a good writer. Ezra is neither of these things.
  8. How does cancelling the Korean bunfest advance the plan to swill out the Deep State, diplomacy-wise? Was it the long-entrenched DSers who sabotaged a would-be historic meeting/
  9. Sometimes your listmnia is so soothing, I can remember poor Prestons forced French, hating every syllable he had to say and holding on to the hope he would never have to say them again.I remember that time well. my father and my uncles, all civil servants , learnt French and were able to function well for what their jobs required. Except Uncle Lloyd who became alarmingly fluent and used to berate every Quebecois who came across the border in his own language
  10. Yes! It is an East Coast accent, the most distintcive of which is the Newfoundland one. Newfoundland was not even part of Canada until 1949, wonderfully insular with a mixture of Irish, English and sailor polyglot. Prince Edward Island as an island has its distinct voice as sung by the immortal Tom Connors and spoken by the soon-to-be-immortal Gerard Gallant. coach of the Knights who have made knighthood great again, whatever happens in the final. Nova Scotia.if you like classic movies that perfectly show their time and place, watch "Goin' Down the Road" .set in the 60's, good to go forever. New Brunswick, my own accent, the best blend of all the above, except we speak louder.
  11. How on earth do you construe my words" I understand" to mean "I approve?" *I understand her reasons, without approving , as I do Mrs Weinstein's Again.I believe both .Georgina and Hillary knew their husbands had raped and abused women, and for that I condemn them equally for not coming out at the time and telling the truth of what they knew.
  12. As I think about it, I think my blood equally boiled when Clinton's actions were reported as when Trump's were. It was about them as human beings, not politicians, and equally mars their character. Yes, that's it. If a comment of over one sentence in criticism of your President qualifies as ranting now, I will leave it to others. What I said is there for everyone to judge and most to scorn. But maybe, not 100% of everyone.
  13. 1. Not much 2. Yes 3. Marriage being a complex subject, this deserves a longer answer than I have time to give now, , if there really is a black/white answer to anything about the most basic and important of our human relationships. Possibly Georgina Chapman does despise men on the evidence that she married for money and influence. But she is not known for gratuitously, graphically insulting the looks of any man who displeases her, or for making unwanted advances to those who don't, nor is Hillary Clinton, which was --not the choice of marriage partner -- what I was talking about. You are pretty good at slithering yourself, J. I denounce both Georgina and Melania for their public complaisance and thus betrayal of other women, equally. I can understand their motives but they were wrong.
  14. I missed this bit about health care -- so the reality is, that under Obama you did not get to keep your doctor or plan that you liked. you did not save $2500 you were promised, or that as a taxpayer you were charged when you were promised you wouldn't be,Obama lied to you and cheated you out of at least $2500. Now two years later, I assume you have been restored to the doctor and plan that you were deprived of, and been reimbursed your $2500 by Trump in some manner. I know nothing about your health policies except that they are a big mess, and if I lived in the US I would likely be dead by now. But if my reading of your story is right, then this is a very good reality and I would applaud Trump for it.
  15. Michael, I appreciate the sincerity of your sentiment. But to me morality is more than erecting things and getting inconvenient people out of your way. It incorporates a personal ethos of dealing with others, acknowledging that others are individuals with rights equal to one's own, and I have never seen any sign of that from him. Others are either great friends (who admire or support him) or the scum of the earth, losers etc. who don't. Women, one step down, are the same to him depending on their physical appearance. He despises women and you can't really be surprised if some of us despise him. I will grant every accolade he deserves for his lasting accompl,ishments, and his lifting of America into a better day. But I cannot believe that in his mid-seventies he is going to grow a new character. And as calling him the most moral man who ever ran for president - I have read some of the writings of Washington, Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln, private letters included, where they wrestled with moral questions. Do you think Trump's tweets show more morality than they did? Not the same, you will say, his morality is in his action. Fine . Hemingway said "Moral is what you feel good after", and I am sure that whatever Trump feels good doing is moral.
  16. Jonathan, the only Americans I know well are a handful of relatives and acquaintances in one small town, and half of them voted for Trump, but none of them says that their lives are significantly better since 2016, in any way, not that they are worse. That is the truth. I am glad that you and the rest of the country are reaping real benefits. As to inflicting suffering on millions of people's lives - show me your huddled and your poor, and how Trump is helping them to breathe free. Or your dead schoolchildren who will never breathe again and their robbed desolate families, whose means of death Trump proudly supports. Happy days are here again for you,and I hope you continue to prosper as never before. But politics go in cycles, even in America. History will judge.
  17. Jonathan, I have never yet told falsehoods that I was convinced were falsehoods, never here, or indeed anywhere in such discussions. What would be the point? I will never convince you there is anything wrong about Trump, and whatever I say will only entrench you in your own position further. I say what I believe to be true from what sources I have read, usually book and articles, not all from your dreaded MSM either. Like you all I have been aware of him and his career for decades, and I do not think his character has changed since winning the election. And of course he and Obama are equal. Both presidents; both vilified by their opposition; both reviled as failures by same; and only history will judge long after our time what ensued in success, what reaped failure from their short-term, circumstances dictated decision in office. Sure. all politicians must be showmen, but as to blustering, your innate taste must tell you that Trump is the total victor in bluster, hands down.
  18. As a side note, in his business career Saint Donald often failed to deliver what he promised, like to the City of New York and his own suppliers whom he stiffed, And ah- Trump University? Also. why does a non-American who is allowed to comment here have to choose between a former prez who cannot run again and him? When did you become a fan of the excluded middle?
  19. Quelle bonne post. Better than Peter deserves, after the insult he offered my 5'4'' 136 pound anatomy. Speaking of which, when you are in Ladies' Wear at Statistics could you see if they have any Meghan Garden Party hat knockoffs left? Thanks!
  20. Well, if he is dismantling all the mess made in the world in the last 20 years or so, that is an awesome task. But as to dismantling the Deep State, how does that differ from firing every Democrat, and every Republican who criticizes Trump, from any job in the federal government? That seems to be the only way to ensure true dismantling, if the State is all that Deep. I will take the hug, though, if it's still on offer. I could use it. My TVis broken and I have to watch tv on the laptop and I hate that, especially at the Cup final!
  21. OK, he did more than just con people, after all its caveat emptor in his game, he also bullied and threatened. And he could be just worth a million for all we know, since he'll never release his taxes -- and without the Russian income (which Don Jr boasted was considerable) he might be just a run-of-the-mill multimillionaire. As to philosophy, he is a complete cynic with no notion of ethics and no political ideals which he would not reverse immediately if he saw an advantage to himself. It is useless to tell an Objectivist that the ability to make money for its own sake is a skill bestowed on different individuals, some good and some not. But gosh, Peter, I am sorry to see you emulating his style of discourse towards women who don't agree with him. Here I thought you liked me! Why, I never think about your butt at all.
  22. First I wish Marc would correct the lie he told about Trudeau's experience. He was an elected member of Parliament for ten years before becoming party leader and then prime minister, as Marc knows but chose to conceal. Whereas Gluteus Maximus's only experience, outside of conning people in business deals, was firing people on TV, which is basically all he has done since he got elected.
  23. Thanks, even at distance I could hear every word. Wish I hadn't heard any of them.
  24. If I were a cat in your situation, I would go back in my bag until somebody let me out, preferably in 2020. Sympathetically, Carol