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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Interesting that you mention pigeons, now that the full truth of the Avian conspiracy is coming out. Wonder how complicit you might be there.
  2. Now that we have received the signal, the hour is at hand! All deep cover patriots can emerge without fear, as we make the Icecaps white again! By order of Highest Security , ISS, Gord
  3. Hey, thanks, and same to you, Kat. My mothers' day gala has so far been two phone calls, as Stu lives up north and Andy has now acquired both a mother and grandmother-in-law to fete today , so our lunch is tomorrow. Sigh, a son is a son till he takes him a wife -- and quite right too, really.
  4. Well. I suppose that quote was hard to resist. Incidentally, the Brit royals are tardy to the party as to diversifying their bloodstock; the Danish Spare, Prince Joachim, has already married and divorced a half-Chinese, half-British beauty, now remarried and styled Countess Alexandra. Danes are pretty good at keeping their thrones when all about them are losing theirs -- it is the oldest continous Christian monarchy in Europe.
  5. Maybe he does - but what happens in Port-au-Prince, stays in Port-au-Prince, by special arrangement with Trump Enterprises.
  6. Thank you, to you and all who have reached out to us in this tragic time, I will not roost until I know the truth and it means so much that others will not nest either. Thomas always swam to a different drumstick but he always swam with his family first and the geese who swim together...well, they were like Thomas and his brother Tim together. Bless you, Mother Goose
  7. I thank whatever gods there be for my invincible, and indegestible soul! Thomas
  8. Fine recipe, but is it sauce for the goose, or sauce for the gander? We are tired of being ignored and oppressed, and demand a transparent answer. We are lawyered-up. Coalition of transgender, female-identified at birth fowl affiliated with Cocks united, (CTFACU) C. Little, Alarmist -in- C hief
  9. "Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who never to himself has said--- this is my own, my native game! Can't watch the Winnipeg joy or the Vegas justified pride, there is a limit to how much I can cry before the series even starts. Cannot think of a player on either team I do not admire with all my might. Games started in antiquity as honour to the gods, and they continue tonight in then-unimagined North America, wreathed already in glory.
  10. Now I feel bad for being too flippant to a loyal reader! And your observation that the House of Windsor is now marrying for love, or sex, is quite right. It started with William and I think the Harry wedding proves, among other things, that the Firm (as QEII refers to the family business of Being Royal) has lasted so long because they learn from their mistakes. Not willingly nor quickly, but they learn. The abdication of Edward VIII need never have happened, but for the resistance of Churchill and especially, the hatred of the Windsors for Mrs. Simpson. Poor old Wallis did not really want to be queen, either. It all turned out for the best - David would have been a wretched king, although Wallis could probably have advised him sensibly. Charles chose his wife under the influence of his mother, grandmother (chief hater of Wallis) and his feared father, and never considered marrying his first love because she was not a virgin, and he had a lot more women to sample before he had to settle down. We all know how that turned out. William was encouraged , or at least allowed, to test the extreme lengths of compatibility for a decade, resulting in an apparently happy marriage. Enter Rachel Meghan, American divorcee three years older than Harry, who ticks a lot of boxes - diversity-Commonwealth-religious (Episcopal bishop to speak at wedding)- emotional (combining huge competence and confidence with utter physical beauty). She will never be a queen, but she will generate tourist dollars from places we have never even heard of. And though she decided to be British only, through her heritage, her Windsor children will be true citizens of the world
  11. Peter, it is heartening to know that an OL member reads the Diary, let alone remembers old posts on it (that image you remember was posted by dearly-remembered Adam). On the other hand, do you ever wonder if you are becoming something of a dirty old man? Just saying,... in the interests of full and frank communication. I do realize that I have opened the door to any Loud and Proud Dirty Old Men to assail me with videos of Trump's convo with Billy Bush. Such is the lot of an anachronistic satirical wannabe.
  12. I think Rush should stick to music, they are too old to become political commentators in a foreign country.
  13. Priceless. You losers will knock this toupee off my cold, dead head! LototallL
  14. Dear Diary, Luckily K has taken Charlotte with her to her fitting for her wedding outfit, as she says it is never too soon to watch and learn, and George is on an extended "time-out" for trying to suspend Louis up in the bed curtains whilst singing, "Rockabye baby, in the treetops". The curtains do have decorative cloth of gold leaves and branches, but this is not the kind of imagination we wish to encourage. I have had an urgent call from cousin Bea, and after I told her how amazing she looked in purple at the Met gala (dear K gave me the "head's up"}. she came to the point. Did I notice she had no escort to speak of for the Gala? (No, why would I?) Did I notice she has had no escort to speak of since she amicably parted from Dave, that unspeakable snake and waster of the best years of her life?) Now she only has her younger sister's wedding to look forward to! Oh, dear. It emerged she wants, in her words, a "hot, eligible date" for Harry's wedding's "afterparty." Why ask me? And isn't she a little long in the tooth for hot and eligible? Suitable and substantial - more the ticket, surely. Not that I can think of anyone like that either. Maybe Meghan's pal knows some possible Canadians. Any port in a storm. Ich dien, William
  15. Michael, you have been pretty earnest lately, and put up with my frivolity as you always have,. But what with the sad and bad news lately, personally and generally, I have to say that inadvertently, you have given me a moment of pure joy laughter. I know nothing about the Black Panther movie, or the merits of Breitbart and Owens as film critics., buit the very thought of Trump as any kind of black panther, 1970s styled with Afro, or au naturel in the jungle while the lion sleeps tonight, is so irresistibly hilarious you should put it in Humour until your prediction comes true.
  16. I said (I thought it was here, but obviously not) that I can't find any pleasure in the anguish of the defeated, and watching Pekka Rinne bearing that anguish so manfully, brought tears to my eyes. And the stoicism of the handshake. It is an enforced hypocrisy, I suppose. Inside just wild beasts who would rather die or kill than be constrained to shake hands with those who defeated them, or tried to defeat them. Outside, true men to admire, and support. It is a discipline which the practitioners of supposedly higher pursuits, like politics, have gleefully abandoned, to their degradation.
  17. Peter, the Brit royals have never had to marry for money, let alone for position (king is like, high as position used to get) for at least 400 years. You must be thinking of the aristocracy. who have sold themselves at auction for centuries when their estates were impoverished by gambling fiend heirs, general spendthrifts, plain bad historical luck, and taxes in the last century. I remember the soccer incident. Soccer yobs,lager louts, violent racist gangs are unfortunately a small feature of British life, but not yet dominant.
  18. Dear Diary, Whew! The Seaborn thing was simply a name mixup. It was just another David Seaman, some poor American not quite right in the head whose wife is afflicted with Meghan-mania. And the "child" appeared to be the man himself! crouching and dodging, and apparently he is quite short, but still quite a feat of athleticism. I wonder if when he comes out of the hospital he could get some rehabilitation therapy by volunteering for the Invictus Games. Must ask Harry. But not yet! There is no approaching him these days. I am sure I was never so nervous before my wedding . I simply fixed my mind on memorizing, "I, William Charles Arthur George...." and if I felt nerves coming on, simply tried what our old Eton tutor advised, to imagine all the guests in the Abbey without clothes on (except Granny, of course!). I will say only to you, dear Diary, that it was a good thing that Victoria Beckham was eight months pregnant at the time and therefore not thinkable about! Ho, ho. Ich dien, William
  19. The evil is everywhere, the Deep State is so deep nearly everyone seems complicit in it. Anyone who is not actually Donald Trump could turn out to be a traitor to him at any time -- what to do? Where did you go to college, Mme DeFarge -- Khmer Rouge State U.?
  20. Mme. Letendre Defarge' As requested, we ship 2 kilos of knitting wool of finest quality, plus complimentary set of needles, with twin-blade handles as requested. C,O.D. At your service. Robe,Spierre et cie.
  21. Dear Diary, As I was saying when I was so rudely interrupted, ha,ha, the Seaman problem is very perplexing and although I cannot do anything of course while the proper authorities investigate, cannot help but worry, he is such a hero of mine and an MBE.! I got off school especially to be at his investiture . And he can't be that old-- why would he write such a peculiar letter?Asking me to disregard the public things he said, about not wanting to know about my baby and seeming anti-monarchist . What things? He sent me a lovely silver cup for each child -an FA cup of course! And saying his wife would love to go to Harry's wedding, it would be very, and he emphasized VERY, important for the world's future! M15 have taken away the letter but it is hard to forget. Perhaps there will be developments soon. Maybe they will inform me of them before the whole sodding rest of the world knows. Ich dien if I can., William
  22. lol. my final thought tonight is Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sappho, and Edna St, Vincent Millay. I think they would all have got along swimmingly.
  23. Wow, that is informative. I can see it would be a lot cheaper to protect children by just arrestin a whole passel of Democrats. Glad Jon and his buddies in law enforcement are on the case. Feel safer already. The Widder Lynam mother of 2
  24. And let us hope, as they say, hilarity ensues.
  25. Oh, no! It is a dinner party! They are politely getting acquainted and describing their work to each other as the wine flows and they unwind ....