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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. It must be wonderful to be sure of what is causing the things that are most distressing and inexplicable to many of us. I wish I could believe the dark forces had such superhuman powers of cooperation, efficiency and micro-managing of human affairs, and could categorize everything that happens through the lens of their machinations. But I can't , anymore than I can just believe everything is God's will.
  2. Sorry, I was not clear enough. I did not run the video so I don't know what was in the news story. I should have said,I think Rudi IS quite funny, i n a sort of endearing way as a matter of fact,( some of his marital adventures have had comic aspects) and I will never forget his leadership in 9/11 and why on earth would I feel superior to anyone misunderstood, let alone him? I was responding to your post in haste and in kind.
  3. All this happened since December, and then a mass murder was committed in May by someone who claimed to be in sync with the incels, and the "dark side" who are not incels are planning something by arranging this? I do not follow your reasoning here.
  4. Here I am , to save the day! I thought Rudy was quite funny, and I don't hate him at all --and you are so totally right, there is no porn in hockey! Even the dumbest D-men can spell that one out if their teammates help them.
  5. Hi Robert, thanks for the LOL. The Fords are a victimized group all to themselves, only able to hang onto their inherited fortune because most of their business is located in the US, and persecuted by everyone except the People. As one of the People I intend to give Doug an earful when he starts to govern with my express approval.
  6. Our local Trump wannabe, famous for being the late Rob Ford's brother and for blurting whatever is put into his head by anyone he happens to be talking to, has launched an innovative series of campaign ads which, his staff says, replaces actual news coverage from the local press. That press does not "give him a fair shake", so he abandoned the tradition of the campaign media bus, and has provided the viewing public with alternative breaking news, press conferences and analysis using what Kellyanne Conalltheway would call "alternative facts". "I don't govern through government, I govern through the will of the People", Doug Ford has announced. He doesn't govern at all - he is an ex-city councillor - but he is running to govern Ontario and will probably win. You can fool some of the people some of the time, if they want to be fooled.
  7. It is funny, but not hilarious in my comedic opinon.\ it is also not new - it was said about Bill Clinton thirty years ago or so.
  8. and they all reinforced, or formed, the opinions of women's motivations you now seem to have?
  9. The horror of it all was the reason I put the topic here; a deranged man, fortified by a deranged online web community, killing as many women as he could with a van - luckily he could not get hold of an assault weapon, at least. The articles you cite are interesting, though I would hardly call GQ and Men's Health authorities on women's attitudes. I asked you what women you knew reinforced your opinions.
  10. Dear Emile, I just read on this totally trusted website that Putin, this Russian front office type used to chase rats with sticks. Wow! I knew he was a hockey fan and kind of a beer league player, but I never knew he was good enough to get a tryout with the NHL - only the Florida Panthers, but still. what's the lowdown? Intrigued, Caps fan, Washington. DC
  11. What woman or women told you so,? So that you came to understand it.
  12. The celibates themselves, apparently , since that is what the name they chose to proclaim their victimhood on their pathetic websites. It isn't even an honest description. Many of them could have sex with ordinary, not-hot females if they tried, but they only want the perfect 10s. And of course, they could purchase it any day of the week at a reasonable price. But their standards are too high for that. "Sex free or die", so to speak.
  13. I live in the liveabilist part of Toronto, the former East York (Canada's Only Borough!) until we were collectivized by former Neo-Con premier Mike Harris in the 1990s. It is a down-town east area, and when I moved here it was East Chinatown, with a great mix of east Asian restos, two competing convenience stores, an ageless diner, a disreputable pub and a respectable one, and a great Italian practically right next door. Plus a laundrymat above which I live, which heats the floors in winter and provides an astonishing array of freshly washed clothes which people have forgotten and which go into the garbage after a week, when it is finders keepers. Alas, alack. Now, eight years later, I apparently live in north Leslieville (the gratingly trendy area two streets below). The disreputable pub has been restored and transformed into a four-star restaurant with a world-class chef. The respectable pub has gone from an overpriced Scottish sports bar, to a Mexican restaurant with no TV even, and I don't like Mexican cuisine, even when it is good, which it isn't here. One convenience store has become a trendy coffee bar; the other, which I now call the Inconvenience Store, revels in its monopoly and sells only two of the four daily papers, for good business reasons no doubt. I am surrounded by edible temptations. Three other trendy coffee bars on this block, with another one being renovated to open soon. A barbecue place (formerly a pieiorgi place); sushi , two pizza outposts,a Perfect Burger spot, one Thai takeout and the veteran Vietnamese sandwich shop, a rock in an upheaving sea of street meat. And here I am hungry and none of them appeal. I guess I'll just make some toast. My disposable income, of which I don 't have any, approves of that. It's a five-star decision.
  14. A shootout, I may not survive, if I don't , give the 1990 signed Canada Cup poster to cousin Donald. NO RELATION!!!
  15. That would be MRS Grundy to you, young man! For mercy's sakes, I wasted valuable moments when the Jets are in overtime, trying to figure out what poor Solomon and I had in common. I was not even born on Monday! Check your premises in future, sir! The Widow Lynam Still Respectable after all these Years
  16. From your house the jokey image of a woman being dragged to the gallows was thrown out for all to enjoy, as I mentioned an example of free speech, much as Griffin's disastrously misjudged Halloween head of Trump was. I found both of them ugly, and sad, and desolate. I don't have any glass to spare, to throw at them.
  17. I had not heard that she had profited like this - somebody must know the details. Surely Fox or suchlike will break the story soon - there is always someone in Hollywood who can be persuaded to tell the truth if the price is right. But who bankrolled her then? She really did lose bookings after the fallout - that can be proved - but if she had a cushion that is different.
  18. Wondered how soon the good old "the other side is worse" would er, raise its ugly head. Kathy G, is a professional comic who misjudged the edges of the comic envelope, and she has paid plenty for doing so. Our own Jan is just an ordinary foot soldier who indulges in ugly revenge fantasies. Nobody ever acts out those fantasies, after all.
  19. If this image had featured Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton, I would be just as sickened, maybe more so because he is older and more disabled than she is. I would call upon the site owner to remove it because of the naked gleeful hate it shows. Something I have never done, ever. But it is only a form of free speech, after all, so let it stay , characterizing its presenter and its platform.
  20. Michael, it was really thoughtful of you to help me stay grounded and remember that I'm here on sufferance like everyone is, by providing me with my own personal troll. I am touched, I really am. But if I can be completely honest here, my preference for a Welcome-back gesture would be more like a nice bunch of spring flowers. Freesias and forget-me-nots are my favourites.
  21. Today is just a hard sad day for me for some private and some public reasons, not the least of which the end of the NHL season and of our dearest hopes, and Terfel is just not the right salve, but I found a clip of Jordan Eberle's wedding in which the bride, who appears to have shed the outer layer of her wedding dress, brings down the house with her fantastic rendition of our alternate national anthem, Summer of '69. Perhaps the gorgeous lady was as my seafaring uncle would say, half seas over, but I think her blushing groom would say she was just well-Oiled.
  22. Btw, when I started this topic I just called it Incels because that is what these cesspool-dwellers call themselves. I don't really think of it as a movement or want to give their "ideas" any such legitimacy, however they do exist and apparently believe the things they say they believe. Women have been hated for quite a long time for various reasons (stand up, John Knox! a mighty blow has been struck against the Monstrous Regiment of Women in the Colonies!). The Incel movement idea seems to be annoying so I'd be OK with changing the topic title to Misogyny 2018.
  23. Why does causality have to br either one thing or another? There are ultimate causes and proximate causes. There are contributory causes. There are ends, good and bad, and there are means which in themswelves are harmless until activated. This is the "Guns don't kill people " argument all over again, except you seem to be taking the other side this time.