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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. No, I don't see a cartoon. I'll take you up on the task though, and watch the adams video which actually intrigues me anyway (I know this is a separate topic). I will even take notes! But remember, I have never studied marketing or persuasion techniques like you. And in 8 years and 8000 posts I have never, ever argued one single person here into agreeing with me on anything political, except those who were already likeminded anyway -well, those is a stretch. William and one or two others. So I will precis in the usual way. I don't know how long it will take me though. Maybe a couple days.
  2. Thought you could not outdo yourself but you proved me wrong again. Maximally outdone, C.
  3. so fun.I do envy you your seeing so many gorgeous voices in person. I have seen so few but did enjoy - Ewa Podlusw(sp?), Ben Heppner (just a Mennonite guy letting loose) and Isabel Bayrakdarian, Russell Braun and once unforgettably Juan Diego Flores. Could you tell who else you have seen in concert or en ensemble or whatever? I will not hope for Callas, I assume you would be too young.
  4. If my post left the impression that I thought all men were incels, then I did not write it well enough. The "idiot armies from the other half" I should have clarified as minority , splinter ideological offshoots. I have written enough here for you to know my views on gender relations. For those who do not wish to slog through my severall million posts, I am anti-misogyny, pro-men, and undecided on Procrastination: good or bad?
  5. Second thought, in fact incels and their umbrella ideology, misogyny, have been and remain a scourge of the earth. Half of the he earth's human population should not be hated and hunted by by idiot armies from the other half.
  6. To some people, women of whom a few happen to be dead, Incels proved to be scourges of their earth , and the Incels hatred of women the only reason for their death. The Polytechnique killer may have been also canonized by these intellectually prosperous types, if their collective memory extended beyond their own appallingly self-limiting lives.
  7. One exception. I have told my sons that if they allow amazing Grace to be heard at my funeral I will disinherit them.
  8. After I wallowed in above video (thanks Doc) I went to Zulu soundtrack where besides some great comments ("60 bitter Zulus disliked this" and "a song that could turn one man into an army" eg) - I also found this, a story someone heard, that on 9/11 a Morgan Stanley employee sang this to encourage his fellow escapees down those dread-filled stairs. The untouchably sublime, like music, is lifeblood in times like these, in places where the innocent dead still lie unburied.
  9. I just resorted to one of my most favourite retreats, Bryn Terfel singing Rule Britannia at last night of the Proms 1994. It just never gets any less good. It makes me think so much of all the British things I love, like the late Reginald Hill's horrible Dalziel and his great exploits, and my husband's rugby-playing pal who found a tooth in his kneecap 20 years after he retired from playing rugby, and Terfel's own struggle between rugby and opera singing for a career. And the Maori war dance. and the movie Zulu, and the song "Men of Harlech" in it, and singing the Cwwm Rhonnda tune to hymns in the church choir. Even what a waste of space the current Prince of Wales is, although he could be worse, he could be his totally venal youngerbrother.(Andrew that is--Edward is quite harmless) Bryn Terfel, you and your glorious once in a generation voice have a lot to answer for.
  10. I like Nashville, I love Jets. at least they're not the NJ Nets or the new-minted New York Mets, so broken-hearted in Toronto, I must live, though I don't want to, therefore must I place my bet (if I don't ask I'll never get) and pin my heart upon PK but my scant money on Laine. O hockey gods, whom there's no pleasing, when will you cease divinely teasing?
  11. I know that this is the Trump funnies thread, but as a comic in all seriousness* , if Trump decides to shave his head in 2020 I think he might just get re-elected. *Thanks Bobby Bittman and whoever you stole it from
  12. Michael, you must forgive me, but I almost never click on videos, basically because I can read much faster than I can listen or watch. So I rely on the poster to give a precis, otherwise I don't comment. I have read a few of Adams' comment and of course love Dilbert so I am predisposed in his favour. But absent a transcript I am only commenting on your introduction, not on this video Firstly,I do not understand why what is not ideological sauce for the leftist goose, is not sauce for the rightist gander. In a hate contest I think the alt-right are at least a match for us sick fucks of the left, as I am now characterized on the new OL as it becomes great again. In my hopelessly biased opinion, Andrew Breitbart died of hatred ; he admitted it was his fuel, and a steady diet of diesel oil may be exhilirating sniffed but is fatal ingested. He hated some ideas, the ideas of progressivism, leftism, socialism, and he hated individuals because they held and advanced these ideas, and he made no distinction between the person and the idea, and neither does , say, Jon Letendre in his hatred -- just one example -- you are hardly going to argue that his perpetual state of outrage and gleeful fantasies of the imminent suicide, incarceration or utter degradation. of specific individuals is a deep-cover mission to mess with the hapless brains of his perceived ideological enemies. Breitbart though might well have abandoned Trump as Bannon, who seems to be a true anarchist with a death-wish, did. Jon Brady* is an idolater, and willing to attribute any vile ideas or acts to those who are anti-team Trump. You will probably not believe this, but I don't think Trump is the ruination of America and like everything his presidency will have longterm unintended consequences, some of which will inevitably be good ones. It dismays me that so many people think he is as wonderful as he thinks himself, but my own American relatives, even the ones who voted for him, voted for him for reasons I respect, which were totally unconnected with his alternately cringingl and gloating character, his mean spirit and uninhabited mind. *Have you heard from Mary Lee Harsha since the election? I liked her. I can just hear Jon saying, "Harsha, Harsha, Harsha!!"
  13. This is hilarious. Do you remember that vintage NSL skit where Nicole Ritchie (in her Simple Life Days) was holed up with Saddam Hussein in his, well, hole, and was braiding his beard, or hair I forget -- and her inane chatter drove him into such a frenzy of boredom that he bolted out of his hiding place and surrendered to the Americans?
  14. If I see a female bear bear bears, I will know she is not a Barrenstein Bear!
  15. Do you mean any mental health worker, or do you have a specific one in mind? And, your profile doesn't mention your location - whereabouts are you? -- just interested, you know. Your friend, C.J.E.S . Mental Health Support Service Regional Manager
  16. Brant, This is the best succinct post of yours ever. And nobody does succinct like you. Maybe I should revive the weekly awards.
  17. Bear is also a verb, class! Knuckles rapped all round. If you see a man bear his soul, he has probably not sold it out yet, so you should go up to him and try to dissuade him from doing so.
  18. Peter, "associated with" is the key phrase that keeps the National Enquirer from getting sued even more than it does already. When you see the headline shrieking "Trudeau in sex scandal..wife devastated", the story usually details some allegations against a person who has some ties to Trudeau, in the past or present, or some distant relative he has never met...I will say for the Enquirer that there is usually at least one verifiable fact in most of their stories. Especially about celebrities who are cheap tippers. When Jon makes his allegations, he assumes anyone who ever met Epstein and is a leftist probably committed child rape with him. Rightists associated with him like Trump were just spying on him in order to bring him down.
  19. My poor Leafs might a well have been wearing Jimmy Choos stilettos as it turned out. We are cursed, cursed!
  20. Can the man not keep his tiny hands off anyone?
  21. I wish you would stop saying that I know things which I don;t know, and will never credit without evidence. I certainly do not presume to read your mind and tell you what you know. From what you write here, I assume that what you know is not much. What you write here is all that I do know about you, and the evidence of my senses from the content of your posts is all I can react to. .From what I can see, you are a furious, ignorant, deeply troubled human being.
  22. No, I did not notice that. As I said, we seem to have our wires crossed here. What is the fundamental error that I made? I don't think you have concluded that I am as angry and spiteful as the two I mentioned , of course (I hope you don't anyway). I just did not like being equated with them in your mind. I value your mind.
  23. O Canada! O MARLEAU!!!!!!!!
  24. Michael, we seem to have got our wires crossed here. What is the fundamental error I commit which I accuse others of? I accuse Doug, and Jon, and Lindsay Perigo (while I am at it) with his "righteous anger", against Barbara Branden and Jim Peron among others, and lately against my city with no evidence, of sadistic schadenfreude against "whoever outrages them personally"- subjectively, in fact. How long have you known me? When did you conclude that I would relish the torture and death of anyone, be they even pedophiles or only harmless ranters on the web.? I give them the doubtful benefit of the doubt, that they are harmless. Everyone thought Minassian as an individual was harmless, after all.