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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. This seems like the best place to file this topic. I have just come back from work, where across the street most of the blood has been hosed off the sidewalk and the lovely, futile flowers, mostly donated to crying mourners by local florists, pile up and up. About half my students were absent today, but as far as I can determine they are all OK. All classes were cancelled yesterday, the whole area shut down. Does anyone else remember the awfulness of SOLO before it imploded, and specifically "Doug, " the pick-up artist" who eventually revealed himself to be the prototypical Incell, right down to his utter conviction that if he had only come of age in the 1950s he would now be happily married to a very pretty wife (very pretty emphasized, more than once.) Those long-ago posts haunt me at this time. "Doug" proved to be a fictional creation, dashing ski photo and all, but his deepest passions were all too real in their bleak terrifying ugliness. I am sure he is honouring Alek Minassian now as Minassian honoured Rodgers. As Jon Letendre relishes the thought of the torture and death of anyone connected with whatever happens to outrage him personally. As Keith Rainiere relished the pain of his sex slaves Me, I honour Ken Lam, who honoured reason, and I relish the lucky life I live, that such men defend me.
  2. Kirsty, I was just gathering evidence for the President....honest! Cross my heart, Dad
  3. Note to Katie (No Longer Banging Her Head on Sidewalks and Foaming at the Mouth, according to her) Hopkins.- the people you see in TO who look like they came from Africa, probably did come from Africa . They chose to become Canadian. Just as Ayn Rand , an illegal immigrant, chose to become American.What did you do for your unfortunate native country except get born?
  4. Minassian's mother said in a long-ago radio interview that "her son" had Asperger's syndrome, and she was concerned that a program which had helped him was closing due to withdrawal of funding. His name sounds Armenian to me, who are notably Christian for the most part- just an impression. Will Lindsay Perigo never go away?
  5. The arresting officer was begged by the murderer to "shoot me in the head", but refused to become a murderer too. So proud of my city.
  6. Leafs won tonight, a triumph to console us, and remind us of what endures no matter how much is taken from us.
  7. There has been a big debate about postponing Game 6 of Leafs-Bruins series here tonight. I think they should, as Boston did after the marathon attacks. but that game was just a regular season one and I don't suppose the owners and networks will allow it. Very heart-lifting that fans of all other teams are so in solidarity with us at this time - especially Boston - this is why sports people will always remain so much more loved than political performers. Although both areas are business first, last and always now.
  8. My god. That is where my Wednesday class is - right off Mel Lastman Square. Most of my students live in walking distance.
  9. I agree, you do not need to be more distraught and confused than you already are. Since I have not talked to everyone who has looked into the Silsby story, apparently unlike you, I can only confirm that it is indeed a story, and that is a fact. Why so irascible? Your guy is the top dog now -- you should be enjoying the zeitgeist of America getting greater all the time
  10. Well, the idea of the Misguided Missionary trying to sell a job lot of Haitian refugees to Jeffrey Epstein strikes me as fairly ludicrous - - talk about the art of the deal! But then I don't have your finely tuned sensibilities towards what is proper to laugh at.
  11. Hmmm. Just read this old thread through. Has the new trial now just started reinforced everyone's former views, or caused anyone to re-examine their former conclusions? I wonder.
  12. I don't understand this. Has Dershowitz said he is doing this patriotic eavesdropping? Do you mean he is still monitoring Epstein and Clinton. What do you mean by "he has everything" ? equipment or info or what?
  13. I had not heard of this patriotic bug planting, if true it could change the whole complexion of the discussion.could you explain and what is the source of the info?
  14. As you can see from my online comment, I miss him too-- no one gave me such great feeds or punchlines, or could amp up a ridiculous situation better,and his bustling about with the Welcome Wagon was so comforting. I hope he is resting somewhere, but not in THAT much peace. However he would be 70 or so, I guess.
  15. Hey, wait a minute, -- Trump was a good friend of Epstein's too, and said he knew about his liking younger ladies-- live and let rape seems to have been his former attitude, although he said he was not aware of the pedophilia. Not that I think Trump was guilty of any wrongdoing, oh no. \But I suspect he as well as Epstein will not be invited to Eugenie's wedding, any more than Harry's.
  16. I thought it was the Duke of York who went a-raping with Jeffrey-- didn't know it was Clinton too--god, how many rapists were there? And what about those ten thousand men the Duke marched up the Hill... this is just.too.much.
  17. Speaking of fear, have you ever heard that deeply delusional radio person the Spaceman? My conspiracy theory about him is that he is trying to hypnotize his entire audience and maybe succeeding, for all I know, because I have never been able to follow his train of "thought" for more than a few sentences and his deep voice and monotonous delivery , punctuated by eccentrically placed stops whenever he gets lost in his script, are trance-inducing. In fact his voice reminds me of the guy in the famous old BBC clip who was unknowingly live as he recited a long poem about Alexandria from memory. Except that was entertaining, and the poem made sense.
  18. Thanks to the Good Lord the current POTUS is too fine to indulge in such unnatural practices, according to Stormy et al.
  19. Mr. Peter Semper Cogitans etc. Dear Sir, I am most certainly not like Emily and though I cook a mean poutine, would not call myself a chef. I was named after one of the greatest goalies and hockey business brains ever : Emile (the Cat) Francis. Proudly, Emile
  20. O My Hockey Gods, I love to watch the Punjabi broadcast. I have various strategies for not jinxing the Leafs and that is a favourite one. Also it is so interesting to hear how English has corrupted Punjabi (and other Hindi dialects) forever!
  21. Try a game again -- fighting has gone way down, but your friends must have belonged to the hard line conservatives, in the most conservative game in professional sports. This playoff season is a great intro to the game because of wonderful stories -- the unthought-of, unheard-of, miracle year of an expansion team full of the other team's rejects, going to the playoffs in the first year of its existence - the utterly deserved and nationwide joyful triumph of Winterpeg to enter round 2-- condolences to Jonathan however, if he had accompanied his nephew to the final game wherever it was watched, he would likely to have been reduced to throwing DVDs of the Atlas movie at the ice or screen. Johnny Hockey, a true 21st successor to Mr Hockey, even if he is American.Big Buff, unpronounceable and unputdownable. Patrick Laine, who considers himself better than any other player and just might be right And, you know, Auston Matthews. Patrick Marleau. Marner. Nylander, and my personal fave Nazem Kadri, fighting for their lives tonight. Let us pray. How I miss Adam during Stanley Cup! He really knew his hockey. He seems to have suddenly just stopped posting-- I am sure he would not leave off without a goodbye - but I hate to think he might have died, or become disabled. I hope he is just in jail, or something.
  22. George! Enquiring minds want to know...have you had an upsurge of sales since this great nod..and especially since the election?
  23. Dear Emile, I have this problem as a fan and now the playoffs are on , it could get out of hand. It is with gloating. I mean, I enjoy gloating over the Leaf wins as much as the next fan, and jeering "take that" at the TV and heaping indescriblable abuse on the Bruins, especially that ferret-faced disgrace to all hockey decencies, Brad Marchand, and that mutant form of plant life on skates Chara. I hate the entire crew and am happy to see them tromp off the ice all dejected and furious after a loss. Even though there has been only one so far. But here's the thing. If we turn around and win the 1st round (which I admit doesn't seem highly likely at this point), I know I won't enjoy watching the Bruin's devastation and heartbreak. I just can't take any real pleasure in real misery, even that of a Bruin. Well, except Brad Marchand's, maybe. Does this means I am not a real fan, and that my bad attitude is jinxing my beloved Buds? This is what my son says and I'm afraid he might be right. What can I do? Please answer before Saturday puck drop, I am desperate. Schadenfreude-challenged in Toronto. Dear Schad, Your son is right, you are not a real fan, you are the last thing your team needs. Just go away somewhere and try to become a sincere Bruins fan if you can, but I doubt you could succeed ,and pray that Mike Babcock doesn't hear about you. People like you take the fanatic right out of fan! Indignantly, Emile