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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. This year I hope to be again at my hometown for the International Festival, when we walk across the bridge with no ID and drink deeply of chea;p American beer and stagger back across the bridge full of goodwill. I have a photo from the local paper of my father and the American chief border officer, clinking coffee cups in the middloe of that bridge at an anniversary of our founding as neighbours. America has always been to me my friends and relatives and yet a foreign country, beloved but unknowble, and it always will.
  2. Mwa-ha-ha. It is the Queen of Air and Darkness. You always knew it. Ware tomorrow! Welll, that would be me, sorry -- Ware today!@
  3. Here is my reaction to the Greek crisis: it may be a coincidence, but my crazy old Greek landlord has gone over there since it happened, and I am assuming that he is informing the government that the country has collapsed because they did not keep it clean enough, which is what he told me about the freezer on my 17-year-old fridge. (The rest of the fridge , equally squalid indeed moreso, continued to work fine)-- upon cleaning my oven of even more antique vintage. I broke the old corroded element and rendered it unusable-- how can I confront him with this catastrophe? AH, the isles of Greece, the isles of Greece, where burning Sappho loved and sung--where grew the arts of war and peace--stay over there, where you were young!
  4. Re #34, and #93 --I would though -- and I do! Shame on the AntiWilliamites! Finger wagging is the Canadian idea of fun, at least in the offseason,
  5. I have always said that WTL was Rand's best novel, qua, as she would have said, novel. Kira is the only real human character she ever created, although Cheryl comes a close second. Of course she killed them both off. Once again I wish she had continued writing novels in her native language, even though I could not have read them properly.
  6. Oh, I forgot Adam - that would be triplets.
  7. Careful gentlemen, or the Truth will come out that you are twins Separated at Birth.
  8. I have not read any of this thread,and I sure never want to, but I would like to congratulate Las Vegas for the most blackly humorous topic title I've ever read here.
  9. Oh, oh so much amazing hockey, so little time! Going to Game Seven in both conferences --- unbelievable talent and grit--- and the Memorial Cup final also with our future stars. How is a person supposed to go to work, or wash their clothes or anything?
  10. caroljane

    Galt the Apeman

    We were making tools before we were even Homo Erectus, who knew? Fascinating on many levels... roll over Aristotle, and give Hank Rearden the news!
  11. I agree. Much as I miss the old days of end-toend, one man breakaways and high scores, the choreography of the best teams is mesmerizing. That said, if we end up with a Florida vs California final I will seriously consider renouncing hockey for our official national sport joining the Toronto Rock Supporters Club. I can confirm whatever you say about Rangers fans. I know a few and fear them around this time of year. And I am rooting for them this time! Your psychotic designation is not far wrong. Well, they are New Yorkers to start with... Blue and White all the way, Original Six final, yay!
  12. LO very L! As we say here, when hell freezes over we'll still play hockey on when in Siberia... Real men do indeed eat quiche if their wives tell them to. I know this from experience. Real hockey playing men leap off the operating table after an appendectomy to get back in the lineup. They play triple overtime until their entire nervous systems collapse. Real men are freaking masochists if you ask me. And God bless them for it.
  13. Blush. Back at you. Game 7 tonight - one team does and one team dies!! Be prepared! Mme C.Silkenpurse, nee Sowsear
  14. I I will take the high road and just root for the Caps in Game 7, and serve you right Adam. Also my best friend's son-in-law is an ex-Washington scout (now working for the burnished Flames (Johnny Hockey, we hardly knew ye!) Also, even though I want to see Ovie and the boys get their day of icy glory, I don't think NY could beat the Ducks, and I hate those miserable fowl for beating Puck Whisperer Bob Hartley and his gallant band. Remember, the Stanley Cup was actually sunk in the waters like Arthur's sword but Canada got it back. Next year in Jerusalem is a real concept for a Leafs fan. By the time we win again it will probably be against the Tel Aviv Ice Terns.
  15. Dear Emile, You seem to be the only conduit to the Hockey Gods, so could you ask them why they have cursed us? I am 113 and cannot go peacefully to m ylong rest unless I know! Resignedly, Toronto Dear Toronto, The gods have now exactly cursed you, they just don't like you very much, and they admonish you to remember that even in the GTA there are reasons to live: 1. There are still two Canadian teams going to second round of the playoffs. You can cheer without fear of fatal heartbreak. 2. You can imagine the chagrin of your good friend Adam whose Rangers have to play Washington, home of that Commie president whose star player is that Commie Russian. And worse if the Caps advance he will have to see his favourite president pretending to appreciate hockey. Tee-hee, right? End of the third period game tied, and ol' Barack is checking his phone. Urgent state business? Nah, the basketball scores.
  16. That's treads, not trods, Bill dear...the neglect of you young fry's English education is just lamentable, that's what. But you lighten my heart at least and bring all other kinds of heartedness so I don't see why you would bother trying to be just frivolous. Leave lightheartedness of the frivolous sort to the fun-loving, Camembert-warming, selfie-framing crowd in the Senate. - Rachel Lynde. (Mrs) Adam, those thingies are so damn cute. I am predicting Rangers vs Habs in the Cup So far the playoff games I have watched have been the best in years, doubtless due to the high proportion of Canadian teams in the mix.
  17. And Mike, you forgot the dulse ,Moosehead and Ganongs Palomines.. I am fightin fit, b'y!
  18. You are all too right Brant; this is not even my real birthday, it is Ayn Rand's (sorry for the sacrilege) and my nom de net is still just an acronym ... but I remain 100% me and tho I have been off the web for months having various life adventures (yeah, mainly medical.. what do you want, I am 113), it looks like I will be having many more birthdays and I feel fantastically well and I am delighted to see everyone is still here. My oasis. Love and looking forward, C.
  19. Ganongs Delecto Bordeaux dark chocolate....
  20. Ugh, ugh, squash with butter and garlic, you just made me think about it! No Jonathan, I do not think I have the ability to hate any food more than squash unless it is turnip. With lumps. Oh, no....
  21. L very l. I never said there was anything wrong with such qualities, just that they may not strike answering chords in the plebeian female Alien.
  22. A lady never tells her age. Well, almost never.
  23. I hate thick slice bread, I hate it like poison (or like dirt, depending on your moral proclivities), and it is all you can buy in a cheap sliced loaf for under $2' what is the use of being 113 if you have to slice your own bread and damn near cut your thumbs off? Even Wonder Bread used to be about 1/4" thick. Wasn't it? I refuse to flatten every slice with a rolling pin or pay more for Weight Watchers thin sliced when I do not need to lose weight. this is the Staff of Life I am talking about. Powers that Be, keep your circuses and rightsize the bread, Thank you.