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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Your values choose you, and use you . According to what you need and want the most.
  2. Oh alright. I know that beating the P0rtland timberwolves is not exactly like winning the Trojan War, however, everything has to start somewhere.
  3. Graphic geniuses, if you have time help me out. if you,like sports you might even have fun... Recently in the globe , mail toronto there was a terrific photo of the 1928 to. Leafs team being Drilled in training camp. drilled by a cDNArmy vet in 1928.wonderful valiant lardbutts. 0ne irresistibly recalls Phil Kessel who is a total old s.chool hockey. Anyway, if, in your leisure time, you could put the heads of our 2014 lineup onto the bodies of those terrific guys, I would just love it. And gyre as well as gimbel! in the wabe no less. .tia no hurry
  4. Goodness gracious , great balls of fire, how culturally perfect is that?
  5. Note: the opinion Wolf quotes is not mine. I was reporting an argument - with which I disagree - that someone on another list used to make. Ellen Of course and I think we all got the point. Personally I have wandered around the neighbourhood wearing very few clothes . was not ever molested.indeed probably not even Been noticed".... It was just really hot.
  6. And you moralist , do not know jack, or Jill either, or at least you pretend not to. I Cannot address you as Greg because I do not know Greg, I only know moralist, even though I know more personal stuff about you than of other OLers who feel like friends to me. I do know you purport to be a Christian, which I am also, but I do not, recall Christ advocating beyond the eye for an eye. He was kind of about forgiveness and common humanity and stuff which sounds so lame now, but was kinda revolutionary at the time.
  7. Holy old teakettle, FC beat Portland. Not that anybody cares except the greedy team owners and the soccer mad fans an d well, part of kind of me.
  8. There was a time when Syria was exotically far away from us, yet we all have our appointments in Samarra..
  9. Nah - jet fuel - then an incendiary mortar round... And then what? Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, D.C., Milwaukee... never have so many needed us for a creative solution. Cripes Wolf, where do you live? your profile doesn't say if it is Sodom or Gomorrah.
  10. Geez Carol, since you have no rational arguments for Hockey being "better" [<<undefined I might point out, however I won't] than Football, I was trying to give you a PC argument that it benefits women and you turn it into an attack on your poor innocent neighbors, who have done nothing to our northerly neighbors.And to pour gunpowder into our wounds we have suffered protecting Canada!Attacking our sacred Second Amendment rights!!Ah, the bitter tea you offer us!!A...DVD crimes is hilarious, especially when you consider the garbage that is imprinted on them...You'll pay up the taxes on that tea one of these days...
  11. Baltimore has huge fans in our family, me because of Laura Lippmann and my sons because of her husband, creator of the Wire. lay off Baltimore.
  12. Lol Derek. Guys just keep your Augean stables solutions to your own side of the border, OK?
  13. Just read my last post and should explain I am again using myson s IPad and it seems to have somekind of autocorrect that changes what I deliberately write into a Malapropism. I would go and correct but DVD crimes is kind of funny and frankly I am just prolonging my usage till he reposses it, in fact watching the Toronto FC who are just too painful to talk about.
  14. oh, oh Adam., some might argue that but they would be just,as collectivist and wrong as those who would argue that there are fewer Americans, period, in the NHl, and that Americans, collectively kill more domestic partners via handguns because they have more access to them, and that the last NHLer accused of DVD was a Russian....but we are all too rational for such tosh, nestcepas.?
  15. Reasons to Live even though you are a Toronto Sports Fan: 1. Blue Jays sucked again last year,,, but, Dalton Pompey. 2. Raptors actually had a good year, but no good players want to move here because it is cold. but, Masai Ujiri. 3'. Argos a aargh... But, the Cfl still is, and we will not get the NFL here yet, and also, Pinball Clemons. 4. This is not as nice and uplifting a reason, in fact it is a pretty glum and mean one, but full disclosure, when you are desperate even a crummy reason is better than none-- I am rememberingJ once was grousing about how his hometeams were disasters except the women's world class basketball champs, which turned my mind to Minny (the Wild were terrific last year but whazzupwith Harding? Fighting MS isn't enough, he has to fight with his own teammates and get injured)? Ok deep breath. Leafs disappointed again like always, got named the worst franchise again like always ... But though we may be stuck with Bob & Doug the McFord bros, at least we are not stuck with a Peterson or a Rice . I told you it was glum, and I do not pretend that there may not be a violent domestic abuser among the athletes who provide me with escapist refuge. I am just saying that I am not aware of any such rumours even, and do not have to think it possible unless such facts might come out. M The Graham James horror was worse even than the current ones, and hockey survived and learned from it. Also, Wiliam Nylander, Stuart Percy, etc... There is always next year, or in Leafs case the year after next, eh?
  16. Lol Brant. We can always count on you regularly for the OL poster's equivalent of the Gordie Howe hat trick.
  17. I don't know enough about football to comment on Mike's comments there, but his hockey observations are sound. Hockey is all or nothing... Except for the abomination of shoot outs, imposed by boneheaded suits who think the fans need the catharsis of game winner everytime and cannot appreciate an honourable draw. Well, we don't and we can, we hate the damn things, the players hate them, the sports media hates them,save them for the finals.
  18. "Officially approved" by whom? Zoning permits not having been obtained from whom? Prior to advising everyone to embark on a "libertarian exodus" toward freedom and away from the "tyranny" of North America, how did it not occur to her to investigate the potential tyrannies of the Promised Land? I spent an hour or so trying to find out a few basics. First up, what is the address, actual map location? This is not offered at the website (which I won't link to it is so pathetic, empty and awful), and it isn't publicly apparent anywhere else, but with some further digging I found the location on Wikimapia. It is on the road north of Curacavi. Here's a link to the image below from Google Maps Streetview. It looks like the major, persistent flub of the promoters was in not clarifying the actual legal process involved in land acquisition and development. Chile is not some outpost beyond modern civilization, and neither is the region. It has environmental-impact laws, land-use-planning bureaucracy, and a well-developed legal system replete with further bureaucracy. Its taxes on property are quite low, but are assessed by, yes, another bureaucracy. It has national ID cards. It requires you to obtain a Tax Number (among other bureaucratic land-registry business) to buy property. It has zoning laws and regulations, building permits, work orders, certificates of legal completion of planned and permitted buildings. And on and on. It seems to me, after digging around and finding one great single site with excellent advice**, that every purchaser was a lamb to slaughter who did not do an hour or two of independent investigation. The summary of my boring trudge is that the first thing you want to do if you are going to buy land in Chile is to perform a title search** (yes, just like the hideous bureaucracy of North America). The proper person to do such a thing in Chile is a lawyer, and you need to hire an expert one to do that search, because this tells you almost everything you need to know about a property. So, obviously, no one was buying a piece of land in Chile, not a single person besides the actual legal owners who are registered at the freaking local land registry. Nobody bought land, so what were they buying? Hopes and promises, iffy documents, blabbity blah. I am almost on the side of Greg here, that the victims of GCC were willing conspirators or at least a bit stunned into compliance or persuasion. How could anyone put money down without figuring out the freaking system? What is my money buying? Where is the legal document that assures me you are not lying and fiddling and scamming? No one was "savvy" enough to discover the water and zoning issues prior to investing or purchasing? No one seemed savvy enough to dig even an inch deep. There never was enough initial money to properly plan for and permit the dream, no clear ability to develop necessary finances except by a variation on a pyramid scheme ("The Founders" secret group? your first clue).Here's four valuable paragraphs from the excellent Chilean legal services site such an excellently informative post, worth posting twice. Thanks for slogging in the boredom so we don,t have to . In return I at least will gimbel in the wabe for you,sometime or other.I too find it difficult to feel much anguish for a group of dupes who literally never checked any premises here. Sure, I am jealous that they have that kind of cash to throw over the rainbow in the first place... But surely they earned their money by being smart! Just general knowledge would tell anybody that buying land in any foreign country is a huge gamble . My son actually owns a little land in Nicaragua, jointly with his wife and her cousin who is married to a Nicaraguan, because in this particular area non Nicaraguan citizens are not allowed to buy property. however, he knows a few non Nicaraguan citizens who were persuaded to "buy" property and got rooked. They were not libertarians or anarchists though, just "savvy investors".
  19. The cash value of physical science is the technology that it engenders. What is the cash value of philosophy? Ba'al Chatzaf [/quote Oh, who could resist this one? a secondhand Rand paperback ..$5 Life as a first hander...priceless. Thx visa or whoever it was
  20. I remember that! Ah, Ralph... Those were the good old innocent, wholesome days .
  21. Have you ever read this?J or collaborated in any writing or other business projects with her?
  22. No, only his sister..oops, too late, she already has. Nobody could deny Rob any damn drug he wants these days. Compared to Doug he is just a loveable screwup anyways.
  23. 'Reassuring and not reassuring. --Brant HMCS Toronto is cruising around there keeping the peace, so don't worry about anything.