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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. We're scared, though! Silver and Trigger
  2. ... because than Ballard nobody could possibly be worse. Pre-season exhibition games are here and Leafs are undefeated! Just saying.
  3. (1) It just is. (2) Fewer silly-ass victory gymnastics for just doing your job. Also, it is harder to happy dance on skates unless you are Kurt Browning. (3) NHL's Itty Bitty Bettman is marginally more ethical than Roger the Dodger Badell. (4O Since Ballard, NHL team owners are marginally better than football team owners. To be continued.....
  4. Glad that is off your chest Brant, but I am too Respectable to speculate about the things that are still left on there!
  5. No, we don't. Your comment is apt though, child beating is a long tradition everywhere (I was surprised that southern blacks think they have a monopoly on it, it was well known in my native northern town, black pop. zero. ),
  6. Thanks ! Could be varied -- Rand and two guys walk into bar and walk right out again. "Howcome?" asks the doorman -- "Oh, we were just checking premises." Is it too late for me to start a sitdown comedy career?
  7. Hey, if Ayn Rand walks into a bar, Paul And Ryan follow her. After checking the premises.
  8. Where you would least expect it, bloodlines still matter in politics, gack, shudder. carol Toronto
  9. He was a Maritimer, of course! and there is a rumour thAt the immortal Stomping Tom was his descendant on the wrong side of the blanket.
  10. Good grief, six degrees trump art and life everytime. Hank was probably the first singer I ever heard and I'm Movin On with its laconic edge, and his version of I Don't Hurt Anymore (also a great I Quit Smoking anthem) are still my karaoke craves. but don't tell anybody.
  11. I'm going to frame this. I'm trying to think of something to spoil this for you. --Brantbe patient .Ellen is right yet again! Hey, hey, my girlfriend's back! You guys pickin' on me--you're gonna be sorry! --Brant . Heyla, Heyla... she,s kinda a prig and she's often wrong....
  12. Brant:Apparently, there are objective numbers that demonstrates that the number of reported domestic violence incidents from the NFL are well under the percentages in the general public.Coupled with the concussion issues, the NFL has been targeted by the left.I was astounded to learn that the Commissioner of the NFL makes:$46,000,000.00 A YEAR...A...A true study would compare the stats for men in the same socioeconomic bracket as NFL stars. Entertainment celebrities, which they are, have always been held to a higher standard through morals clauses, etc. The players get their millions in part as Danger Pay for future concussion and dementia. Women who marry them share the danger and find, I hope, compensation for the risks they run.But the kids have no choice, at all. This is where to me there are no politics., and no two sides to the question, just civilization, or else savagery. If a stranger grabs your preschooler and whips him until he bleeds, including on his private parts, is he merely usurping your own privilege? The grandmother of the whipped child has called it love.
  13. -Also Jerry. Hawaii is one of my altime favourite epics, I even enjoyed the movie. have watched it a couple of times but reread the book at least three.
  14. I'm going to frame this. I'm trying to think of something to spoil this for you. --Brant be patient . Ellen is right yet again!
  15. Most of the regulars here seem to learn stuff from being here -not just facts - and then there is you, jts. I know you are not without humour but you also seem to be without rational parameters. Jesse Ventura for godsakes.
  16. Ye silly wee sassenachs! No true Scotsman has to make such a choice. --- Mons Meg
  17. Sorry Adam,you are right to be irritated. I should have looked it up.
  18. She also said famously that she could discern a man's philosophy by knowing who he slept with. No word on a woman's philosophy, but presumably the same applied. Hmmmm.
  19. Yes, that is it! A very affecting book, if you,come across it you should read it.
  20. I read one of Puzo's early unsuccessful novels, quite autobiographical I think, about growing up Italian in Murca .. It was quite good and I wish I could remember the name! At university I read Le Rouge et le Noir in the original, also Mme Bovary, Antigone, en attendant Godot,and a bunch of surrealists who made no sense in any language. I consider Flaubert and Beckett to be great writers.. I remember Stendhal impressed me profoundly but I remember too little of the book itself to comment now. maybe I should read it in translation as I did later with the other two.
  21. OK, your testimonial is good enough for me. Carol Eternal optimist
  22. Only if it makes a good cocktail mixer.
  23. I shall indeed be around, some people just cannot be gotten rid of . It would give me a lot of joy to see our ever vilified Leafs beat the overly coddled Flyers!
  24. Toronto, Ontario. It is also,located equidistant from my place and my son's, five minutes by car each way and just to complete the serendipity, Andy happened to buy a car around the time I got my first dodgy X-Ray, weeks before I told anyone anything.
  25. Rand (end of life quote [spurious?]): "I cast pearls of literary genius and didn't even get a pork chop back."--Brant That is so funny that I hope it isn't spurious, though I suspect you made it up. What did she need pork for anyway. her fame and money and the adoration of hunky young Branden (badly as it ended) were hardly chopped liver.