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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. thanks for asking! In a desultory attempt to educate self a bit on a subject I have gratefully thought little about since reluctantly concluding that Howard R was a great lover but a. Highly unreliable contractor , I googled a bunch of cities architecture. TucsOn knocked me dead. There is something about turquoise doors that speaks to my very soul. I ought to have known but didn't,t how Spanish organic it must look. There is a site called Design I with Reason ,...any relation?
  2. "Something Rand made up" , yes indeed Ellen. her relentless creativity made up a whole little world, as Heller.s bio title acknowledges. I recently read a review of a book about the shameful lynching of Joseph Smith, who created Mormonism. Although his book was not even original to him (the most plausible explanation of Its provenance to me is that Smith stole it from a literary clergyman he worked for ) and makes the Quran look like a font of spiritual wisdom (think L Ron Hubbard with no writing talent whatsoever) nevertheless loyalty to Smith laid the foundation of a thriving religion.The reviewer argued that it was the sheer force of his personality that caused so many to accept the ridiculous precepts, or perhaps I should call them percepts, of this new American religion. I wonder! if Rand could have lived and proselytized as freely as Smith (without being martyred, one hopes) And especially if she could have left behind a dozen grieving husbands and scores of children...where might Objectivism be now?
  3. Old Man Gehry did a better job in Spain than he did on his hometown art gallery, if you ask me. but as somebody who likes the look of Old City Hall.(1899) and "New" City Hall (1966), you wouldn't ask me about architecture anyway.
  4. I It is easy to see, jts, why you feel comfortable on Rand based site, as your passion for redefining common words and rationalizing the most ignorant and untenable conclusions appear to be impregnable swords and bucklers. for you against a smartass world.
  5. What movie is this?:iKnow, I know!!! The Americanization ofEmily.
  6. No, true enough, but hardly what I would call bad weather. Apparently you are not a Canadian sir!
  7. You, !Mr Doctors are Poisoners and modern medicine is a all a Fraud! Call Baal "morbidly negative". Pot, meet Kettle.
  8. I think that is the point. Prudent Paul is a-cleaning of the paper trail afore he rides forth to joust for Kingship of the Castle.
  9. Thx MSK (adroitly shifting spotlight to self)' I am for the present installed at my son,s place under orders to do exactly what I like most, lie around the house doing nothing more strenuous than reading and not wearing many clothes, being waited on. IPad courtesy of the management. I am up for parole in two weeks.
  10. Michael is right, Brant. Marc has also had some perfectly rational conversations about hockey despite his Phillyphilia. carol Egger-on
  11. In building as in all, "Only the actions of the just/ smell sweet and blossom in their dust." I like the Habitat too. it reminds me of the Pueblo (?) cave apartments and the various cosy homes of Beatrix Potter critters.
  12. Conventional medical science acknowledges that some tumours stop growing, some cancers inexplicably retreat, some individuals survive what kills the majority of others. Where no explanation is provable , reputable practitioners do not attempt to construct theories without any factual experimental basis. I am as willing to believe that fasting, or Vitamin C overload are as effective in curing cancer as is prayer, or fervent belief in the paramount role of nutrition in all things medical. it is as you say, unprovable and all post hoc propter hoc anyway.
  13. Anyone from Toronto can empathize with the Brazilians in their Sophoclean suffering. At least here we actually make money out of our humiliations and do not lose it, I am inexpressibly grateful to the players and organizers though I cannot bring myself took say a. good word for FIFA. This World Cup had the best play I can remember seeing, brilliant, as beautiful as the Game can be. I had some surgery on July 4(!!yeah) to which I was not much looking forward, and the mesmerizing flow of the games and rounds was. The perfect distractor and soother. I got out of the hospital in time for the finals and wept with the Brazilians and rejoiced with the Germans and just, you know, celebrated life.
  14. Incidentally I have just finished Martin Chuzzlewit w/Phiz. Illustrations and two thoughts:: - Some of Dickens's savagely satiric comments on aw the America of 1840 still apply - illustration and cartooning in general are probably as old as cave art and as sublimely indifferent to philosophy's definitions.
  15. Yes, J is more about chopping away the marble that doesn't look like part of an elephant , than sculpting a high altar of Esthetic theory.It is ok by me but tough on those who follow Rand!s Thesean threads through the labyrinth into the sanctuary. myself un encumbered by any theories of art whatever, I was very bothered by that free romantic lady sunbathing on top of the skyscraper who would Fall right off it if she rolled over even slightly.r,p
  16. Jonathan, your inimitableness continues to humble a a wretched second hand world. I recall you also once value traded with fellow Freedom Leaper WSS to create a Man Medallion of stark ruthless uncompromisingness, or something. Now your overarching artistic vision embraces, yea, all creatures great and small! Eat your heart out Kanye West. In awe, c.
  17. Hi guys, as you will have gethered from my infrequency and terseness I have done in another laptop so I cannot seek help. I just wanted to mention that I have not sent any PMs since Feb. and have (likely therefore) not received any either. But just in case anybody sent me one I did not get it. I am nae hame now, I am at the liebury/ Under the clock/\. I can read off my Infernal Machine but the keyboard is shot and a 3 hour conversation with some guy in Mumbai rendered me only with the onscreen keyboard which is a torture device.
  18. Daunce: you vixen, where have you been! Your wit has been missed around here. In fact, Adam has claimed to be tortured by your absence!* *But, apparently, he liked it! Brant missed you so much he flounced for almost two weeks! And Greg the Moralist has apparently been so distraught that he has been reduced to repeating himself again, and again, and again, and then claiming all of us deserved it. And I have missed you so much I have become one of those weenies who uses too many emoticons! PDS, you fox. I too have missed you all dearly (well, most of you) but circs divide me more from posting than I would wish. Briefly I have been doing some medical stuff which, fear not, bids fair to render me even more super-excellent than I already am, if possible, but it is distracting and my laptop is a goner. However I have much to say and aim to resurge ! Tomorrow if not sooner. Life does not have the same savour without Kelly's Tavern and its exclusive and refined clientele. A la prochaine C
  19. Carol, That is probably the most bigoted statement ever uttered on OL. (just joking...) Michael Celibacy ... it's the new promiscuity. Sister Carol, O.M.