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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Nor do I care, Brant... I'm only noting that we each have two different standards of behavior and this world will always be that way. Greg My standard is deeper than your standard. --Brant Yes, it is. Moralist's prediction is wrong. The world will always have as many standards of behaviour as there are individuals Celibacy is cool!.
  2. I love the Habs unconditionally and am severely bigoted against the NY Rangers, despite my tender mercy towards Adam. Not sure about the Dallas Cowboys. Don't approve of American football. - God
  3. I meant Target but the Editor won't let me change it.
  4. Any thoughts on why Walmart has been such a spectacular failure in Canada?
  5. Thx Adam -- don't make me feel guiltier now -- the Luddite slope is slippery enough! Rangers are hanging on by a skatelace----
  6. It's F.T. Sterling for Filthy Tarnished. However the currency is still good and Massa Don will not lose one cent whatever the NBA does to him. That's the sports biz for you, and sportsbiz owners contain the lowest specimens of homo sapiens. (No disrespect to Mark Cuban or Ed Snider, they are exceptions. Carol (just thought I should check in and confirm that I have not been in jail, hospital, or football camp with Rob Ford. Just preoccupied with stuff). afterthought - I don't know who owns the Wild but they oughta be proud! Jonathan can emerge from his basketball/football gloom into the playoff gleam of hope. Go Minny!
  7. lol Worth reading? Modesty forbids. You've already read most of it if you followed Canadian Boring thread. Combined with the ESL part I expect to craft a crossover volume of dynamic interest to the vital demographics of Outdated Canadiana Fans and People Who do are Not Good at Reading English..
  8. First Dr Mrs Dr's new old dissertation, now Peikoff's new old lesson plans following Pigero's new old articles. I better get cracking on Xin Chu and Abdullah's ESL Level 7 Tales of the Sacred Igloo.
  9. What ill is obstructing the Credo? Is it being brought forth out of Play-doh? Has the sweet Muse been spayed Or delivery delayed Cause the Elephant's not getting -- (you know--) ? - Brant is as inspiring as ever
  10. At first I thought Eva M. was Mrs Moralist, having a merry adventure.
  11. Thanks, any admiration is always welcome. And I don't find the site is any piggier than it was when I first joined it. Not that that is saying much. Your absence has not made our admiration grow fonder.** **Meant as a compliment. Not sure if the plane landed on the right runway. Yeah, it landed on #9 where I'm stuck here on the ground.
  12. Not too drunk or stoned to threaten damage and have good friends inflict it for him, in or out of jail. Thanks, any admiration is always welcome. And I don't find the site is any piggier than it was when I first joined it. Not that that is saying much.
  13. Randian Exceptionalism. As only she herself could entirely expound her philosophy, only she herself could interpret its ethics as to her own behaviour.
  14. Careful what you wish for my friend! Am getting a chance to hit and run here at work -- wish I were there too. As soon as I come up with something faintly new in response to the latest lows on the Degradation Meter that is Rob and his entire repulsive family (poor Renata excluded), Kimmel or Letterman blatantly steal my thoughts without attribution. At least Blobbie is upholding Canada's rep as the world's greatest exporter of comedic entertainment.
  15. Apopcalyptic Horsepersons don't haul no buses! Doomdrayer , steed of Scytheman
  16. That message is exactly what my horrible keyboard is producing these days . and even a trip to the net cafe requires sled dogs and thermal undies-- bon anniversaire to Just My Bill ( you all can share though), I miss him here and everyone else-- do not plan to be MIA much longer. Carol frozen in the GWN
  17. His friends here will be concerned to hear that Nick had a stroke over three weeks ago, but glad that is back home already and has recovered beautifully except for fatigue and some difficulty in reading. So he has asked me to pass the news along which I am doing belatedly! (my own technical difficulties I cannot excuse as being medical)/ his wonderful family are taking great care of him and I feel he will soon be back to work on his current novel and speaking for himself. Very very best to all;from me too, soon I will be back on troll patrol and curbing your worst excesses! Or encouraging them. \\ Adam and Brant, sit down, I do not mean you!
  18. Was? Has she died? I'm not finding a death date on some sources I googled. I found a site called "". Take a look at this photo and this one. Her eyes in the first one remind me of my "Aunt Em"s eyes. (Actually my first cousin once removed.) Aunt Em lived to be well along into her 90s. The other features are different -- Em, whose mother was an AmerIndian, looked a bit like Georgia O'Keefe in features. Stark lines, aquiline nose. I've been reading Middlemarch in earnest, around some work projects I've been busy with. I'm up through the end of Book II. I'm wishing I'd read Middlemarch years ago. I've been missing out on delicious pleasures of comparing/contrasting Eliot and Rand. There's a sense in which I'd describe Eliot as "the Lessing of the Victorian era" -- the probing dissection. Ellen Yes, a pair that jumps out at me is Rosamund/Lilian as evil females.
  19. Ah, a true utopian willing to try to hoard OL feral cats! hoard or herd? Ouch...It has been corrected! Thanks. A... You can hoard a horde of cats, but you can't make them herd.
  20. I heard that Moralist is also writing a book, reflecting both mystical and Eastern European influences: " The Unbearable Smugness of Solipsism".
  21. Engineers working together at a governmentfunded academic institution? They will have to call it Galts' motor.
  22. RB, you should know that the OL Swat unit is on site, and they haven't done any swatting for ages.
  23. lol It is Toronto that needs the vacation. We long desperately for municipal politics to be boring. Seriously, I hope he goes. I don't want him officiating at the Remembrance Day ceremony. I don't like the symbolism.
  24. Ford spends a lot of time in Florida. Since his best friends at home included convicted drug dealers, prostitutes and wife beaters, he probably has a more wholesome environment down there.
  25. His brother said that he should "go down to Florida for a couple of weeks, lose fifty pounds..." Sounds like he is considering liposuction, I actually think that would be a good idea.