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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Told ya DDL! He says his answer stays the same, which is the no answer he gave in the first place. Just another sermon. Don't you realize yet that it is all about Him?
  2. You are not alone Adam ..these are the times that all good men must rotate their axes to their edges.
  3. Union General Phillip Sheridan went one better: The only good Indian is a dead Indian. But it was Andrew Jackson, the stone killer, who really implemented the program with the march of the Cherokee to Oklahoma Territory. Half the Cherokee nation perished on that march (The Trail of Tears), the American version of the Bataan Death March. What goes around comes around. Thomas Jefferson feared divine retribution for the Sin of Slavery. He was right. God in his Wrath gave us a 2000 mile border with Mexico and gave us Puerto Rico as a booby prize. Ba'al Chatzaf
  4. Art deco jewelry is not drecko. some of the designs are stunningly and starkly beautiful.
  5. O I loved Jack Benny , it was the first American show I can remember seeing. He had that great dungeon with alligators in the moat to guard the household budget money. The first fiscal conservative I learned to love.
  6. I do.And in confronting the trap I fully admit to a fondness for Jarslberg.
  7. Unfortunately when I look at a pack of cigarettes I get that same feeling of reassurance. And they are covered with hideous images of diseased lungs.
  8. I knew there was something going on with bear costumes! PDS, come clean!
  9. You know, I sense a Next Big Thing in the works. With Dr Mrs Dr so tech savvy we could be looking at a new OWN network to eclipse that uppity liberal Oprah. Already there are a couple of sex experts on tap, fitness advisors, diet gurus...ready to give the world the Real Objective Reality. OWN would be short for, of course, Objectivists Whining about Nothing.
  10. Yes! To be on the safe side you should not eat anything. You might be allergic to something and not know about it, and eating immorally is eating immorally. Not knowing is no excuse because it is your personal responsibility to know everything about food allergies in case you might have one.
  11. Speaking of which types, checking in on Oonline, I see that Knuckledragger Nicky is exuding his characteristic charisma and visibility. He berates Boydstun for using the collectivist term `Tribes`` in denoting his Choctaw ancestry. Thorough as he Knuck is, I don`t doubt healso reported this transgression to a moderator.
  12. Holy Mary, Mother of God, I am grateful for the great blessings Your son has bestowed on me in my dream job and stepping stone to the NHL. And I ask you to intercede with him for one more prayer, not for myself but for my parent club, for their continued health and safety. PLEASE keep the Leafs healthy, I am getting so many players called up and the replacement pool is running dry. Already the scouts are reduced to covering the Boy Scout Skateathons, and I have had to sign two Russian players who don`t speak English and then found out one of them was a figure skater. In the name iof the Father, the Son, and all that`s Holy, Scott S. Marlies Head Coach
  13. OmOmOmOmOmOmOmOmOm.....34 is the new 24...34 is the new 24...34 is the new 24.... J.S.
  14. Nice one jts. Now you are inviting the Americans here to post smears against Canadian leaders, saying they are crackheads....
  15. Who's on first? Brant!Brant! Brant! we chant.
  16. It sounded great in the taverns of England in its original version. Except to the part of its audience that woke up the next day as new members of the Royal Navy.
  17. I started out to say, excellent post Michael, but got icebound there... are there really many market vs merit types? Even Perigo seems to market his own merit as best he can... and J may have a point too. He must know people in the publishing and agency businesses, even celebrities , yet all he could get for his blurber was a tennis player ,. Most people I know , including some self published authors, realize that marketing is the major factor in success, in any trade, although merit is essential in having a product to sell. And luck. Luck matters.
  18. Great Allah, did you hear him laughing when I tripped and took that bad fall? I thought I broke my coccyx and he was all hahaha! He didn't laugh too loud when his pet Bozak got hamstrung....he is a beast and a tyrant, O Allah turn his heathen heart to the fact that I get hurt he will have exactly ONE centre and then he would stop laughing, and help me be just and remember that he is still a lot better than Wilson was. Gingerly, Nazem
  19. Deanna, you certainly believe this person and her situation are real, just as Moralist believes her hypothetical. That is because you do not understand the nature of objective reality as well as he does, and maybe because you are a woman.
  20. OMG you played in the Terriers band! They are one of the best teams in the whole NAAC program! You got to go to all the games! It is too much to hope that it was the BU coach, but I heard a great story from a retired NHL referee who was being interviewed on the hockey channel. He was refereeing a college tournament and the home coach was an excitable type. It was a finalround game and the pep band was sitting behind the home bench. The ref called a penalty and Coach went ape, tried to jump onto the ice with fists bunched, was restrained by players so he leapt on top of the scorers table, swearing and screaming and waving his arms like he was trying to get rescued off a desert island. The ref tried to ignore him but he was so distracting and disruptive that Ref skated over to him, pointed dramatically and yelled, "If you want to conduct the band, turn around! You're facing the wrong way!"
  21. This was said in the context of him being frustrated with his own sales and not being able to offer marketing advice. Let's break this down according to Objectivism, shall we? Law of identity: This jerk wants the market to work the way his whims dictate, not according to the way its identity says it must work. The unearned: This jerk wants an unearned share of this market, since he wants a big share, but wishes to deny the nature of its identity and existence. Ultimately, this is a negation of the nature of human beings. Michael It is an affirmation of his declared naievete, though. Books do not sell themselves on their merits and never have. They don't publish themselves even. Successful authors traditionally persuade or pay professional agents and publishers to take on these functions. It is a sad commentary on the merits of Perigo's work that with all his years and connections accrued in the communications business, his persuasive skills have failed him in this regard.
  22. You know, the Dark Ages were not really all that dark when you look at now. The Holy Roman Empire got Stupor Mundi and Leafs Nation gets Stupor Rotundi, Amor Fundi. At least he wore his NFL tie.
  23. The veiled project could be a return to television, or to politics. Or he could be negotiating marriage with Moeller, on the rebound. Or indeed, a von Fursternburg/Dilleresque alliance with Olivia, Lady HooHa! I too cannot wait for the first of the year for the exciting news. But he does not say what year.