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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Thank you Jesus! Sweet Christ, this was a long time coming! Population of Edmonton
  2. Yeah, kinda grows on you, doesn't he? As Adam said it is all in the perspective, and Ford's perspective certainly comes from his axis.
  3. Be very afraid Moralist. Brant and his platoon have been known to take down galaxies, one planet at a time.
  4. Too busy with northern morons. Now Ford has admitted he smoked crack, but only because he was in, his words, "one of my drunken stupors." So that is OK then. Meantime his brother Doug has called on the Police Chief to step down.
  5. The latest reports on you guys from across the border is the alleged crackhead has allowed/ordered the tape to be released and that he is going to have to get help/treatment for this issue. However, there is nothing on-line: Brett Gundlock, Reuters Rob Ford: I'm not a crackhead. Can you guys rent him out to Macy's Parade this year? We can put him on a big crack pipe float, or, he could be the big crack pipe float.Read more: This guy had a 70% approval rate? You realize that according to Moralist's standards it is the people of Toronto that share his morals because he was elected by you! And I saw you sneak in that new member yesterday from Ontario! A.... Hey Adam, Brother, that was not Rob or his brother Doug. It was his Other Brother Doug. He is a good guy who does not get let out of the house much and will benefit from the ideals of the Order by having different Brothers from Rob and Other Doug. Also he paid five years of membership dues in advance, in cash.
  6. Interesting and clear intro to what looks like thought provoking series. Obviously you will address the Dismal science, and will you include history as a human science? Did you notice that David "Jefferson was a closet Evangelical" Barton is testing the waters for a Senate run in Texas.? Just what they need, another ivory tower intellectual lol.
  7. OK PDS, paxss, truce along the border. I had a long night at my new volunteer job, hanging around the parking lots of local bars and dissuading my fellow Canadians from getting into their cars. Not only did I make a difference in potential DUI statistics, I also collected $43.20 beer money!
  8. Very instructive guys. I am glad you will be ready when Ted Kennedy returns from the dead and tries to drown you.
  9. Of course if you live in a dangerous place you must be vigilant. How often do muggers and burglars try to rob you or enter your home?
  10. I too often think about people who are not killed by guns. Specifically, a former student whose husband threatened to kill her, tried to do so by strangulation. He also tried to obtain a gun, as was attested in court, but silly government regulations prevented him, so he tried with a knife but she survived. She is not hypothetical but real, and she was not protected by anything except luck and perhaps, the law.
  11. Yes, of course. It is much more efficient to kill someone than just to burn or hit them on the head.
  12. you can always count on good old Baal to cheer you up, With friends like these, courage Brant cher ami.
  13. O but my point is that methodology matters so much Evil intend is everywhere but guns do not have to be.
  14. Yes, I did think of leeches as insects, and I will not even get into the cuttlefish which Aristotle studied, except the varieties of life are glorious....
  15. I hope I amuse you, but in fact, | was serious. Greenspan, the most ardent Rand economist ever, admitted that he was wrong. No economist today peeks his head over the battlements to make any predictions.Economists like the rest of us are the witnesses and slaves of history.
  16. I do not understand your point here. \of course if a properly armed person wanted to shoot up a hockey rink he could do so. Of course I am glad that nobody has wanted to do it so far.....???
  17. I would not rely too heavily on MADD statistics without independent checking. They are a lobby group with their own slant obviously. Their director had some legal problems recently.
  18. btw PDS, what position did you play in your hockey days? I see you as a two way defenceman, which you still are for grateful clients.
  19. I disagree there should be an Economics forum. It is the Dismal Science and not really a science, its current practitioners can barely speak English, especially when It is their native language, and they are always wrong in their predictions.
  20. Your quote mentions injuries, not deaths, and there are no statistics that I can find, of Canadian citizens being deliberately murdered by automobiles. I have written a few RIPs for my fellow citizens, publicly and in my own heart. Every killed person has a name, as you say. I only said the name of Hernandez here, because none of his fellow Americans did. If you think cars are the same as guns, then you think so. I don't.
  21. Amen and amen! I humbly note that the prayer of Reimer was answered, he got a shutout ..and indeed that of Kadri, for Bozak is now on long term injured. But careful what you pray for, we got creamed in Vancouver and Bolland is bad injured.
  22. You are right, I cannot help myself on this topic sometimes. Maybe the American drunk driving statistics are way better than ours. Because Americans stay home polishing their guns instead of driving around drunk. Or we give our kids a shot of vodka and the car keys, and hope they do not run over anybody. Gerardo Hernandez did not die in a car crash. Driving, like carrying guns, is not an obligatory activity.
  23. Why did I not laugh then? I usually recognise your humour and it always make me laugh. I am just thinking about who gets killed by guns in the US : Mostly criminals and gangs who kill each other; neighbours and acquaintances who have grievances they resolve the American way; children whose parents keep guns in the home, those pesky kids get into everything; and the crazies, who get hold of guns easily to kill the Gerardo Hernandezes, or anyone else they feel like killing.
  24. You need to do a content analysis on your own post. It had nothing to do with my previous one. Hillary had nothing to do with the shooting of Hernandez, for one thing. For another thing, get a grip.