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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. `For`I`m a broken man on the Halifax pieré the last of Barrett`s Privateers` Stan Rogers
  2. Sorry, the report «I read said it was such a rifle. You know that to me, a gun is a gun is a gun. I share your prayer for the family. If he was such a man as reported, his children will have a legacy of integrity, hard work and honour.
  3. Yawn. Another psycho has shot somebody in a delusional frenzy. I think I heard a schoolteacher got killed this way recently too. Nothing unusual, no need for new commentary. It seems particularly meanminded, even for a psycho killer, to return and finish off a victim, just for emphasis. Reports say that the person he hated most was Janet Napolitano, who was nearby in California... why could he have not assassinated her. if he really wanted to make a statement...assault rifles and handguns can both do the job, however. Make sure they are nearby when you need to make your statement, psychos. There is no real use in posting this except, as somebody said, Attention must be paid. Each and every time.
  4. Robert, the veteran`s preference seems so right, yet I see how impossible it could be in practice, and this is a tragedy for the veterans and for your workforce, which should be able to reabsorb and embrace your defenders. My father was lucky. he married a wife who nagged him into taking the civil service exam, because she knew veterans got preference. She believed it was all about nepotism and his personal qualifications did not matter much. He liked being a carpenter and did not much fancy wearing a uniform or taking orders again, but he wrote the exam, and manfully guarded the border for the next thirty years. Like Brant`s father he had many IQ points on me He discouraged me from following in his footsteps despite the good pay and the advancement he had achieved.
  5. I am not yet hip enough to know the answer to that. I have read that heroin addicts can function, but not crack addicts. Also that you can do both heroin and crack but not become addicted and be an occasional user.
  6. He will say that she will make her own choices based on her own values and he would not presume to give anyone else advice. As Brant notes, he does not argue or even discuss. His echo chamber response is, Ì know you are, but what am I..and then he tells us what he is.
  7. Robert, it is quite possible that your management situation is the result of a general policy directive, something like, women are half the workforce so they should be half the management force... but that is just an unprovable speculation.
  8. Here is something that , seriously, alarms and saddens me. Yesterday Ford was on his bullypulpit radio show, saying "What more can I do? I've made mistakes and not perfect. \I won't get drunk in public anymore. etc etc" A supporter calls to air his views. "Rob, I support you 100 percent, you are doing your job and saving our tax money. Personally I think what a person does in his free time doesn`t matter as long as he does his job. Even if somebody does smoke crack, that is only his own business as long as it doesn`t affect his job.` And in the background of this call I heard kids shouting, young kids. They were hearing their father, presumably on his free time from his job, say that it is OK to smoke crack and the business only of the crack smoker.
  9. It is a "there are two types of people in the world" mindset, which Rand's supporters have seized upon often to excess.
  10. Please Adam, you are making me blush. Next I will be workin' on the twerkin' and casting my petticoats to the mosh pit.
  11. You, underneath? I am shocked Adam, shocked. To end my interview story, I did not get the job. They hired a man.
  12. Yes, indeed. I got a pretty good idea of why the job was vacant. Incidentally,I truthfully answered No to the question. I had been flirted with and asked for dates, but not pestered. I had to listen to my boss's sexist jokes, but not overtly punished for not laughing at them. The workplace was fairly sexist back then but |I was never prevented from doing the job . I also got breaks from colleagues for being the only girl in the boys' club.
  13. The Forders are indignant that people are assuming it is crack in the crack pipe. There is no way to prove that!It could be crystal meth in the pipe, or marijuana or regular tobacco. Also, if he is a crack head, why is he so fat? Never imagine I would be casually discussing these things at my age! I feel so hip.
  14. Ellen, re the insects, I was thinking of the parasite references in Roark's courtroom speech in FH and Galt's in The Speech. My impressions were that Rand saw only the producers as fully human, that the "parasites" chose not to be so. I do not know of anyother insect comparisons she made however, so I will withdraw my sweeping statement with apologies.
  15. lol. Ford has indeed called for release of the tape, because he knows it can't be released. It is part of the evidence in the extortion case against his dealer, and the trial is not yet scheduled. He knows he is safe to politick this way. He has not addressed the crack issue at all, The issue of getting hammered in public he has apologized for, and he promised not to do it again. He says he will just get hammered at home and I hope he will now properly recycle his vodka bottles and not throw them in the trash.The mayor should set an example.
  16. Adam, you are right. As I mentioned on Canada Politics, there is no way to get rid of him.
  17. Anybody would be tetchy here today. The Leafs got so lambasted last night that the NHL scoresite did not even report it. And Mayor Buffoon is still at the helm waving his crack pipe and giving us the finger.
  18. I said I had read it,not that I necessarily believed it, but it is not hard to believe that she, or any married woman, might have contemplated divorce at some point. Obviously the result of her contemplation was that she wanted to stay married.
  19. Ellen, I am trying to remember where I read about Rand considering divorce. It was in the forties, before she met the Brandens, so it was not because of him....maybe it was in the Heller book.
  20. No, no, not that I know of. I was only commenting on her image of society as just producers and leeches. |She always had young men admirers and did say at one point, I think in the pre Atlas years, that she was considering a divorce. Her life has been examined pretty heavily and there is absolutely no evidence that she ever had an extramarital lover except nb.
  21. Cathy, Rand made many false analogies in her passion to express her ideas. Comparing human beings to insects was one of her worst, in my opinion,
  22. You are right, and I am sure that you do not let your feelings about your present employers colour your answers to your future ones. Just look out for yourself and the future.
  23. Oh I see Robert, it is a public or govt agency. It is all political and everybody's hands really are tied, except the unknowables with the real influence . Keep on interviewing, if I had done that when in my first job I would be rich by now.
  24. You always have my permission Cathy,..Adam is another story!