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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Employment situations are always complicated, but employee rights are always simple. 1, Employment contract, spells out the relationship at the outset. These can be disregarded however, if proven to be signed by the employee under threatof not being hired or not being given time to consult with a legal advisor. Or if by happy chance it is signed after the employee has commenced working. 2jSignificant changes to job conditions if not agreed at outset of employment. Can be challenged by employee or considered as part of Constructive Dismissal.
  2. Ethically you are being screwed over.,As I understand it, after three years of exemplary work you were promised a promotion, verbally, by the company ,, which I hope you have written records of. You have continued to work at your same level, in good faith waiting for the promised promotion, and if you are doing work now concomitant with the promotion level work, you might have a case for compensation whatever happens.
  3. Cathy, in reply I live in central east Canada not far from Buffalo NY. You could stop off at Adam's place on your way north!
  4. I agree with the overstatement statement. It is a bit much to expect every voter to read the mind of every political candidate and predict all his moves accurately.
  5. I can see you now, seated on your pork barrel in the country store.
  6. I mean, I expect to make it to 186! tops
  7. Wish I were as strong as a woman, or at least the ones in my family. Like you Brant I have two paternal aunts living, they are towers of solid gold and warm ivory, both in late seventies. Dear aunts and uncles on both sides all gone. I envy you the span of history you can encompass, my grandfather died at 46 and my father at 60. I expect to make it to seventy, tops.
  8. Robert, without wishing to intrude on personal areas, I am wondering in what way your employer breached your trust, and specifically if you had a written contract of employment at the outset of commencing work. I am not just being nosy, as mentioned above I have worked in HR and once considered law school, where I would have gone for employment law. It is a field of continuing interest to me as it is so paramount in our lives.
  9. Michael, I think the saddest takeaway DB had from SLOP was as he said in his valedictory, "it is important to know who* to hate" The Perigoist Protocol is that hate is more necessary than love, since hardly anything is lovable and nearly everything is hateful. Nice grooming Linz. *sic
  10. So you refuse the sanction of the victim. A true Objectivist.
  11. Adam, was that a postmodernist egg and sperm thing? Or a visual haiku?
  12. "Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood"... Everytime I watch the shots of the players waiting for the puckdrop I see them each in his own zone doing this. Some limber and shake the sinews, some mutter the words of the national anthem to calm their nerves, all shift from skate to skate until the blood is summoned; Shakespeare knew everything.
  13. Two of my uncles joined the RCN in WWII. The younger one had "authority issues" and flounced, then joined the Merchant Navy . He neglected to notify the proper authorities however, causing a certain amount of grief back home while they did not know if he was alive or dead in the North Atlantic, and the Mounties were suspicious that he was hiding in the barn all the time. They both survived the war. Uncle Albert stayed in the Navy till retirement. Uncle Joey came home, somehow exonerated, and continued to have a problem with authority.
  14. Ah, the gap in the resume. "Got downsized and could not find another job immediately in this rotten job market" is not a viable answer. The right answer is to fill the gap with "freelancing and volunteering" when actually you were job hunting, or staring at the television and tearing your hair out. I worked in an HR department for a year. Agree this is a great thread and will be back with some memories later.
  15. Moralist controls the light to dark ratio in his bubble.
  16. O Allah, the allmerciful, I prostrate myself in submission and beg that I may stay submissive when standing up, even to Coach who is an infidel and yells instead of talking and does not appreciate me. And I beg your mercy on my brother in arms Tyler, that he may heal in your good time and not exert himself too soon, and maybe have a week with the Marlies to ease back into his game. And for the sake of my mother whose saintliness you know, that what happens between games in Alberta stays in Alberta, and maybe B.C. later. Let me grow in humility and shrink in turnovers if that is your will, and forgive me if I cut short prayers so as not to be late for practice Amen Nazem....
  17. Laura looks a lot sexier in her Canadian Heritage moment. Of course everything looks sexier when it is government subsidized.
  18. Not me . Canadian gals cannae dae the twerking to save their lives.
  19. I thought it was the My Kingdom for a Horse you would bring up, but I was prepared for the Nail. The competence of the medical pros who do or do not get to treat patients is still the question, as I understand your original argument. \Assuming there is no bureaucracy involved in private practice now, No HMOs or anything like that.
  20. caroljane


    Somewhat apropos, Tony I wonder if you have read Harwood's Home, a terrific novel by a South African Jewish English author? I enjoyed this novel enormously. And Derek are you proud of your brilliant homegirl Laura \Lippman?
  21. That re creation has already started and will not end until you do. I know. Do not be mad at me for knowing.
  22. Seriously, I mean soberly, if you gals ever want to make a sister trip to Canada I will rope in my cousin and show you a good time! No philosophy required.
  23. It is not my theory but that implied by Adam. I don't agree with it. The treatment of the ill is not the same business as the manufacture of pencils. That was somewhat my, er, point. No one ever died for want of a pencil that I know of.
  24. It doesn't mean that doctors and nurses become less skilled or diligent. That is your theory. What many people don't fully understand is that the price system is necessary for the effective and efficient deployment of resources. It doesn't matter how motivated some people might be to work hard under a socialistic system, such a system can't function efficiently because of the absence of a price system to provide people with information about how to deploy resources effectively. In the linked video, Milton Friedman explains the price system using an example of the manufacture of a pencil: Darrell
  25. Hey, Conny, Cathy, Carol...make that a triple!