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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Dear Lord, I beseech Thy grace and mercy for all the afflicted and the weary, especially this night for Thy servant Jonathan that he may have rest and ease upon the bench. And if it is Thy will that I may shut out the Oilers and have a spectacular glove save. And I ask Thy blessing upon Thy sons in this worldly dwelling that they may come to know Thee and take Thy name in reverence and not in vain quite so much. Ever thy humble servant. James PS I mean Jonathan Bernier, not Liles.
  2. caroljane


    Well, freedom is a negative concept, the absence of coercion or restraint. In a free capitalist system your right to do anything you choose often depends on how much capital you have.
  3. No, of course it is not right. But it is contributory to why some are willing to pay others to make the best choices on their behalf.
  4. Actually I thought your second run at the ass word was deliberate, in order to carry on the merry banter which your first had occasioned.
  5. To quote the Venerable Gaede, I don't need no stinkin' spellcheque!
  6. Editor out again. Actually it should read "inno ation", as a helpful Cloze exercise in spelling for those who have trouble with the placement of "v"'s.
  7. lol Like many I think they should just rename them the Lobbyists and be done with it. Imagine the innoations in cheerleading!
  8. Deanna, I understand your viewpoint. One factor though, is that today's consumer is so overwhelmed with choices between products and services, that only the most focused and organized can navigate the daily round of decision making with fortitude, let alone knowledgeable preparation. The research and homework required to sift through constantly increasing competitors for our dollars takes ever increasing time. In this important area the stakes are high.
  9. This portrait just glows with life and life's promise. Brings back the sturdy contentment of my own childhood.
  10. .Cherilyn Sarkisian is Armenian. As to the difference between K Kardashian and a hole in the ground, there isn't much.
  11. the midst of which she gives birth to a baby, Wild South West.
  12. It could work! Just let your inner Armenian out. Look at the fortune the Kardashians rake in. I can see it could marry the captain of the Minnesota Lynx on national TV ... but soon your grueling work schedules would tear apart your longdistance relationship, she would cheat on you with Jonathan, and the bitter divorce will dominate the media for months....
  13. The Individualist Agorist at home... there is a great reality show in there somewhere.
  14. Of course you howl, with those pants on fire half the time. You must have to type standing up.
  15. I always felt there was an Armenian side to you.
  16. YESSS! I love you Sidney Crosby but tough dulse tonight! Go Leafs Go we said and they WENT!
  17. Furthermore, did you know that at least six people have been murdered in the Philippines at karaoke clubs, just for singing "My Way"? I read it in the National Post today so it must be true. I hope the offenders got off on musical technicalities.
  18. I will start off by saying I choose Dr Piekoff's masterwork, since I have read enough excerpts to pretend I have already read it once and I am a really fast reader. I would be too jealous of her accomplishments to read the Hsieh opus, I admit it. I imagine it is a brilliant exposition of an explosive new concept. "You Make Your Own Luck." Her own career, indeed illustrates such a concept. I do look forward to any musings Moralist may have, upon this groundbreaking study in his area of expertise.
  19. Let's play "who'd you rather?" Dr Mrs Dr's thesis OR The Ominous Parallels ...twice ?
  20. The people who manufactured and assembled, the early computers mostly made above minimum wage in the US. Now they make minimum wage, And they live in China.
  21. Wow, Diana has a Ph.D. !!! Who knew? I thought she was just a cute little doctor's wife with some hobbies. I like the sound of that Edith Packer and I think I will read her book.
  22. And you are the investigative reporter whose job it is to expose what she sees...? I know very little about the poster, except for reading a piece of his years back, and thinking that he had a fine mind and wrote well. If he's become a bit weird I believe that's a great pity. I don't cruise the forums anything like you do, but my objection is how representative you make such crazy excesses appear. There is a huge quantity of good, original and honest thinking around O'ist circles. Granted that in that quest to truth, we are all guilty sometimes of rash or ludicrous statements, does the observer ridicule our anomalous remarks as indicative of the individual, the totality of his mind and of all Objectivists - and further, of Objectivism itself? I shouldn't think so. Unjust and too easy: like shooting fish in barrel. Tony, I take your point and understand your concern, but I think it is unfounded. Even the newest of newbie browsers on the internet soon notices that some posters are barking mad, and do not reflect upon the various ideologies they espouse or discuss. Bandler himself says he expects to be considered a madman, and that the Objectivist world rejects his racist views. When fish like that swim to the top of the barrel I expect I will still shoot them,old habits die hard. But nobody reading any such posts would ever infer that OL, let alone Objectivism in general, endorses the barking.
  23. Ah yes Merlin. I am a critical thinker who examines facts and draws logical conclusions. YOU have a good mind but can get confused or misled. HE has been suckered by propaganda/is a dishonest evader/downright stupid.