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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Meanwhile the Winnipeg Blue Bombers have not had many complaints and the Edmonton Eskimos have not changed to the Edmonton Inuit. That is Canada for you.
  2. I did not get Ed`s comments because I could not hear them, but his hand gestures were eloquent and I assume he agrees generally with Michael. We had this issue here with many junior and minor pro hockey teams. What the league did, mostly, was ask the First nations members and team fans if they thought the name was insulting. When more did than didn`t they changed the name. Of course the team owners had the last word. I agree with Jonathan that many team names should be changed. What is with the glorification of natural disasters that cause such tragedy...does no one remember Katrina, or that many skiers are now permanent features of the snowy landscape, leaving behind grieving loved ones... Carolina and Colorado should be ashamed of themselves.
  3. Daniel Alfredsson, former Ottawa God and now the Great Satan of Detroit, got showed pretty good how the team he captained can do without him. Five goals worth of showed. Bobby Ryan, who found in hockey a haven from his harrowing and perplexing childhood, scored twice displayed as always, what is called "character" in the game. And in life.
  4. You are right to laugh at me Ellen, but I am a weak willed person and I am afraid that if I learn to cut and paste I will get hooked on it. Ditto for understanding art and... no, not football. Never football.
  5. Nevermind PDS, spelling isn't everything. Have a brew and watch the Wings game. They might get closer to their Division leaders, the Leaves.
  6. You stay out of this! Besides, the Maple Leafs. Ad hockinem. I can go wherever I want, because Freedom.
  7. Tony is not Afrikaner but that true South African minority, English. His impressions may have been somewhat filtered through the English viewpoint of Americans as big powerful puppydogs.
  8. Satisfying win for coach Randy "Kitty" Carlyle who was fired by Ducks after leading them to the Stanley Cup.
  9. If it walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duck and gets a 2 goal lead.....Leafs can still cook them! 3 hats off to Phil Kessel
  10. Or maybe juxtapose Rand's own faves, the crucifixion one and the naked woman with her face. The Christology echoes keep coming.
  11. That is an interesting graphic .... Ellen, are you looking for cover art?
  12. Asservating is legal all over the country, last I heard. No one can be refused service, just for braying.
  13. I think I have seen this story before. Ayn Rand was not really the problem, although some of her dicta did not help this poor girl. That man would have been just as rotten a father if he had been a Fundamentalist Christian or a scientologist or anything else he could have leaned on to rationalize his own sociopathy. That is the danger, that the more popular an ideology becomes, the more jerks are attracted to it.
  14. Please don't make us read it again. Daunce Mrs. Lynam Caroljane Emile Lady Honoria Anon Nonninoe Gord, Asst. Shaman Nanook, underappreciated dogsbody Tim Thomas, I don't like it down here
  15. "The Arms of Krupp" is a great and harrowing book. Once read never forgotten.
  16. How is that a complete explanation for the rise of American progressivism?It It isn't even a partial one. Progressivism has actually declined in the last 30 years overall, and libertarianism has risen and become more powerful. America is still in a postReagan afterglow, or fallout, depending on your point of view. Unions are significantly weakened, tax cuts for the rich still stand, deregulations have not been re regulated.
  17. I have seen the light about Miley Cyrus. She is not cute like I thought, she is ugly, hideously ugly, and her nihilistic paean to nonvolition "We Can't Stop" is the work of the Devil. When the Leafs were winning, the discordant strains of that mockery of music began infesting ACC eardrums as the victory song. The team and staff variously disliked, or hated that song, yet obviously inside pressure had been exerted to get it played. The evildoer was unmasked by the solid investigative work of Sean McIndoe, among others. Immoral Leafs forward Tyler Bozak, as detailed in McIndoe's expose, "Tyler Bozak Ruins Everything", of course has "no comment." Meanwhile the havoc has been wreaked.... or maybe wrought? and Leafs are losing as is part of the master plan of Bozak's real bosses who control the NHL. I better not say their name as I am not brave like McIndoe but they are very very good friends with a certain well known Enemy of the Good, and I am not talking Soros.
  18. Yes, I rhink in this case the cliché is true that he could not have done it without her. I know you wish he had never met her and gone for being a writer instead!
  19. Certainly Obama's international background was considered, on balance, to be an asset by the Democratic Party. It's interesting to think about whether he would have entered politics at all if, like his mother, he had married a foreign student, instead of a pluggedin Chicagoan. The wife factor is too often discounted!
  20. |I can't agree that so many Americans care about being "accepted and appreciated by the world at large" aside from the political necessities for maintaining advantageous economic relations and national security. My impression is that over the past three decades they have become far more concerned about internal conditions and the "culture wars."
  21. Objectivist vocabulary has screwed up the thinking of many before us, Samson. Rand's mission to precisely define, or redefine, English words and phrases in the context of her thinking, have been ongoingly interesting since she started doing it.