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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The only good things about last night's game were the classy reception Chi gave \Dave Bolland, and the anthem singer. Cornelison is really good. Not as good as Newlands, but really good. There is some comfort, not much but some, that Boston are still stuck with the worst anthem singer of all time. Having mostly been stuck with the Worst Management of All Time for the last four decades, we can sympathize.
  2. ARCHN has started an interesting thread on "The Future of Objectivism". They look with a jaundiced eye of course,being ARCHN, but they make good observations. Sample quote: "McCaskey's mistake was not being rich enough to disagree with Peikoff".
  3. I am again between TV providers and getting only free reruns, and I never loved Raymond in the first place, in fact I can hardly stand him. On the plus side, My Punjabi is improving, and Inderpreet really does a good Don Cherry impression.
  4. Babar just thumped twice. That means yes.
  5. It's getting pretty loud in that room since Adam went you suppose they're all right?
  6. Yes, indeed. I was over 40 when I finally faced the fact that my parents must have done it... but only once!
  7. You are absolutely right, Kyle. It is a battle of ideas and the most sensational, emotive representation of ideas that can be achieved.
  8. lol you were smart, her husband is still a little bewildered at being married to her for 40 years, she is just as ditzy as ever.
  9. It is interesting to see him manoeuvre to appease his favoured posters if they come into conflict, when it is his site and he is more accustomed to them appeasing him. Sic transit...
  10. I had great parents, and they gave me no advice or information on this aspect of life. My mother did say a lot about it once when I was seven, but it meant nothing to me and she was not herself at the time. I was not alone either; my best friend and I spent lots of time trying to figure it out ... I was actually fifteen when I realized how the bio facts went together ... not joking. My friend got pregnant at seventeen.. she was the ditz of our group and is still vague about how it happened. Carol ex sheltered only child
  11. Lindsay P has just distanced himself from Doug, to whom he has so frequently proposed marriage. He sternly says to take note that they are not "An Objectivist site , as such" not qua Objecivist I guess and allow everyone to debate Objectivist stuff freely, which in fairness they seem to do. So he is not endorsing Bandler.'s fascism and racism, qua whatever Jolly weaselly done LP, qua weasel..
  12. This is a terrific excerpt, which I never saw before. It shows the measure of how Branden learned and grew, from the springboard of Randian ideals, and saw how others could do so too.
  13. Well, if his mother thinks he is mature enough to handle it I am sure she is right. And you know I don't take cream or sugar and you have not pointed out the excellent scholarship of Boydstun, Smith etc among the many attractions of the site.
  14. Might as well pick up the 2013 season here, since it is one of my better topic titles. Leafs lost last night, snapping a 6 to 1 winning streak, and. there was a general sigh of relief. No, not by the other teams, here in Toronto itself. The coach has been whining that the team is sloppy and can't expect to keep winning with such poor performances. The players have been slinking around apologizing for not playing better. The sportsmedia have been rehashing the bad choices of the management over the last three years. Hockey business as usual here. Talk about tearing down the good for not being good enough. Among last night's highights, our goalie was mown down by his own teammate in the first minute of play, and the backup came in. There was no backup for him, occasioning much speculation that Leafs legend Johnny Bower, age 80, who was in attendance at the game, would be pressed into service. Fortunately he was spared, as heroic efforts produced the U of T Varsity Blues goalie from a noodle house nearby and got him dressed in time for the third period. He was kept in the skate sharpening room and not called upon to play, but kept company by expensive David Clarkson, who started the preseason by leaping off the bench and joining a brawl for no discernible reason and got a ten game suspension. |Now Leafs are on a road trip against the best teams in the league and I do not feel good about it. Those Minnesota Tax |Rapers in especial, are not into sportsmanlike conduct. Those weird scythes and rainbows on their jerseys are enough to freak anybody out. As always, I'm just saying.
  15. .This is Alex's Welcome thread and you are just making a spectacle of yourself as usual. Get back into the wagon and pour the coffee.
  16. Maybe I have not spent as much time trying to stare at naked strangers as you have lol.
  17. Of course they are all naked when they look down on your values! That is why you can hardly tell them apart.
  18. Lawyers who can speak plain English who also know hockey will get immigration priority at that time, since Ken Dryden will be pretty old by then. Just a career tip for Alex.
  19. You wimps. Up here we don't need no stinkin' summer.
  20. Yeah, I saw you looking down. Sneering at bacon. At first I thought it was Marotta because he doesn't like to eat anything but now I know it was you. When you cross Lake Ontario on the last flotilla out after the Final Shutdown, I will be waiting. With a big smile and my two tall, strong sons and various cousins. You will love it here.
  21. Look Michael, I like and respect you and you know that. Hell, I love you like a brother which as a Stuart you surely are. It is when you appear to not respect my critical thinking, or even critical thinking in general, within the overriding importance of Story that I get riled. I do not care that much about Glenn Beck and I know that you admire him and I respect that.He has said a lot of true and important things. What I just said was in no way a smear and you know it. It was a comment on the facts as presented, obviously from my brainwashed progressive point of view but still logically defensible. I know you are immersed in studying story and message but also dedicated to critical thinking. Are the two always compatible ? I know how all encompassing and compelling a course of study can be. Tell me do you still know yourself as well as thou didst before?
  22. Glenn Beck is pretty easily horrified these days. History gets reauthored all the time, that is, examined by historians in the light of new evidence and theories. Beck himself interviewed one such historian, whose theory was that the Founding Fathers intended the Republic to be a Christian nation. That theory has a lot of traction with a lot of conservatives. That some leftist academics in a project started by Clinton and funded by Soros have started a magazine and are running seminars with other leftist academics, should hardly be shocking to Glenn by now. Right wingers, some even in public office, do those things too. Ron Paul for example. Yet apparently this is a sign to "put our money and our heads together." Waiting for the other shoe to drop.