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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. With the rechristened Minnesota Mild and Minnesota Adopted Quads, I foresee the Lynx grinding their teeth in envy.
  2. And the fans could still wear the horn helmets, modified to show they are peaceful dairy cows...
  3. Oh gosh, this is exciting. I can see a rainbow with a shining gold wheel of cheese at the base....
  4. J, you are right. The Minnesota Pastoralist Value Traders sounds much more contemporary and would engender exciting new team jersey designs.
  5. What happened at this truckers protest? Nothing has been reported up here on it.
  6. I noticed them too Ellen, when I was 18 and dazzled about humanity.
  7. Howard, Howard! Pull up your head, look down... you know you shouldn't eat Wheaties with milk, .. you're too close to the edge of that....oh, n!ooooooo
  8. Incidentally, a singularly illtimed book has come out here recently. The author posits that a union between the US and Canada would make total economic sense and be desirable to any rational person. I mention this because I know the author, Diane Francis, very slightly. She is a business writer with an amazing network in Canadian media and publishing. This book must have seemed like a good provocative idea at the time. I am sure it will prove unique to some thinktank mills .some of them maybe helped finance it.
  9. And from whence came those Brits, the Tower of London? They came from Loyalist Canada in defence of their own land. We were Canadians before Canada was.
  10. Hey, don't leave me out! Nobody cared more about property rights than me! Who saved the White House treasures from the beastly Canadians? Dolley Mrs. James Madison
  11. Have you ever felt the urge to manipulate a 2x4 in a cranial direction?
  12. laughing so bard my thrown back head might fall right off. It has happened before! An image for the ages.
  13. But it does not grab any better consumers than it ever did. Too many ready to embrace the selfishness part, too few to embrace the virtue part, too many rejecting without reading on the basis of the title alone.
  14. Ellen, I know what you speak of. I remember the day that the comic actor John Candy's death became known. He grew up here, and retained his neighbourhood ties very closely. Everyone knew someone who of his great generous love of his family and community. His talent was known to the world, but our tears here were very personal. His funeral was broadcast on national television ... incidentally, he was a devout Catholic.
  15. Here we are lowcarb not not fanatical about it. Leafs crunching Wings is always a tasty treat.
  16. I always like it when the Ducks get roasted and by the Flames and devoured by the Kings. It's so traditional like.
  17. I don't see how Peikoff could issue such an edict without evoking the ghost of Rand who felt obliged to do the same thing. A recent small, but pedantically irritating example came up on OO's sigline recently, her quote that Americans "created the phrase 'to make money'." They didn't.
  18. For example, with Allison at the helm, I would guess the Cato Inst. could make good use of a lot of Atlases.
  19. Good one, Michael. ARCHN is narrow focus of course, but Barnes is fiendish smart and such an entertaining writer, and occasionally there are illuminating points brought up. I see that Rand's booksales are again up to half a million a year according to Anon! Are they distributing to the kindergartens now? I know that she is sold and read "independently", but is there any way these days to distinguish those numbers from the copies that are purchased and donated to schools etc. by ARI and other groups?
  20. Hi Flea, Indeed I did miss I the latest development of the Bandlerian ethos. If I don't shape up I will lose my cushy beat assignment and have to cover ARI podcasts or even Philosophy in Action. Shudder. One of the most striking, if depressing, features of the Dog is his apparent) honesty.He admits he has wet dreams about the violent rearrangement of society to suit his own tastes. This is a bond he shares with Perigo, and though they do not detail the particulars of cleansing the airheads and filth from the body politic, doubtless such details enrich their joint fantasy lives. It is quaint to hear Doug agree that after the cleansing, "government can loosen" . Sure, the State will wither away. He also states that he no longer hates all women, like he used to. I'm sure he now likes a few of them, considering them honorary men with benefits. But my sense is that he hated women before he ever began trying to approach them sexually, and perhaps the women sensed this and it was part of the early rejections that so tortured and enraged him. It is our Thanksgiving today and I am thankful that I don't live anywhere near Doug Bandler, whatever his real name or location is.