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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Right Ellen, MSK has not been around since this started. Actually jts, I thought it might be your evil twin.
  2. I did release him! Heard he emigrated to Germany and hope he is doing OK...
  3. Thanks for the reminder. Oh, that cave.. don't go down there...
  4. So, you disapprove of a national curriculum, regardless of its content, because it is imposed by the federal government?
  5. So did I... nobody knows the true Secret of Adam but I do know this now, do not accept any Get-to-Know-Adam- weekends although they are truly billed as Unforgettable! Trying to forget, Carol
  6. Not as scary as Adam with his sword and purse and.....
  7. Carol: I will waive consecutive translation because you are Canadian. However, what the fuck are you talking about? A... Duh Adam, I forgot the apocalyptic gravity of the topic. Swords, purses and high heels... just wanted to get in a comment before PDS did.
  8. I deduce from this that in every life situation, you already know, or "see", as a result of previous cognitive decisions, what is your preferred course of action.
  9. Brant, of course you do not need any stinkin' funny! As my dear Granpa always told me consolingly, looks are not everything.
  10. Poor Ed. Moeller keeps badgering him for concrete steps for the liberty-minded to take in these desperate times, after they have read articles and heard speeches. Ed has explained that he has articles and speeches to write and conferences to go to, but Moeller still seems to expect him to come back with a cement answer. Doesn't he realize the guy has a job to do?
  11. Cathy, I can read French but I cant understand most internet outbursts on the tortuous healthcare issue either,although they are in plain English, except the swear words.And even some of them are unfamiliar to me lol.
  12. I will help you out Cathy! If someone attacks Ayn Rand the person it is the logical fallacy of adhominem. If someone attacks Brant Gaede the person it is the logical fallacy of Reductio ad Absurdum BOOM! Attacker is reduced to his original components. , or as SCTV had it, blowed up real good.
  13. Cathy, you mentioned that neither you nor your husband can get health coverage from your employerers, or from the state. This is the situation of millions of working people and, simplistically speaking, it is the problem that health care reformists have tried to solve by proposing various forms of Federal action. Did you know that the Affordable Care Act is in fact based on a Republican plan? The Heritage Foundation developed is for the Bob Dole campaign.? Of course now it is just a political and ideological football in the schoolyard standoff that Congress has become.
  14. It is no use Baal. He will never step out of his bubble where random events do not occur because everything that happens to him is a result of his own actions. Outside the bubble, the cliff might inexplicably crumble under his feet, or an eagle swoop down and grab him, or a sudden tycoon sweep him off his feet. And it would be what he deserved, for stepping outside his bubble.
  15. Even without a Common Core, my unfortunate sons are obviously feminized liberal girly-men and \Moralist quite righteously would despise or pity them, or maybe not say anything depending on his size.
  16. Good catch, Mike. I too had noticed a certain amount of enthusiasm racing ahead of homework or critical evaluation.
  17. That is the great thing about writing, you do not know everything you have to say until you start saying is so important and empowering, to fully express yourself.
  18. I just cannot listen to the Lisper and the Giggler for any stretch, but I do know something about the German refugees from the 1848 revolution which is apparently more than they do.
  19. Peikoff and \Brook, moderated by the ex Mrs Peikoff? Billed as a debate! I want my money back.
  20. What should the ||Germans have been kept out of? The US? Philosophical debate? Poland?
  21. Hi Cathy, I do not know what your aunt would have said, and what I think as a Canadian is not applicable to America. Our single-payer total medicare works fine for us and our doctors are good and not dissatisfied. But we do not have the ideological divisions that you do about whether there should be middlemen between the doctors and the patients. I wonder how is your memoir going? I hope you have continued with it.
  22. Weird synergy, Adam. I was just thinking about another thread, how Rand's ideal man was an impossible ideal. She wanted to go to bed with Stanley Kowalski and wake up to Frank/Francisco,fresh shaved, apron impeccably tied making breakfast while whistling Rachmaninoff. But then, who wouldn't want that?
  23. Couple of random comments from the hockiverse: "Snider is the one who should be fired! Too bad he is the owner of the team". "Lost my bet, thought Patrick Roy would be the first coach fired."