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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. If you go ahead when all others disagree you will get a lot of offside and icing calls Not only geniuses move to complete their missions though it lead to their destruction, enforces do that too.
  2. Can you imagine Frank (or Nathaniel, or indeed Piekoff) engaging in a fistfight?
  3. Yes, her idea of violence was utterly Hollywood stylized.
  4. jVR has just pushed between the D TO TIE THE GAME! Where was I? Oh yes, Peter Keating was an entrepreneur. He negotiated between the consumers (buyers of good architecture) and the producer of good architecture, disguised as himself by mutual agreement with Roark. What is so immoral about that?
  5. er, since entrepreneur originally means "one who pushes between". a liaison person or middleman, centremen in hockey ... reserve judgment till I read it.
  6. What a wonderful quote from Rand! Most union members admire and respect capitalism, as they do the management supervisors who work with them to turn out the best product possible. The ones who work with them to simply exert power, especially those who have less technical expertise than the workers do, of course they do not respect. Such shop floor dynamics are the trigger for many labour disputes and strikes, perhaps more than simply wage demands. My current supervisor was my strike captain in the last teachers' strike. She is now the best manager in the district. She facilitates us doing our jobs the best we can.
  7. Lay off Calgary Baal, the season just started!
  8. Everyone's a critic.. "Oy gevalt Baal, don't polish!" It is HNIC for crying out loud. You are lucky that my professionalism causes me to tend to your intellectual needs 24/7.
  9. But piano wire is just, well, downright UnAmerican is what it is . The gun was the only way to go for Rand.
  10. No, Bob, do not polish. Let the past remain in Uck And join the stars.
  11. I am glad that we can agree on the greatness of Hoffer. When you next feel like cussing out union members, remember that among them are many men like him.
  12. Jonathan, although IL Maestro says he is looking forward to the cataclysm, he does not wish it to occur until after he has completed his projects. If these are more works on Mario Lanza however, I for one would prefer the cataclysm.
  13. Sorry, did you say something? I was just contemplating the Leafs perfect win record for the season so far. I could say I was subtly hinting that Solo is not the only home of the brave, and that here in OL do heroes dwell. But I don't think that would fly.
  14. Daunce: I have never known you to be irony-impaired. Perhaps another futile hockey season has you off your game? No fishing here, just trying to be ironic...
  15. Linz has re-proposed his own (same old) action plan: overthrow the government by force, water tree with martyr blood, disenfranchise all non-Tea Party voters and declare War on Islam. Simple, selffull and straightforward. Why not have a practice run in NZ first, just to work out the kinks?
  16. No, no! You misrepresent the message of NO NRQQ, which are to correct misconceptions, clarify our message through speaking and writing and thinktanking (donations appreciated!) and make examples of the most egregious offenders against common decency.
  17. With respect Michael, it is the richest people from elsewhere who come to the US for their facelifts and liposuctions, and precautionary heart procedures from the best doctors in the world that money can buy.
  18. I just came across this, and the name Hoffer hit me so hard. I had read Hoffer's book before I met my husband, who was in fact a sort of longshoreman in that he commenced his working life at age 15 on the Glasgow docks. He never read Hoffer. Yet he thought, knew and embodied so much that Hoffer knew . He had lived so many lives before I met him and always been himself. Sept. 20 was his birthday. On that day his son wrote on his facebook, "Happy birthday Dad, RIP. The older I get the more I know that the lessons you taught me were the important ones."
  19. This whole silly mess is a pretty unattractive offshoot of American Exceptionalism. In other countries single-payer has worked over and over, despite the cherry-picked horror stories the insurance lobby have mustered. It has now become nothing but Obama the Usurper v Real Amuricans and I don't trust Dr. Allan, she doesn't shave her legs.
  20. Yes, of course I mean how you would portray that security guard in that situation, and it though I spoke lightly, it was actually a serious observation. You know the duties and more importantly, the underlying rationales, of your job. You know the plot of Atlas.You know and have discussed the many, many ways in which that scene has been interpreted . I don't know if you have any acting experience but sincerely I would really like it if you played that part. (Full disclosure, I think the whole scene should be cut however, it is too over the top).
  21. This is a matter for the Committee, of course, and we do not discuss policy aside from public publications. But rest assured that if this individual gives himself up peacefully he will not be harmed, much, and will have full opportunity to explain his actions to our expert Board of Assessors.
  22. There's quite a few talks by Ehrman on YouTube. I've read Misquoting Jesus and a couple others by him. He did one recently that purports to disprove the 'mythicist' claim that there was no historical Jesus, and while I'm quite ambivalent on the subject I thought that that book wasn't very good. Misquoting, my shinpad. He is obviously air quoting here, in public, and must be taken into custody by the NO NRQQ.
  23. How much would it cost for you to be in the movie? Oh, I wish I had it! I would love to see your interpretation of the Guard!
  24. Are you fishing? You are a lawyer who posts pithy comments on an Objectivist website. I had the impression that MM is just starting out in his career. Perhaps he plans to attract a Roarkian clientele, and good for him.
  25. lol my mistake, of course a Canadian would be the one with his eyes open.