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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The "What is to be done" thread on Solo could be fun. Moeller is still pushing Hudgins to disclose a TAS action plan resulting from all the teaching, writing, speaking and reaching-out. What does he expect the poor guy to say? "We plan to buy a lot of guns and ammo and storm Capitol Hill and reinstate the Republic by force like our brave forefathers"?
  2. There is no such thing as a dead past, unless you are a Neanderthal. in this case it is a very near past,in human historical terms. I did not make the point, the great-great-grandfathers of many Americans made it, emphatically.
  3. Wench is an old English term denoting a little or young girl, often affectionately. It was handily adopted by slaveowners. Indeed many plantation wenches did not live long enough to become mammies.
  4. No. Accurately denoting the behaviour of southern "Gentlemen" who owned other human beings, characterizing the males whom they sensed to be dangerous as animals, and the females whom they perceived as human enough to have sex with as worthy of being called girls..
  5. Monthly checkin. All quiet on the fronts. On OO, young healthy people are high-mindedly discussing Obamacare. On Solo, Ed Hudgins has responded manfully to Moeller's challenge about what TAS advises as action to bring about real, rational change. His answer, in brief: Support think tanks who write, speak, teach and reach out to the young, and to entrepreneurs who support think tanks like TAS. Bonus photo of Stephen Hicks and Richard Dawkins. Hicks is passionately lecturing and beside him Dawkins is obviously fast asleep. On RandFans, Betsy has published some groundbreaking new poetry by Brian Faulkner.
  6. You know, I think it is time for Randians to lay down the "Misunderstood, misrepresented, smeared, alone against the world" cross. Rand has been read, critically examined, biographized by scholars and contemporaries alike, continuously for half a century after her death. Her ideas have permeated the political landscape and her legacy is now unassailable. It is unseemly for her philosophical inheritors to proclaim themselves or worse, Rand, as victims.
  7. Never mess with the Zohar, let alone with Zodiac! \I love it! and especially enjoy when you are frivolous, Ellen. I bet if things had been different back then you could have got Rand to loosen up.
  8. Aren't you the guy who said Oists should come off as charming and charismatic? What better way than in one-dimensional full colour?
  9. Are the Pussy Rioters spiritual granddaughters of Rand?
  10. The topic loosely is comic books, Marcus, and this is OL. Reversion to the topic is easily effected by a new comment about the OP. So I will make one. Rand's message could be brilliantly transmitted in graphic form, in both old and new style comic books, not only action-hero ones (Ragnar smashes through the window to rescue Galt! hat tip, Xray) but romance comics (Roark visits Dominique, tastefully done if possible).
  11. Oh, yeah. The Voice mentions the Elders and new world order sometimes, but I think Bilateral Commissions are a little beyond the intellectual grasp of his audience . I have got used to the Voice now that I know he is actually a radio show and not me having a J. Neiler. Not that I appreciate his appearances. He says he is the only show (it does not appear to have a name) that you never know when it is coming on. Maybe that is a slam against the station schedulers, I don't know. All I know is one minute I am listening to a lively and insightful exposition of why goals are never, ever actually the fault of goaltenders, and the next it is Obama has ONE wife and TWO daughters and that makes THREE, remember that number THREE ... and the THIRD woman in his life will be THIRTEEN on a very significant date.... I am not making it up, he really says this stuff.
  12. lol. Those bozos in the newsroom never noticed anything weird about Clark Kent-, even though there is no such thing as a mild -mannered reporter especially back then. How that paper stayed in business is unfathomable. They must have had one hell of a sports section is all I can think of.
  13. The staff of the Daily Planet, btw, remain the dumbest journalists ever to hold down jobs even up to today, which is an impressive record.
  14. I didn't say he wasn't Jewish, I just always heard he was Canadian made. Have not looked it up in case I am wrong! So baby Moses was fostered by Ma and Pa Kent... who knew?
  15. I was just going to say that! Voice in the Night is always connecting dots, and the dots are any arbitrary fact, number or event in the entire world and they all spell "Illuminati".
  16. Angie J. has long been interested in portraying Dagny and tho not the physical type Rand shows us (those lips!) she is such a good actor she could do it. Who knows, she could make it her next humanitarian project -- stranger things have happened.
  17. Once more, with feeling: jts, would you please consider, just purely as an intellectual exercise, summarizing the arguments on these things rather than just reposting them from Crazyland? I don't watch vids unless they feature OL members or funny animals. (insert your own joke there).
  18. We have noticed much increased activity in the Great Lakes fleet boatyards within the last two days. It is unclear if this connected with the arrival on Canadian shores of two raftloads of self-proclaimed "political refugees", some of them armed and shouting incoherent slogans about insurance companies and national parks. They have been interned , but officials at the Ricoh Stadium warn that they have to be out of there before the team gets back from Rochester. Provincial officials ,who spoke on condition of anonymity, say there is concern that this may be the first wave of similar incidents , and are hastily examining protocols from the Great Bush Exodus in preparation.
  19. 'Hello, Lou? CD here, just confirming the meet, I'm so pumped... oh, you looked it up huh? Um, can't you just tell her that Miss Rand is unavailable, she's out of town,,, I know, she's holed up writing in her secret hideout, but she'll come out after the shooting wraps up! And then... hey, what if Dame Helen could do a real life reprise??...this project got legs, Louie!
  20. Lying to strangers is usually just a social lubricant to spare the feelings of others/avoid negative reactions from them. How are you? Fine (my right foot is killing me and my boss is a sadist and my son broke curfew again...) Got any spare change? No, sorry, just my bus fare and I need it to get home which is 100 km away, ($20 in loonies in my pocket and that's not counting what's in my purse) I wonder how this impulse compounded by the wish to appear knowledgeable and principled works out in the small group of a jury,
  21. Offtopic for LV..... are you counting the minutes until that great American Music Legend Britney Spears opens her act? What has Sin City come to? She can barely sing and is an average dancer, has never performed a club act that I know of, and exhibits the charisma of a Barbie doll.
  22. Ellen, do not associate me with Jonathan's draconian stance on the Quote-Unquoter sect of the Notreallyquoting Quoters (NRYQQ's). Though his approach is generally sound,his principles lead him to an excessively absolutist position here. You should know that there is a progressive wing of the NO to NYRQQ movement which holds that these offenders should not be burned at the stake, but just tortured until they repent. If they backslide, well then yeah, they gotta fry.
  23. Some men and women were referred to in the antebellum \South as bucks and wenches.An ancestor of the Gregian nomenclature?
  24. I don't think so, it is unlikely that Ann Lee ever heard of them. But there are fascinating parallels!
  25. The deliberately provocative "decent wives and mothers" phrase, reminded me of something MSK wrote, I forget where, about the continuation of the human species and the Objectivist attitude towards it. Most religions and statist thought leaders have been generally in favour of such continuation, the latter in particular instituting policies to further it -- Lebensborn, La Revanche de la Creche,modern baby bonuses. Emperor Augustus even tried to force upperclass Romans to have more children through legislation and browbeating (great episode of I Claudius). A couple of notable exceptions were indifferent to it. Catharism, a hugely popular medieval Christian cult I have discussed elsewhere, believed that as this world is an illusion of the devil, it was better to abstain from the flesh to avoid re-peopling it. Rand's views on the primacy of the individual in the present over considerations for the future are well known. Throughout most of this, "decent wife and mother". a necessary appendage to other persons, a nurturer-parasite, has been the main role assigned by prevailing cultures and their spokesmen. Actual individual women have looked at their husbands and fathers and sons and employers and friends and lovers and made their own individual judgments.