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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Any particular wolf you emulate? Jack London's or Farley Mowat's maybe? Aha I knew it you are a Closet Canadian in deep denial and an errant son of the Sacred Igloo!
  2. Beats me. It can be a useful device, but mostly it is annoying. "Air quotes" are worse, so cringingly mega-annoying, that people should lose a finger everytime they etch them.
  3. Deanna, as fe-men in Randishland we are already in our own support group!
  4. Putting a common word or phrase in quotes, Scare-quoting, means "s0-called". It indicates that the writer does not subscribe to the commonly-held definition.
  5. only watched Part I and my main memory is how good the actress playing Lilian was, she was the real-deal |Lil straight from the page but believable.\ Dagny is really a difficult if not impossible character to bring to life. But there are so many brilliant actresses and most of them unemployed. Fingers crossed something special turns up on 3.
  6. Atlas Casting office, good morning.,... You're HER agent? She's a big Rand fan? Oh, I could tell that, great sense of life, the greatest... wants to show her range, of course,.it's obvious she has a great range... would need to play a little older, maybe... or we could work on the script a, unfortuntately she can't meet the author and express her great admiration, soon can we get together and make this happen? It's gonna be a breakout role in a classic , uh, classical CLASSIC! And on a personal level, this IS JUST HUGE FOR ME, I mean it, I am Miss Cyrus's biggest fan!
  7. This is the only part of the discussion I have read, but reading it makes me think I do not need to read the previous, it is masterly. How the threads of history and thought interweave. The great 12th century statist Henry II who ignored the church as best he could, to impose laws that led eventually to the Magna Carta.
  8. You might be in with a chance, Gulch. In response to his latest oped, Ed was asked on Solo what action he would recommend to those who wish to carry out the message, and he replied that he had invited Sen Ted Cruz to speak, as he has good connections with him. The Senator could not make it but I think you would be a good fill-in.
  9. Casting session for Atlas Shrugged Part 3: Casting Director:What we're looking for is a Taylor Schilling type. David Kelley: Who is she? John Aglialoro: Never mind. I mean, actresses who are career-driven like Dagny and we can afford. Not that we need the money to pay them. DK: And who can demonstrate that they are their own highest values ... CD: Hahaha, every actress we'll ever see is her own highest value, don't you worry about that.. DK: That is encouraging, but can we be sure they have read the book and understand its full implications? CD: Um, sure. Yes, we can do that. (Makes note to self: "Brunette, not dyslexic,---rehire that nerd tutor ASAP) .....
  10. Race, gender and class are definitely not the primary foci of my view, of which you have no knowledge but your own subjective stereotype. Class in all its manifestations is an interest of mine however. So far you have not displayed a lot of it.
  11. No it is not, because you also assign the indecent and parasitic human characteristics all to the females, leaving your "women" as masculine females.
  12. Now, now FF, do not give up when the end is in sight. It's always darkest before the John.
  13. Deanna, like you I do not feel offended by Doug's. I mean Greg's, odd and arbitrary categorizations of half the human race. I f you have read my previous posts on this thread, you will see I recognize them as the conventional masculist take on Randianism espoused by the men's -rights movement, where men represent themselves as victims of the new "Monstrous Regiment of Women." It is a fairly harmless indulgence and I feel that in real life he is a good husband and father and mostly does what he is told.
  14. I do not complain about reality. I complain about tautological boring repetition in lieu of real conversation.
  15. OTOH, there are a lot of Rand-fan actresses looking for "action" roles, so maybe it will be up to the casting couch, I mean philosophical panel.
  16. lol maybe they will just leave it out and Dags will not have to shoot anybody.
  17. If I had the money I would donate it with the proviso that they do something, anything, with the Galt torture scene. I don't know what could be done but that scene is just too comic-book for a series that has proceeded in a somewhat normal cinematic fashion.
  18. "Leonard....tell my true story...get somebody to help you..."
  19. Hey, I don't weigh anymore than a duck, not a cooked stuffed one anyway, I am on a diet. am only made of wood so I can transform into a hockey stick. \ Carol Misunderstood Crone Not a Witch
  20. We heard you the first time, you know. "As ye sow so shall ye reap" is a nice smug metaphor. Sure, if ye sow wheat ye cannot expect to reap roses or dollar bills. But a freak frost or plague of locusts can ensure that ye reap nothing. It's good that you are comfy in your bubble and all but please change the channel once in a while.
  21. I don't know what animals call each other, but in fact humans do not describe most animals simply as male and female. They call them ram and ewe, cow and bull, dog and .... and I ask myself, Why?
  22. This is a truth indeed unanswerable. Although if you spent any Saturday nights in the Satellite Hut you would not notice much pacifism, Just thought I would help you out in your default Blame Canada position for everything.
  23. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Brothers, Today sees the achievement of a vital goal of the Secret Plan, as the US Government is shut down for the opening of the NHL Season! Pride will swell our hearts as we gather in the Satellite Hut to hear O Canada ring out from Montreal and shout abuse at the Habnots. And that pride has been earned by each and every one of us with a few exceptions, you know who you are. Brothers, we asked for it! And we got it together! Associate Shaman and Director of Iglovacy
  24. Do your daughters share your view that some adult females are not women, but merely( presumably indecent) females?