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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Miche , Its all cool now! We told him that this is a serious political event and there will not be time for socializing, even though he said it would only be five minutes, and so we will just Truck for Freedom on a sort of float like a truck that Doug and I are building and we will be on top of it and you can be Lady Liberty. No Obama is not American, John says he is from some African country and not real at all, so remember that when we are protesting! Can you come over and do some housework before he gets here? We are assembling the float in the livingroom, See you at work, Gord
  2. lol thanks Even at 113 one can still occasionally scooore!
  3. J, you are right, as so often you are except about guns and other areas where you are wrong. Carol Hockey Crone
  4. Unashamed sexual aggressiveness is certainly most displayed, and most accepted, in men. Yet it has emerged increasingly in women and there is an interesting side note on this from my ruling passion, the world of hockey. I have been called a "hockey chick" here which is fine. A hockey chick is a female fan and/or player of the game, old or young, characterized by an irrational bias for the home team. A puck bunny however, is a phenomenon with its own subculture and definition in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. Sociology has studied it and theses been written on it. They are a groupie subset who pursue hockey players, mainly in the junior and farm-teams, solely for sex. Most of these girls are 15-20 as are the players. Probably this happens in every sport. Some of them may be looking to catch a rising star, but most of them seem to be concerned just with notching up conquests, or hooking up with every guy on a team roster. I have many thoughts about these girls, but one of them is, it is clear to me that they know their own highest values and pursue them. These boys are their heroes and the only ones worthy of their favours. (The boys do not reciprocate those sentiments, but you knew that). In one way, it is just teenage girls chasing teenage boys in small cities across the country. The old sweet song, 21st century style.
  5. Moralist's dualist yinyang worldview sees the US hopelessly divided not only between red and blue but between men and women. He assigns universal human characteristics , which are uniquely mixed in each individual, to the Good Masculine which he admires, and the Bad Feminine which he doesn't. Jesus please us.
  6. It isn't really funny except in an early-Mets kind of way, but the wretched Blue Jays, once proud World Series winners, just lost the last game of their season, ending at the bottom of the league. The Jays play-by-play guy was just on the radio. He was practically sobbing with relief that the torture was over. Discussing the stat that every single player had been injured at least once he said, "Jeez, this year nobody got out alive."
  7. It must be only physical, when you are looking at the face of a person you do not know, or know anything about. Everyone knows who Grace Kelly was and has seen her in movies and photos. Ditto for Miley Cyrus and Ayn Rand for that matter. As I said before, if I had never before seen a photo of Rand or of Leni Riefenstahl, I would have believed each to be the other, from photos. Incidentally you never commented on the female photo strip yet. Mother Teresa is pretty ugly, no?
  8. Re Ellen's instinctual experience - I was surprised to hear that St Bernards are volatile,I had thought of them as man's bff! Labs are the perfect protector/pets for kids from Day 1.
  9. How sad that she suffered such tortures in rationalizating her own natural instincts re the NB relationship, into logical moral judgments.
  10. Is a perception of a visible or audible entity, as masculine or feminine, the same as a judgment then?
  11. So the physical pitch of a voice does not denote masculinity or feminiity, and this is also a subjective judgment....
  12. Dear Torn, You are obviously intelligent, for a d-man, so you will understand that education is a priceless passport to a greater world than you will encounter at the average rink. Some of my happiest hours were spent at Moose Jaw Technical night school exchanging ideas on intellectual subjects related to Advanced Auto Repair. I did not actually pursue a career in AR although my uncle offered me a good job at his garage - I followed my heart to Equipment Management for the Manitoba Moose- but my MJT experience has enriched my life, especially in the winter when people`s cars won`t start. So take that class. My wife has read some of that guy`s books, and she says just sit there and take notes and don`t talk, he will only want to talk to the girls and might resent a younger guy butting in. Get your friend to help you read the gay book if it is too hard. And if you have to read one of his own books don`t buy it, just get it out of the library and pretend like you read it years ago and took the class because you are his fan. CHECK THE PUBLICATION DATE so you will sound convincing. Good luck, Emile
  13. I have never heard him speak but I am guessing he is not a basso profundo. Abraham Lincoln had a highish squeaky voice , reportedly. I suppose he would never have got anywhere in politics today without voice lessons like Thatcher took.
  14. Dear Emile, « I am a defenceman with a burning passion to succeed and I can also read and write pretty good. So Im enrolled at Victoria College which is mostly chicks WOO-HOO and coach says I am pretty sure to make the team but I am failing bad in Required Subject which is too hard for me and no use to a hockey player anyway, Philosophy-- who needs it eh. So I can take an English and my friend said there is a bird course where you just listen to this guy talk about guy stuff and it actually toughens you up because by the end of the course you can read about eating gross female stuff (honest don't mean to be crude but that's what my friend said) but you have to read some books and one of them is by a gay guy, not that I am prejudiced but what if I cant relate to it and fail like I am failing at philosophy. Also this guy Professir Dave Dingdong is an author and if you don't read his books you don't get a good mark even though they are not on the course. And I don't know how long they are, the course is Short Fiction. I need to pass or I will never chase my hockey dream plus all the hot chicks around here woo-HOO! What is best for my future career, I need to know. Torn in Toronto
  15. Lindsay Perigo expressed this Maniverse-influenced take on orthoism when he said that the future "belongs to men, and women who think like men." It is a gloss on Rand which can arguably be traced to her idiosyncratic views on gender relations.
  16. OK. But as often as mathematical facts have succeeding in explaining past economic disasters, they have failed to predict future ones.
  17. Just Wikied this Torvalds guy and I am in love! Not only is he the son of hippies and Finnish, and when Finns are fine they are the finest (Yes Teemu Selanne I mean you, stop blushing) but he is married to a six-time karate champion. So I guess my love had better not speak its name. Oh, well. And for the delectation of Randians, he is an atheist.
  18. lol great one jts! I don't even know who those companies are but this is the most refreshing business-related video I ever watched.
  19. Thank you for the clear answer. My feminine intuition tells me that your middle name is "Noboody-puts-an-effin'-label-on me" but I see that philosophically, you are a fairly orthodox Objectivist, a black/whiter. If my colleagues are not too exhausted to pick up the banner in the Siege of Acre and a Mule I will leave the religious conundrum to them.
  20. Alexander was Aristotle's pupil. He brought Greek culture to Asia. It is possible there may have been a connection. If I had to write a thesis on Symbolism in Atlas Shrugged (shudder) I would certainly haul that in!
  21. How about the eternal fire in the Zoroastrian temple that went out when Alexander the Great died in Babylon, shattering his empire and plunging it into chaotic war?
  22. Tony, Yes, I think I would agree. Re your previous, I am not hiding! I just leave OL up on the screen so much I do not want to look like a moderator or Phantom of the OLera to lurkers. Just think of me as omnipresent. You know I can't go long without my OL fix. Brant and PDS, Yes, let us leave our friend out of it. Even he would draw the line at musical instruments, I'm pretty sure.
  23. With love being "Never self-less" - you agree. If I'd said "Always selfish" would you still agree?
  24. That is weird. I am the worst computer person ever, but I leave OL New Content on my Favourites bar and everytime I come on, the new content that I haven't read is starred. I never miss a post of yours, Brant!