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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Failing the appearance of the Rev. J Neil from the sky, I will give it the old college try on another front. Moralist, you said earlier that "there are only two basic worldviews". I disagree strongly with that statement. Can you describe these two views? and do not answer with "the correct one and the incorrect one" or "the subjective and the objective" or I will for the first time put in an abuse report to Michael!
  2. That nonagenarian sounds like a dirty old man! I like that in a scientist.
  3. "Despair and boredom"? Rand famously fell into a depression after Atlas and this sounds like l'etat c'est moi.
  4. And the towers of the ungaedely shall be laid low.
  5. Look Moralist, there is only one Cryptic Commenter here, and Brant beith his name and he hath diciples.And cryptic answers to straightforward questions are unBrantian and border on trolling.
  6. Cats are cute with or without hair. Even some men are.
  7. Yes, and your example shows it. You knew your Folly would not hurt the baby , yet this conscious knowledge was overridden by the image of dog-atop-baby and you reacted before you thought.
  8. I concur, Ellen. I have no siblings, but I have seen my older son put himself in danger to protect the younger one, even though they usually fought most of the time. There may also be an evolutionary element - there are instances where mothers have performed superhuman feats of strength (lifting cars for example) to save their kids, which ordinarily they were in no way capable of.
  9. I have to agree with this list - but we would have been gentle with you if we had continued our conquest in 1812 - honest. Ed may be referring to the Republicans' empty threat to shut down the government and cause chaos "on principle". but the threat was always empty and everybody knew it. He may be harking back to the Buchanan "culture wars" rallying cry. I am sure he is sincere and expects the train to crash in the tunnel.
  10. If it did, how would one's consciousness know that? I know, as far as I can know, that my consciousness does not know everything.
  11. Nevermind Cartesian, it is almost Catharist, the dualistic heresy which espoused, among other things, reincarnation. The credentes (believers) who transcended the sinful flesh and lived truly Christian lives per their beliefs (and by all historical accounts, they did) were called Perfecti.
  12. Their only function seems to be driving decent people like Gulch into a panic. Whenever I see a headline "Shocking Truth" or "The Real Truth" I know I am neither going to be shocked nor read much truth.
  13. I left out hockey. --Brant nobody's perfect I think that is twice we have agreed... high five bro!
  14. I think the depth of love is beyond Rand's definitions of selfless and selfish.
  15. No. It is possible to love another person more than you love yourself, but it is still yourself doing the loving.
  16. Well Jerry, your government provides the rest of your country free access to the snake oil sales force, at one-half the cost per capita (that is per individual, there is more to us than our heads) than it costs in the US. The Globe reports that the number of doctors and their salaries are at an alltime high. You are making valiant efforts here but doctors are not just going to slink away in shame and people are going to keep going to them.
  17. If donations can save civiliation, then the Heritage Foundation should start shelling out instead of soliciting. They have more ready money than Fort |Knox.
  18. Did you see that photo of the Baldy airlifting the deer? Don't feel threatened Moralist, but I recognise those talons...just saying.
  19. And if you respond that that is my view, not yours, which I already know, I will send my ex the Eagle to ravage your aerie.
  20. My impression of moralist is, for the past 30 years he has done things right and watched other people do things wrong, .and he now has time to contemplate the rightness and wrongness of life from his well-earned secure perch.
  21. G'day of birth, mate! Keep on adding a whole new dimension to decadence and Goth On!