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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Like you know what is beautiful and ugly, as on other thread? Flowers are beautiful and weeds are ugly. \yet the lilies of the field referenced by Jesus, who toiled not neither did they spin, were to the best of my own knowledge weeds.
  2. Cripes where did my post go? I was going to say, that in AS Rand expended all her literary capital on integrating her grand theme with her masterful plot. The other novelistic qualities, characterization at all levels, atmosphere etc., were so chained to her priorities that this reader did not get the full experience of reading a novel, of entering and experiencing a real fictional world. The fourth wall never came down.
  3. When you are all liberals you do not mug each other lol
  4. Higher education is crumbling everywhere in NA, except for pro-track disciplines in science, medicine and law. Maybe this is a necessary trend. It is ridiculous that I should earn more than someone with a higher degree, who certainly works harder than me, in roughly the same field of education. (And I don't earn much, definitely a 99 percenter|). I was talking to a PhD who was offered a fairly prestigious gig at the University of Toronto. Costing it out, he couldn't afford to take it. Maybe we are reverting to the medieval mode where scholars were always poor and ragged unless they had rich families or patrons.
  5. Gord, stay cool bro, eyes on the prize. We will Boni for freedom somehow. You better come stay at my place just in case. Together we can work on Michelle to do the stilts thing. Doug
  6. Dear Doug, Christ on a bike! What am I supposed to do now, I cant find any chicks who fit the bill who are originally chicks if you know what I mean! He knows where I live now! Gord
  7. Dear Mr Scott, Sir, We are pleased to honour your request about "hot hockey chicks 6'5" or over" and will be back to you shortly, TZT We mean, as soon as possible!
  8. Stop being coy then. What are your beliefs?
  9. Hey, I thought a Canadian created Superman! I stopped reading comic books around age 12,but I used to like Little |Lulu. Didn't realize till years later that LL looked exactly like me.
  10. I will take a guess . Foundational belief, "the kingdom of heaven is within me. And only me!"
  11. Er, that should read, "Dear Mr. Scott, Sir"
  12. Dear John Scott, No, unfortunately we do not know where Phil Kessel's house is. Still hoping to see you in Oct. buddy! Z-team
  13. I heard a good line recently - "Libertarians are just Republicans who don't want to admit it."
  14. Hi Ginny, what do you mean by "verified side effects of inoculations"? If the risk of verified side effects on her child outweighs the risk of harming other children, then that mother must be prepared for the consequences of her decision. I can verify that my kids (now adults) suffered no side effects from vaccinations, for example, but that does not mean I don't acknowledge that some kids do. Public health unfortunately is a numbers game. I know that the word "public" is not the most popular on this venue, but there is such a thing as public health, and in the case of inoculations I do not think we have a right to privatize it.
  15. .From here the Republicans in Congresss and the Senate look like a libertariat, with the party "leaders" fighting a rearguard action on behalf of the traditional party system. And they are not guarding their rears very well. The Democrats maintain the old system and are able to act collectively.
  16. To deduce, or impute a philosophy from a work of literature is a favourite pursuit of readers and academics. To assess as literature a work which announces itself as a novel of ideas, which delineates a philosophy, is a comparatively new challenge. To reconcile both with bait-and switch (but it's just a novel! But it's just a thesis!) does not work with Atlas, another reason it will continue to be read and argued about long after we lay down our cudgels. Carol Team Ellen
  17. The notion that Rand the artist purged herself of glee, schadenfreude or occasionally wishing ill upon evil enemies, although ingeniously and brilliantly presented here, does not persuade me. These normal human emotions which she evinced in her life, come through in the authorial voice of Atlas Shrugged, and I heard them on first reading, long before I knew anything whatsoever about Rand the person.
  18. This is why teachers get such generous sick-day provisions, a focus of much vilification for the resentful - yet we all remember the Iron Teachers who never missed a day of school in 40 years.
  19. I hope and trust that she is not an adjunct professor, they are getting the ivory shaft as the sad story of Margaret Mary V. recently shows.
  20. Also, you were asking yourself a question, which we reasonably expect you to answer yourself. In this case the answer is, "Because I always suspect Canadian socialists of being disingenuous, unlike Amurcan freedom lovers who are straightforward!" You're welcome.
  21. It was also rhetorical because he knows he won't get an answer, or hopes he won't. The only answer to a rhetorical question is, "I don't know, why...?"