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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Dear Z-Team, Zamboni owners are notoriously reluctant to let these vehicles off their premises, and the manufacturers and retailers do not allow for test drives. Your best bet is to ask the Buffalo Sabres to lend you John Scott. Emile
  2. Dear Emile, We are Zamboni drivers at the ACC Stadium who want to support the freedom loving truckers of America. We can't exactly strike because we would get lynched, but we want to ride the Zam downtown in solidarity with the individualists. We are pretty sure management will not let us borrow it, however. Do you know where we can borrow a Zamboni from for a day? Yours for liberty and low fuel prices, Gord, Doug and Michelle The Z-Team
  3. That conductor says something about human psychology and instinct that I do not like to hear.
  4. Pompousest. I know, it should be "most pmpous", but that's the point. Editor is working some of the time now, just not at this time.
  5. Clunkiest, pmpousest title ever. Why didn't he just call it "Run for your Lives: there's No Tomorrow!"
  6. |No Ellen, of course I don't. It is only my impression, that most people prefer to read nonfiction, and the novel market is shrinking. Tnat is just from what I have read about it and gathered from the videogame generation. But the death of the novel has been predicted for a long time now and they are still around, r with readers still outnumbering writers, long live them both.
  7. So, sometimes he wears a sunbonnet and goalie gloves. That makes him a conservative fantasist, you silly.
  8. Jonathan a liberal fantasist, now that is funny.
  9. In related legal sports news, the Maple Leafs are suing the Blackhawks for You shipping the David Clarkson package to them without a brain included. You want context, Adam? Clarkson was bought(dearly) to fill a vital and irreplaceable on-ice role, from which he chose to take a ten-game leave last night. Ay yiyiyiyi!
  10. As I said on other thread, passive-aggressive. That is not a knock, it is how I would describe myself in marital disagreement mode, "I'm not going to argue with you because I know I'm right."
  11. I'd like to have a nice coffee morning with his wife and Ellen!
  12. Moralist in addition to his other unique qualities, is the most passive aggressive OLer to come down the pike since I have been here
  13. Uck, uck, uck. The lunch I was eating was invoked, if you call that nature, and it will be a while before I forgive you. Stick to math and physics, please Baal.
  14. I agree with that, Stephen. Not that I am comparing them, but you know the way I mean this -|Scientology and Objectivism are often compared by others. Yet with all the huge wealth and muscle of that organization, Battlefield Earth has in no way had the continued sales or impact of Atlas Shrugged.
  15. Speaking of which, has there been an upsurge of Atlas sales since the movies?
  16. I agree that word of mouth is the main driver. Still the school program is pretty significant. According to ARI's website 1.4 million Free Rands have been distributed so far. Considering that the assigned books in high school are the only novels many people ever read, even taking into account that some students will not like them, that is a lot of mouths to spread the word.
  17. One more syllable and you would have been Thread Haiku Champion!!
  18. Nice dekes. To laugh in answer blows away the question and the asker.
  19. You can't trap me with your rhetorical questions!
  20. lol don't worry, you are safe from my justice - if nominated I will not run and if elected \I will not serve! I'd rather be right than set precedent.
  21. ?Error,? Heck, I thought you were feeding me a straight line! Any sentence would be too weak for that man. And the province of Alberta should treat him as Missouri treated the Mormons when he gets out.
  22. Weak sentence? |I thought it was one of my better ones!
  23. Cruz must be doing something right, he seems to be equally hated by the Dems and other Republicans.