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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. National anthems are the best, practically unruinable. Ours is musically pretty dreary, but thrilling when done right, There is always a spirited debate on hockey sites about the anthem singers. No real question however, that Roger Doucet was the best that ever was or will be, and Lt..Scotty Newlands is his audioemotional heir. Carol Anthem enthusiast Still upset that Scots wha Hae got displaced True, "welcome to your gory bed, chains and misery", is not exactly upbeat, but a true reflection of Scots history at the hands of England, Nobody, not even the Welsh, let alone the colonies, got so thoroughly mistreated and screwed over jolly old John Bull.
  2. The logistical necessity being, the original coach was a raving loony who considered his son the next Pele and expected the kindergarteners to play like ManU.
  3. Actually I have seen soccer moms, who were introduced to the game along with their four-or-five year olds, become team coaches through logistical necessity. Pretty good coaches too.
  4. DDL, keep up the good soccermom work. It helps a parent immeasurably through the adolescent years when the child is active in a sport he likes, away from the computer and the fridge for set hours each week! Better not read anymore Kant.. you might get drawn into arguments and as recent events in Russia show, he is a combustible subject!
  5. The development of speech in humans is a fascinating thing to theorize about, since it seems impossible to ever know when and how it arose, There are many, many theories and no hard evidence. For example, did we first laugh soundlessly? At least we know roughly when writing first appeared.
  6. Knowing Adam, having accepted Ellen's chastisement he is eagerly waiting to return the favour.
  7. Sorry, old journalist motto, "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"
  8. No, of course I don't. He used a considerable part of a giant mind in developing this theory, I just don 't think it especially valid. I'll blame my thoughtless slur onearly training.."afflict the comfortable."
  9. Darrell, re #16, Sadly I am not the current Oracle of all Knowledge on OL, that appears to be Moralist, but I am flattered anyway. Modestly, Carol
  10. OK, if you say so. We shall "go no more a-roving , i' the light of the moon."
  11. I just had a thought from your comments about Rand's omnisexuality as a novelist. Could Lillian be the anti-Frank? The worst and least supportive spouse of a creator, as opposed to the best which is what Rand had?
  12. You are right Brant, about real life. \\but in Rand's world,I got the feeling that Dominique subsumed herself in Roark -high-lnot a trade but a high-level merger, a takeover.
  13. Dear Diary, Oh, dear. Have just heard from Dave (Clark, not Beckham), and he wants to have a man to man chat about getting Cold Feet as he says he thinks I will understand! Will I never be allowed to forget that interruption in my perfect relationship with dearest K? At least by someone apart from dearest K? Getting cold feet about cousin Bea, however, if I am objective I can understand. I find her a bit unnerving myself. She just listens so avidly, and looks at one an d laughs and flings her hair about, but she does not say very much that one could call conversation. Also Dave is fed up with persuading celebrities to book flights to Mars, he says their demands are impossible and it is no good Sir Richard saying be creative, there is no way to ethically promise private hot tubs on an extraterrestrial vehicle. I suppose it is flattering to be looked upon as a "Dutch Uncle" by Dave in this way but I am not all that much older than he is and I think I will just tell him to bite the bullet. Note, must ask Cousin R about those Mars flights...maybe keep my pilot hand in? Ich dien, William
  14. "Culture gods" in ancient Indo-European cultures were also "Technology gods" and frequently tortured or persecuted by other gods for sharing the divine secrets with humans. Prometheus is of course an example. Randology is older than we know.
  15. Mike, you are disregarding the crucial factor, the psychopathy, the clearly definable illness. Situation, opinion, orientation may feed the pathology but only the active intervention of those close to the person, can prevent tragic consequences.
  16. So the shotgun killed 12. The wrongly assumed rifle could have killed more in the same time? Some of those not killed people should be grateful.
  17. Darrell, mentally well people do not understand the functioning of their own minds either. Witness Ayn Rand who decided how the mind functioned and prescribed how to program the subconscious.
  18. I have to agree with Not FF here, and also Steorts. The characters are above it all,they exhibit no reactions, but it is Rand being, if not gleeful, authorially vigilantist and vindicated. A long and fairly honourable literary tradition.
  19. The only Rand heroine I ever felt any resonance with was Dominique, because of her petulant stubborn inexplicable core. And I felt resentful that it all got explicated by philosophy and sex. Somehow I felt she should have retained herself (the bad and good)and not given it all over to Roark.
  20. Brant, Think about what you just wrote. What we are talking about is America with assault rifles available; regular massacres of civilians. Every train of thought continued to its logical conclusion is....scifi, or ridiculous. Take your pick.
  21. The details that have come out about Alexis, show that he was alone, probably by choice. he had no family near, friends but no nearest one, no spouse or lover to try to get him help for the illness he was aware of. He tried to do that himself. It was not enough. when the compulsion to kill overtook him, there was no one to sound the warning.
  22. Glass buildings are causing serious reflective burns and harm in London. Moralist, could you please not quote the whole thread when responding? Just the comments you are addressing. Or just do a new post, we will know what you are referring to.
  23. Bureaucracy, gotta love it. Reuters reports that the R.I. police warned the Navy police (?? NCIS?) that Alexis was probably crazy. Told that it would be followed up. And it sure was.
  24. This reminds me of that heroic school worker who talked the strange kid with the rifle out of shooting up the school. Also of the ongoing conversation I could enter into seamlessly with my mother, when she was ill, enjoying her inventiveness and reassuring her momentary anxieties, feeling for once I could be as useful, as giving to her as she always was to me.