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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Put how do people turn into rabid dogs, in the eyes of others and themselves?
  2. Oh luck is very real. Especially the luck of the Irish, which Joe Kennedy bequeathed to his offspring in toxic bursts. There was a novel by Edwin O'Connor, forget the name. An minor character practically dances with spite, shouting, "I hope it rains like the hammers of hell on you (Joe Kennedy). all over you and your damned garden party!" And it did.
  3. I agree, they have said they are looking for more. But WHY? oh, why?
  4. How did it happen if (as reported) a heavily-armed person got into a heavily-guarded military installation using the ID of a former employee?
  5. Ellen, it looks like you are boarding your own train to head into the tunnel - except it is a Disney ReasonRide with hall of mirrors included... stimulating and fun!
  6. Dallaire to me epitomizes what the UN ought always to do; and being a patriot, what the Canadian military always does if it is allowed. It is a bitter proud role, soon to end in Afghanistan, that graveyard of Western hope.
  7. Correction, many own them, few have read them. Among which rare few is ghs.
  8. Come on guys, you know everybody rents those library backdrops for when they are interviewed. Nobody actually owns that many hardbacks!
  9. Sure we are bags of water with high opinions of ourselves. We are also made of starstuff, and nothing in the universe is alien to us.
  10. Darrell, it is true that RFK jr is a political activist, but he is not currently an elected official, and his life and opinions are in the infotainment" sphere. That is a crowded world and I can't see reason, much less Objectivism, gaining much cred by entering it.
  11. Spheres of influence, J! Those subjects are Dr Mrs Dr Diana's province. I mean state!
  12. Never apologize, never explain? Are you suggesting there is nothing to learn from history and that we should just repeat it?
  13. At last Kant has got his comeuppance for daring to criticize pure reason. The nerve of that man.
  14. Adam, you honour me to put me in such company, perhaps you meant "art" as all the arts - I know a fair bit about litcrit , but am also here to learn about visual art "seeing" and theory from such as J and Stephen (and Ellen). Interesting how philosophy seems to clash with the power of art sometimes... is Aesthetics a true branch of philosophy at all?
  15. Indeed what was not foretold in that secular Book of Revelation? I expect this incident to go down in history as the New Age's Shot Heard Round the World.
  16. Interesting, I did not notice it worked that way, but now I think I see it a lot... maybe I have done it myself at times! My understanding is that to prove an argument you must test it against the strongest counter-arguments. Moralist put himself in an impossible position by agreeing that aesthetic judgment is subjective, yet insisting that his subjective judgments correspond with an objective truth.
  17. This is definitely a major story which should be addressed and analyzed by both ARI and TAS.
  18. Priceless. That AP writer is a gem. Which of Kant's ideas indeed?The world needs to know! This could be straight from the Onion.
  19. I read the whole thing. The Fountainhead section was commendatory and insightful, and gave me a new respect for that novel. The Atlas section did psychologize Rand, but was mainly a literary review. Both parts were infused with the writer/reader's personal reaction to the books. If you had not told me I would not know if he was a conservative or a liberal. Just a novel reader.
  20. Did those characters really "sacrifice" their lives?. They spent their lives in getting what they wanted most - and they are shown to be despicable in what they wanted - but their little egos were as real, if not as admirable, as anyone else's. Did Lilian R. "sacrifice" her life|? Ha. She got what she wanted for as long as she could.
  21. "Weeping Eros is the builder of cities". What cities she built in her novels!
  22. I bet it is helicopter parents behind this move, and school trying to protect itself from lawsuits if the little darlings get their feelings hurt on the sports field.