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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I don't see any Sarah story here - her webmaster reasonably thought the photo was public domain, and the publishers may be trying to establish or regain rights over it- it's just showbiz.
  2. ??? How is suggesting that you should not do something, endorsing your doing it?
  3. I will be watching the Oilers this year too, as I admire Dallas Eakins and think along with many that he should be coaching the Leafs. Also waiting for Yakupov to choose his third girlfriend!
  4. Yes, there are, but for me it would be like trying to join the editorial board of JARS. I am just a fan, not a statistician/scout/coach manqué and beyond the Leafs my knowledge of the whole league is superficial. I'll stick to completing the autograph collection on my Playoff Petticoat.
  5. We know beauty , also truth. Homer, Milton and Justice Proudly blind
  6. Good post jts. Everything human is in every part of us , all the time, to be seen and thought about by other humans.
  7. Anya, if you lighten up you might have some fun here.
  8. The State does neither. I leverages bullies and poor decisions makers. It is dysgenic, corrupting and useless. I frankly think most minarchists just don't understand the system they're 'critiquing', and pretty much none of them never put effort into the vast technical literature that deals precisely these oft-repeated criticisms. Objectivist government is half-error, half-rationalism - Bizarro Positivism. Or, as FSK put it, minarchists are stupid. Dysgenic? Note to \FSK, stupid is not a word to throw when one lives in a glass house. Just saying.
  9. True. They occur in all walks of life and do not always do recordable harm.
  10. Samson, they were psychopaths. Philosophy does not come into it.
  11. Eversince reading Atlas Shrugged, this "'large numbers" questioned has bothered me. The largest numbers were the looters and moochers -- what exactly happens to them when reason reigns?
  12. Sure, all non-conservative non-libertarians or disagreers with you are morons.
  13. To an outsider , Al Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh are the same. Savvy hustlers who know their audience.
  14. There are many "major stories" TAS has not chosen to comment on, and they were news stories, not leaked celebrity diaries.
  15. "Character expressed in the face" is so meaningless without context, that I cannot believe anyone except the young Ayn Rand could have believed in it. Looking at those two photos, if I were told that the first was Leni Riefenstahl and the second a young girl being tortured, I would have believed it absent contrary evidence or knowledge.
  16. Is he related to eDonway? Impressive Oist pedigree if so!
  17. Moralist has not yet answered anything, he just repeatedly begs his own question.
  18. Classic, Brant. That transported me back decades. How did you know about the kitchen water? With soccerboy #2 it was "tll me about" -- I had to weave adventures of Catland, where the cats go when the humans are asleep, and more inventively Skunkland, for the friendly animals who lived under the front porch and learned to coexist with owls, raccoons and other night creatures.Never say I don't know how to work to a deadline.
  19. lol more likely their outer greedy stylists who get rakeoffs from the designers.
  20. Not just that it would be discussed on an |O-site; that it would appear under the imprimatur of an Objectivist organization. I thought TAS were the moral highgrounders.
  21. This reminds me of the "who wore it best" fashion feature in the trash tabs, where they judge the relative attractiveness of starlets in identical dresses. The "experts" usually all choose different in the different magazines.Myself looking at the photos I don't see much difference as the girls are all pretty; except sometimes the dresses are so ugly I can't imagine how they were persuaded to wear them.
  22. Discerning character from a person's face is a unique talent, moralist. Were you born with this ability, or did you learn it by study?
  23. Oh Michael, you're so cute when you laugh.