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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Or maybe Brian was an admin and took down his own threads for some reason?
  2. That is so weird, Ellen. Have others been "disappeared" like that on Solo before? Anyone else have any theories on the transfiguration of a Rational Man into a John Galt? LP does not even ban much, let alone obliterate... or does he?
  3. Miley C. has a beautiful body, but her face I would describe as "cute." What does this say about me?
  4. This being the time of year when hockey news is thinnest on the ground, puck addicts are reduced to thinking about player contracts and salary caps and things like that which I at least cannot ever understand; so I think about other things, like how the career arc of a professional hockey player is so similar to that of a child actor, yet different. In both professions the kid is a star performer from the age of 5 or so. They progress seamlessly from age group to age group, "auditioning" whenever they are on the ice, acquiring an agent in their early teens. Here the paths diverge. The talented athlete will continue to play and progress. The talented actor will face a dearth of roles, new competition, typecasting prejudice, and any body changes deemed unaesthetic by casting directors. At around age 20, having worked in their professions all their lives, they face the new Final Frontier of adult roles and sports, major or minor league, knowing that all they know will continue another 20 years at most, at best, or end at any moment, at worst. Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie, Dion Phaneuf and Elisha Cuthbert, l'chaim.
  5. Come now Brant, every man before the age of seven is "brainwashed" by a woman, since nearly all of them have mothers. And all the men here have been , well, heavily influenced by the same certain woman later in their lives. Resistance is futile!
  6. The Gnostics were right all along - who knew?
  7. You are mistaken. In heaven, according to the Bible, there is "neither marrying nor giving in marriage" but I don't recall anything said about sex.
  8. "Our Man in Tehran", a new movie documenting the historical facts of the rescue of Americans by Canadians during the Hostage Crisis, is debuting today at the Toronto International Film Festival. It is supposed to open in theatres later this year, (if it gets a distributor I guess). Maybe it will do as well as the Atlases but I will not hold my breath. In brighter news, a Toronto cop has actually been convicted of assault for beating a G20 protester three years ago, and Kadri has caved, signed a bridge contract and gone to training camp just under the wire. So life can go on.
  9. Sorry, wrong thread - should be on Ellen's "Christology"
  10. Randology says, "Love yourself,act so that you deserve your own respect, only thus will you deserve the love of others."
  11. Easier, because as I said there is a framework in every variant of Xtianity (local church etc), and despite the myriad theological differences, there is only one "First and Great Commandment." Love one another. How to do that is up to the individual with guidance or not from priest or community.
  12. I think it is way easier to "be a |Christian:" not that I have tried. But I know people who definitely are, who live full lives within that framework.
  13. lol. Or as Marge Piercy put it, "If a man and a woman can live together, anybody can."
  14. Smart man. My husband's line was, "I wear the trousers in this household, and I've got my wife's permission to say so."
  15. Obviously the poor boy was led astray by an Older WOMAN! we have seen this before...
  16. You are right jts. Probably that is why no good novel has ever been written depicting a world of free minds working in synergy, according to Oist principles.
  17. After 120 posts, in 118 of which S. Wissler has declared why his interlocutor is not worth talking to, he is still coming up with new reasons why (latest: undiagnosed Aspergers) and I believe he could keep it up forever and is the modern master of ad hominem.The original topic is lost in the mists of time. Kind of like the reason Solo exists.
  18. I do still think that Baldric would be the perfect spokesman for libertarian populism, medieval style, proudly presented as "the worst servant in England"
  19. lol, I hope your philosophical sleeps are dreamless!
  20. Is Baldurisation a welcome Atkinson update of Bowdlerization?
  21. Rand as a romantic novelist and idealist,was driven politically only by what she was against-- she should never have been put in the position of prescribing what kind of world she was in favour of, since that world was always imaginary.
  22. "Bleeding Heart" I have never understood how this is an insult. To give forth blood is the business of the heart.
  23. The opposite? Treacherous emotion says you are doing it with mirrors.
  24. Dear Diary, Papa is still fuming. I have warned Bea and Eug to keep their heads down, tricky as Bea wants to know when she can announce her engagement. What can I say with Papa roaring, "Royal wedding ha, ha, 12th in line and who is going to pay for it, let her father find some country church, he has enough socked away from his bloody travels"... oh, dear, I feel quit torn and I admit I have not talked to Dave in days although he is a really good sort. Maybe they will elope.. that would be romantic but I suppose Papa would not wear that either. Perplexedly, W.