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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I am not among the philosophical adept here, but isn't this solipsism?
  2. Dear Diary, The use of the gardens for our game has not been questioned yet (good) but the gardens have been in the news because of Uncle Andy (bad, if you listen to Papa which we all have to do patiently). "HIS HOUSE, good God, it is not his house and never will be... telling police officers only doing their duty to F** off - they should have told HIM to f** off .. rude, arrogant, spoilt.. have those bloody girls of his got jobs yet?...remarry that trollop, not while I.] have a say in it he won't, we are carrying enough dead weight already.." etc/ There is not much to say to Papa when he is in this mood. I cannot imagine ever feeling so hostile towards Harry however silly he may be at times. He is always very polite to the servants. I rather hope when Kate and I have the Spare it will be a girl. Neither Papa nor Uncle Andy nor Uncle Eddie have ever said anything in the slightest way critical of Aunt Anne. They simply would not dare. Ich dien William
  3. I think it is the terrier in him, There are some pants legs he has to go for and not let go of.
  4. Ellen, like me you appear to have your own personal, individual relationship with novels that engage you.Maybe we are the last demographic that the marketers will ever find to target!
  5. Re literary qualities, Atlas was too cinematic for my tastes. I don't like to be told exactly what everything looks like and guided expertly from scene to scene with such overt authority in a novel. I like to be casually introduced and observe the action from my own angles.
  6. Not that I wanted Galt undercut, which I realized by then was hardly likely to happen. I was just so disengaged from the characters that I didn't care what happened to them. Maybe that was worse. I remember estimating the remaining number of pages and skimming through the torture scene. Don't ask about the Speech.
  7. Oh,dear lord , so glad I never read this at the time, it would have finished me off.
  8. Actually Brant, the state I was in, if I had been American I might have joined the Army too.
  9. Ellen, I don't mind talking about it at all and remember the feeling well. At the time I accepted that Objectivism must be "right" (it was my first encounter with philosophy) and cherchez l'homme, my boyfriend certainly believed he could be his own version of Galt or whoever, and was happy in his pursuit.Another big factor, I was brought up to achieve a fine career in a straight line. To me it seemed total failure and weakness in myself to doubt my own choices and abilities, in any area of life. Either I was succeeding in life or failing, and increasingly I failed and spent most of my energy trying to conceal that.
  10. Yes, I never wanted to meet a Galt but I thought I should want to be a Dagny. Although I didn't want to, but I beat myself up about it for awhile.
  11. I think your wife has the right idea Mikee. My husband always found my suggesstions very reasonable and it made for a happy home!
  12. Next up, fundraiser in the ARI Executive Dining Room, half-baked and reheated.
  13. Yes, I was wondering if they have a position on the Syria situation.
  14. Ellen, I was that very age on first reading it too, Eventually I concluded that if there were any real Galts I was not likely to meet them and that Dagnys are born, not made. Even self-made.
  15. Sounds good. Maybe we could diversify -- persuade the paisans in Miami to replace those rubber rats with real ones - I think I'm in!
  16. Leo Rosten may be leftist (I am not familiar with him) but dividing individuals into the weak and the strong, is a superficial and pointless exercise.
  17. Glad to see from #4 that you are gearing up for hockey season; always better to buy fresh!
  18. Cool it Prometheus, there are still plenty of private information sources out there waiting unfettered for subscribers.
  19. I know that; so did most libraries here. I certainly acknowledge the historical debt to Carnegie and the many others who opened the world to millions through their generosity.
  20. Yes, a raped, tortured and shot person needs nourishing soup -- if she survives. What does the Atlas Society think she needs right now?
  21. My own Moment of Truth will come when they priviatize the public libraries. "Shoot if you must this old grey head but spare our grandkids' books she said! "
  22. As you indicate, this is old news. It is currently the Arctic we are fighting with Russia about. However if the worst happened and Putin stormed the prime target, BC, somehow I know that with much groaning and eye-rolling our wss would march lithely off to the barricades, however soon to come down.
  23. I recently discovered his video of Hurt. --Brant but I never suspected you wanted Canada to bomb Syria; I still don't, of course Just watched Hurt. "This was a man." I want somebody to bomb Assad. Or to scare him out of Syria. If Canada can do it we should. First time I have agreed with Harper, except about hockey and cats.