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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Thank you Bill, for being critical and coherent about what I have been reading and trying not to read. I keep seeing those bright eager Syrian School kids, the chess whiz, the girl poet, the mischievous budding innovative architect, all tortured, murdered, dead.
  2. lol comfort eating fills a stress hole alright.
  3. Just saw a photo of GZ and I see what Mikee meant about the waistline, he sure has porked up. He looks almost twice the size he was last year, maybe he should do more walking and less driving.
  4. Maybe it was the new lady in the car with George that triggered the outburst. Is he turning over a new mattress and taking another shot at love?
  5. Rumours that I was accompanied by the pastor are untrue.
  6. Glorious. This had me rolling on the new carpet with cast off clothing.
  7. Agreed, it is absolutely not your responsibility. I don't think Canada should either. --Brant can't we agree about something? Of course we can agree about something Brant! We just haven't found it yet.
  8. OK, sorry, the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance then.
  9. Allegedly threatening an estranged wife - this is no way to become today's Liberty Valance.
  10. The WP Annapolis comment was a bad Housman parody "..for what are hopyards meant and why sBurton built on Trent" and actually a rumination prompted by post#4. I have never read the far left handbook( (I first heard about it here) and do not hate America, but since you are so willing to impute to me emotions I do not feel, I doubt you will believe these facts anymore than that I stopped beating my husband.
  11. If I deplore the political inevitabilities that are wars then I must also hate my own country, indeed all countries as I know of none who have escaped them. Obviously I am simple-minded and mean-spirited, and am only here to make cheap jibes at the expense of my betters. That must explain it.
  12. Real scientists in Russia, via the Daily Mail?
  13. What is the difference to the almost unbroken string of small and large wars since the US was born of war? Indian wars, civil war, trumped up Spanish American War, world wars, Korea, Vietnam. Always somebody or something needs defeating and subduing. For say what else is West Point for, Annapolis and all before?
  14. It's Ok Mikee, I know it's hard to be wrong. I was wrong once. Ouch! Glad it never happened again.
  15. Children are individuals who deserve to encounter the larger world as well as the world of their families.
  16. On the last no, unregulated home schooling is a bad idea since children are not the property of parents to be indoctrinated in whatever they whimsically decide.
  17. In the huge shambling collaborations and conflicts that are our countries, you have avoided the mainstream and made a fortune. I have been carried along by it and made a living. We have both maintained and followed our individuality and I consider that mine has been supported and encouraged by the structure in which I lived, and live. I know people who have made fortunes here, and they were not so obstructed that they did not make them.
  18. What you said. In Objectivist semantics, sanctioned by the Ayn Rand lexicon, you cannot be an individualist and a socialist at the same time . However in my language, I can be and am.
  19. . Should have put it in quotes. And I am an individualist myself, despite your straitjacket nomenclature.
  20. FYI the world blows up in my face periodically though I would not say predictably. Doesn't it in yours?
  21. Since skimming back I did not find the context of that sentence, by itself I do not see a world of meaning. Other people's problems are not my problems - no depth there,