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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Here I agree with you, in every particular, except as I disagree about the scenario. It was an encounter which should not have ended in death. Neither of them deserved death, in any way.
  2. I agree that it does not end the argument at all. Angela's analysis here strikes me as true. Rand was forced to politicize much of her philosophy "Off-the-cuff" without thinking it through. In her own mind and heart I think she would have been uneasy about everyone being armed, and tried to determine who was worthy of being armed, such as Dagny etc but in real life.
  3. You do notice that they are bludgeoning her now because of her husband? And of course she is emotional and irrational because --well, women just are.
  4. Any woman who would join that Old White Boys Club, where Dear Leader preaches that "the future belongs to men, and women who think like men", is pretty unnaturally, if not insanely, optimistic in my view.
  5. Here on your own website posters have said that Trayvon "received justice". As he died, I interpreted that to mean he deserved his death, that that was the justice he received. Perhaps I interpreted wrongly.
  6. And Michael, you are so immersed in your story theory that you see everyone as a sleepwalker within core story dreams. Except yourself, of course.
  7. Well, same is true of you, You must believe that Trayvon attacked GZ. Only GZ knows what happened, and you believe him. I don't think he is a devil or a bigot or a racist, but I cannot believe his version of events based on the evidence. There it is.
  8. But that is the very first one -it all starts with Genesees
  9. Mr. Wissler has been diagnosed with RSMCTS (Remorseless Sado-Masochistic Cyber Tourette's Syndrome) by a Rational Man.
  10. It wouldn't, as I do not believe Trayvon attacked him.
  11. Ending the mass murders of primitive tribal savagery is all it can hope to do. Kosovo, Rwanda -- too little and too late but at least some lives saved, that would have been lost.
  12. I have said no word about George Zimmerman since his acquittal, I will never say another word about him, I do not care about him. Whatever might have happened cannot be known. It is the smearing of Trayvon after he is dead that I have protested against now. And let he whose ignorance is the greatest be the most silent.
  13. Rosie has reappeared in flaming good form! I have never seen her so impassioned. She has credentialized Lawyer Moeller, informing that she trained for nearly six years (imagine! nearly six!) in one of the top FIVE law firms in the world! She has been working on a crucial case that will legalize marijuana in NZ! Also Linz has exhibited horribleness and disloyalty to her, when she has dropped everything to help him out, and if he needs her help again with his health, she will still do it! Even though he expects her to read his mind. The woman is a saint.
  14. 1. Don't know, 2. You know better than to ask that question of me 3. As I said in post above, it should be the UN. If they won't go, the US and Canada should go, and hand over to the reluctant UN after conquest.
  15. You used the right word, it is Dickensian. What a vicious drug. Though I can't stand Rob Ford I do hope he is not in its grip. \he weighs 350 pounds and has his brother (the ex-hash dealer) as handler, so all may yet be well.
  16. No, not at all. I was not thinking about Sarah, just the isolationist historical thing, and your heh. Of course this is what the UN is for, but if they do not act someone should and if the US does Canada should join you.
  17. Actually it reminds me of the old Bob Newhart show - "\Larry and my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl"
  18. Thanks Michael. What is the time frame do you know? I do not wish any bad on Ford, truly, and though I believe he did indeed smoke something out of a pipe (and it is proven that his close associates are drug dealers) I would not say he is addicted. he is just a terrible mayor and a complete dumbhead.
  19. Michael, I know full well that that was not the reason you entered the war, yet it was the best moral result of having entered it,, that the Allies saved a remnant of those whom the Nazis were bent on murdering. The West resolutely closed its eyes and ears to the evidence of the genocides until politics forced them to act; Britain sooner and you later. Should we not all know better than that now?
  20. No, you wrong me. Now that the case is over, I am just looking in weariness at a dead boy who is believed by so many to deserve death. Of course I wish the means of instant death had not been there, but that is not what I am thinking about now.
  21. I did not read this article but am interested because our mayor has been accused of smoking crack, others say it was crystal meth (??) . He is very fat however, do you not get very thin when you use those substances? He also drinks. I know this sounds facetious but I would actually like to know any opinions. Thanks. Carol no use trying to hide where I live
  22. Look it up. I was not speaking colloquially and neither was moralist. It was utterly, contemptuously and smugly dehumanizing.
  23. Mikee, I do not refuse to see the dead boy for "what he was", because I did not know him as a full human being and neither did you. It was Moralist who denied him humanity according to his own moralizings.