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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I take exception to Allen West. Why must there be only One Issue, which subsumes all others? Why in every human event must there be Only One analysis, Only One Real Meaning, and Only One Right Way to See It?
  2. Thanks for this George. I never watch videos, but I watched this one. I cannot say I followed the arguments well, but I did notice the body language, and after two years of knowing you on OL I have seen a commonality between us! Your natural mode when sitting upright is ankle-on-knee. I am guessing that when sprawling it is the same, with the added support of elbow on floor. Sitting formally on floor, upright, it is ankle on ankle(crosslegged). Am I right? And you do not lever up with arms when standing up.
  3. Que pasa Adam? How did a Lombard Mason New Yorker learn Castilian Spanish? Your hidden depths will never be truly revealed....
  4. Hola Daniel, I lived for six wonderful months in Spain (under Franco!) and so loved the country, the culture and the wonderful individuals I met. Welcome to OL.
  5. btw, I admire Neil Parille's scholarship, but I am with Linz in concluding that Frank O'Connor did not drink nearly enough , and if I hear one more word soon about Anne Heller on this subject, I will be driven berserk and go out and rob a liquor store.
  6. Since absolutely nothing has happened on Solo now for two whole days (Rosie and Doug were prolific content providers and will be missed) I am obliged to provide filler in the form of my scantily -informed overview of the career of Lindsay Perigo Esq. as a figure in the Objectivist Movement. As a strong voice in the early days he was a definite asset. He had cred as a broadcaster and political activist own his home territory, and he could write. Recently he recalled discussing an official position at then-TOC with David Kelley (maybe the very position Ed Hudgins holds now?) but it did not work out. Splitting with ||RoR he created his own platform on Solo. He remained friendly with the TOC/TAS and welcomed Barbara Branden, until she dissed and dumped him on his own site. Why he published "Drooling Beast" I will never, ever understand, but he did, fortuitously discovered and championed PARC, and developed a rapprochement with the ARI via Dr Mrs Dr Diana. She dumped him too, and PARC flopped. It became obvious that his unique stances and charismatic personality should cause a splinter movement to coalesce, to rival both TAS and ARI and ultimately defeat them, but there were difficulties in even organizing a Solo conference, as many Linzers cannot afford to go to New Zealand and he has difficulties in entering the US. Barring a sealed train speeding him towards the chaos of Armageddon, he is still tinkering with the Perfect Formula of Of Randianism to save the world and crying in perfect tune in a vastening wilderness.
  7. In an armed society, the women at least could have hope that all the men they meet are just glad to see them. -Mae
  8. Wellsaid. You believe you cannot be smaller than your philosophy, and I that we are all greater than our ideologies. You for example are pretty great.
  9. The "real" comment was an angry reaction when someone said her fictional characters were unrealistic. It is her absolute sense of rightness which intrigues me, it is beyond what I think of as arrogance, and it does not offend me at all. Invisibly, Carol
  10. Jesus also had doubts about his own rightness, but there is no evidence that Rand did.
  11. Thank you Tony, I have often thought that Rand's philosophy , being about living on earth, was so like that of Jesus in that aspect.But because she (unwisely imo) famously said "am I not real?") and said that she knew a reals life hero like her fictional ones, she imposed impossible conditions on herself. and her followers. Jesus told other people what they ought to do, mostly., and if they couldn't hack living like he did, he still thought of them as salvageable.
  12. At least he is off the streets until the court can decide if he is dangerous....oh wait, he isn't.
  13. On an unintellectual level, the similarities between Christians who believe Jesus was the "perfect man" , and Rand-worshippers who subscribed to the Gospel of James(Valliant) is very obvious. Except Valliant adds an extra Judas.
  14. Forcillo apparently is an excellent shot. Eight of the nine bullets he fired hit Sammy Yatim. The officer "just wanted to get back to work" after the incident, and was surprised to be suspended (with pay). This from the Toronto Sun today.
  15. If your 20 pages went smoothly, you already know how to write your memoir. When you start again it will be your second draft. Hemingway lost an ENTIRE NOVEL because his wife accidentally left it on a train - and he forgave her. So forgive yourself and start again. If I got upset over every stupid mistake I make here, I could never write another word.\\ I am worried about Ginny too, I don't even know where she lives.
  16. SSSHHHH! Haven't you ever heard of misdirection? Luckily I don't think he reads silly threads... So you just wear the bear costume for fun, eh?
  17. George H Smith has now been enlisted in the condemnation, or maybe possible redemption of poor old Rosie, it is impossible to tell even for an expert observer who is not tired out like I am.
  18. Cool down, relax. The waitress will pracise the politics while the businessmen slowly get stoned, deciding what politics are.
  19. Doug's pre-Darwinian racialism was something that interested me. Sowell is as smart in the here and now as Limbaugh afterall. Surely if he had truly studied Rand these tiny genetic differences among the human race would not have been an issue for him,
  20. btw have you read Hunter yet? I have not seen anyone else review it here since Rich Engle.
  21. Thanks MSK . I did not know that bestsellers were categorized by genre - how many categories are there? Do the MSM bestseller lists just go by total sales, or what? Publishing is so splintered now, I am sure that there is no universal standard for book sales.
  22. lol If they propose Celine Dion as moderator you should get suspicious.
  23. Yes, and never think I do not understand those who think the America they believe in has abandoned them. I can't agree that self-exile is patriotic, however. I will stay and bear witness at the very least.
  24. Is this why the waitress is practicing politics while the businessmen slowly get stoned?
  25. He is always going on like that. No need to spy, just his regular conversation tends to the Rise Up and Kill Them All vein. They are used to him, he is safe and he knows it.