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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The delightful Police Association routinely hire private investigators to dig up dirt on the voiceless victims of cop crimes, and even, it is said, of jury members.
  2. He will got to trial. Considering the speed with which he was charged, booked, granted bail and released, it will be sooner rather than later. This of course, does not happen for citizen accused, who usually spend a week in the system before going home, or languishing in custody until trial. This is no Zimmerman, no racial angle although the victim was Syrian. It is not even Cops vs Punks. It is not even Cops vs. Mentally Unbalanced. It will be straight-up, Cops Right Everytime vs We Don't Think So. \ As mentioned before his lawyer is very good at getting cops off. |The last time a cop killed, the trial was delayed seven times when four key prosecution witnesses were present.The eighth time they were not and the cop was acquitted. Brauti will do the trial delay thing to get the best judge "For the Crown Brown" and meantime work the media to influence potential jurors . But at least there will be a trial.
  3. I just looked at Amazon and could not find this #1 book from last year even among the top 100 now. What gives? I do not know the amazon system, but runaway bestsllers like this usually maintain sales for years. What gives?
  4. Today's cliffhanger: Moeller has asked Linz if the now-evil Rosie is "a different person face-to-face". Will Linz reply? Will he recall his less-than-flattering depiction of her demeanour as his dinner guest in the past? Will he take the high road and dish to MM in secret? Watch this space. NZ seems a pretty small place. Many regulars on Solo are personal friends or acquaintances of LP and each other, which is regrettably less common amongst OLers. Though more convenient I am sure, when having to bristle over territory in the best café in Auckland, once the friendship ends.
  5. lol, nobody could make sense of the action on the ground over there. That is why analysists such as I are valuable, to give you the play-by-play, deep background, and Official Version, and save you the torments of having to read Solo.
  6. SOS to Michael - this is a continuation to "Men on Strike" and "SOLIST stars in New Book" - could you merge the threads under Brant's excellent topic title?
  7. I hope real reporters check this one out. WND is not a reliable news source. I would not accept anything they say as fact unless it was confirmed from other sources. That is not to say the story is false or pure propaganda, but WND's sources such as Shoebat are more concerned with agenda than with research.
  8. Linz has just deployed the taser on Rosie after Moeller mauled her into silence.
  9. Const. James Forcillo has been charged with second-degree murder.
  10. "The art of the possible" is how I have usually thought about it, I guess. It sure isn't a science.
  11. You are right that some inferior, badly written and produced soap operas can be boring. Moeller has just reintroduced PARC than which nothing on earth nor the oceans under the earth nor the heavens above the earth could be more boring.
  12. Maybe I have been obliviatedTM... I knew it would happen someday
  13. Tony! If soap operas are hellish boring then so is life. Do you not get Coronation Street in SA?
  14. Of course! I said so specifically on other thread, "Eat your heart out Young and the Restless". I can't help it if I like stories.
  15. This is a really good thread. As a nominal \Christian, I find many reasonable explanations for the recorded upernatural elements of his career. the miracles for example. The healings I leave to forensic medical history. But the wedding at Cana and the loaves and fishes, I can see as owners and hoarders of food and drink, being moved to share them with the hungry and thirsty.It does not sound like much today, but at that time it was fairly revolutionary, even miraculous. .,
  16. That is right, just what I found out too. Although 113 the computer says I cannot get older than 100. Suits me! Carol forever young
  17. Oh lookout - the good character of Rosie is now being trashed by Moeller, he has evidence that she has been mendacious I think. I am going to swoon. Neither Lindsay nor Doug nor Richard indeed has yet stepped forth to defend her honour but it is early days.
  18. But politics is not a meritocracy, of itself or the disciplines in which the politicians are trained. It is politics. I don't really understand your comment.
  19. This makes sense to me Michael. The fear of losing power and the desire of gaining or regaining past power are what will drive the prime movers in this, if it comes to actions. Do you think it will/ ?
  20. Everyone who is clicking on this: We are sick and tired of being made a joke of. Lightbulbs Union local 13 "Try and turn us on without our consent"
  21. Ellen, |I think you are right that Rosie and Richard are married, \mm recently said that "Goode had rubbed off on her.\\\\\' RG does not post anymore so |I hope Doug has not rubbed off on her except cyberly!
  22. Bob, This is incorrect. There is no provision for calling a "constitutional convention" in the USA Constitution. Here is the exact language from Article V (my emphasis): The correct term is "convention for proposing amendments." The meme of calling this a constitutional convention is scare tactics and nothing more. Especially now in the Digital Information Age where it would be impossible to keep things secret. Michael I see that the correct term "Convention for proposing amendments" (presumably to the Constitution) could be shortened to Constitutional Convention in the public mind. Who (m) is it supposed to scare?