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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. That is a very, very precious argument. Under segregation whites were "forced" only to associate with whites, \and blacks with blacks. Geddit.
  2. -appointed monitor of Solo to save you the trouble, I have already chronicled this story. However for you and those who;did not suffer through the chronicle here is a brief timeline: 2007 Bandler , a highly frustrated often rejected heterosexual; who is attracted only to young beautiful girls, becomes an \\\\objectivist. 2009 He discovers a method of picking up girls for sex.. hires a trainer, practices assiduously and gains great success. His life improves. 2010, joins Solo, where he becomes popular with everybody except Olivia 2013 Exits Solo, declaring he is no longer an Objectivist. Raises important issues of the perils of fearless advocates of truth and liberty who are in such constant danger, that if their real identities were known, they would be instantly lynched and lose all their Frequent Flyer points.
  3. Your six days are up moralist, put on your armour!
  4. My hometown did not have any culture at all, I think I have described elsewhere here the joy of hearing a visiting Madrigal choir, also my parents took me to some summer stock plays in Maine. Fredericton is the home of the Beaverbrook Museum which contains a fake Dali and has a colourful recent history. My son and I hope soon fiancée are going there tomorrow and I will meetup with them in the hometown later in the week, this has no relevance to the thread at all but |I am just feeling irrationally happy.
  5. Jerry, I will seize on your mention of Winnipeg to air my one and only beef against Barbara Branden whom I entirely admire. She described her home city as a place without culture, when even at the time she was living there, was demonstrably not so, in fact Winnipeg was historically first in installing many cultural institutions. Maybe she was just thinking of Canada in general, I have not compared, but to cities of comparable size in the 1950s, Winnipeg ranked or led in museums, theatre, symphony etc. I only looked at Wikipedia for this, and I have never been to Winterpeg as the rest of Canada fondly calls it. Just saying.
  6. lol correct but you would have liked Ontario. I will soldier on with Gulch and Ed Hudgins, but it is tough sledding I can tell you.
  7. That is a profound observation. (Yes, I first thought "striking insight" but I have learned to hesitate before blurting my first reactions. Perhaps this is why some readers of AS feel that the humiliation on top of the fatal blows to the villains, is a slap too far.
  8. Objectivism has often been called "Marxism turned upside down". As Rand's main enemies were Marxism and Theism , her making such a subconscious, or maybe conscious, artistic parallel seems very likely to me.
  9. Weird isn't it, you will get rid of Obama in two years, and socialist Canada could be stuck with ardent free-marketer and his Hayekian cabinet forever.
  10. And Brant, in fantasyland --- if Arizona held a referendum on seceding from the Union, what would you do? Wearily start oiling your guns, or strike up "I ain't marching anymore"? - Canada always an option
  11. I have been looking up Mark Levin and his book from the past year. It looks like he pre-tested his proposals in the conservative market pretty thoroughly. There will be a push to organize and finance the actions he suggests, is my guess.
  12. Oh Jerry, but it was another Objectivist iconoclast who was my secret target...Adam and I are just friends...that computer head is still really dirty. I think it needs more fluid..
  13. Very well said. You are a good polemicist. It might be a small comfort that a Princeton radical feminist has been reduced to baking organic cookies for the last eight years. I am not being facetious to say that you should consider writing a contra Fitzgerald Princeton novel, "This Side of Hades"..
  14. Do you have evidence of this? Some sources say that Adam sprang full-grown from Zeus's forehead.
  15. Thanks all, my impression was sort of right, the purple influenced me. I envy you seeing the real thing ND. Mikee, that was hilarious. Definitely one up to you.
  16. He looks like a warrior king who has learned wisdom and knows that wisdom is not enough. Come on someone tell me who it is. I can't do anything with images, I only got my own avatar up because after half the forum tried to help me, Michael basically did it for me.
  17. I don't know who that painting portrays, but it portrays him wonderfully. If you or J want to adopt him as your next avatar, my subjective reaction would be a yes!
  18. I had no idea it was such a radically political place. I admit I was just thinking of Ivy League intramural ribbing and of the "sense of adequacy" a prestigious alma mater confers. My only real encounter has been through Fitzgerald and O'Hara - neither of them graduates of the places they mythologized! and of course their era with its mythology has passed away.
  19. (Curses, foiled again) A pristine bottle will be offered by your ear-whispering slave and I will taste first.
  20. Stepping boldly to where no man in his right mind would want to go?
  21. Poor McGill. Why don't they say it nowadays? Nowadays they say the University of Toronto is comparable to Harvard or Yale, and a lot cheaper to graduate from.