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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. "Heh-heh do not get the wrong idea. "Hanging" is just our version of Guy Fawkes night ... we Hang Harold (Ballard) in many colourful ways, it is a great bonding experience for the team/ If you have not heard of Harold don't worry, he is already dead but not dead enough in our view. Haha Joke! Porckie
  2. Well, close... er, on really short skis, like. You will soon get the hang of it.
  3. Both these great men will be remembered for their achievements, not their individual philosophies (I do not know about those, I was talking only about their careers when I posted)
  4. And here we move from the passive voice to the active Who shapes situations, who shapes society? I say that individuals do, in collusion or in conspiracy or in isolation from each other, , in large likeminded groups or in small commando units. It is always about you and me. We choose what to believe and what to do.
  5. YES COACH! I take it you are up for leading us to the inter-union championships this year!
  6. I had momentarily forgotten exactly what |Armstrong was famous for. \Einstein rang a bell, but the remembrance will be in the hands of those in the future whose cultural benchmarks we cannot know. Armstrong was the figurehead and metaphor of a huge collective achievement. Einstein was more of an individualist. Will these things matter to our great-grandchildren?
  7. PS do you have any experience on right wing feeding a talented but temperamental centre? Munenori on behalf of a frien Sorry my English not so good I am Japanese but I love Toronto and all his sports!
  8. We can definitely use you! Porckie (my staff always tell me I am so witty!)
  9. I don't think I do understand what you mean. The line of voluntary and consensual is very fine in many aspects of life. And I do not believe that individual lives, however influenced in their choices, are ruled primarily by large scale forces. They are forced into desperate choices certainly, but they are ruled by their own individual values.
  10. You go first. I am sure that during the War of Independence which I referenced, many dirt bags got shot. Society was well rid of the Tory scum. I gave you my example already, purely individual one, of of having a child bringing untintended consequences some of which are good. A concretization of a concept Fred had illustrated. That's all.
  11. We aren't forever, though. We can only think about the principles in our Now.
  12. The type of person who has signed up to colonize Mars, I fear is not someone I could co-function well with in a closed environment. I think this whole project is a marketing stunt.
  13. OK. but the most impactful unintended consequeces I was thinking of, come more from unpredictable outcomes of individual actions, not government mandates imposed en masse. And even those have UICs that can be good. .The tea taxes provoked an outcome unpredictable to the imposers, but worked out pretty well for the imposed upon, n'est-ce pas?
  14. note to moralist: when you are a constitutional scholar you have to live in the past, most of the time.
  15. It will be the dilemma of constitutional scholars to interpret in the light of present domestic peace, proclamations made in wartime,and the delimitations of martial and civil law.
  16. MIkee, that was my typ0! I meant the UICs Unintended Consequences as per Fred's post! Nothing to do with UI, whatever that is.
  17. Dear Adam Selene, we really like your style. The Swines Union has many creative opportunities for innovative thinkers with good flanks. Give us a call. Informally, Porcella Petunia President in Perpetua SU 13
  18. You have the unique ability sometimes to be both at the same time. Aristotle would be stumped.
  19. Dumb-Down Day kicks off Super Suboptimal Sunday at the start of a great weekend! Week? Be there, or be.. uh.. rare?
  20. I did not read many of Doug's interesting views on intelligence , but I vaguely recall they were vaguely based on Rand's, which he interpreted as meaning that intelligence is the most important human characteristic, indeed the one which defines human from animal.
  21. There have been a lot of interesting discussion here on intelligence, IQ and Rand. I could follow most of them.
  22. No FF, it was I who said it was improper, speaking as the "jury" here as I have no knowledge of American constitutional law and will certainly never read this book. The focus seemed to switch quickly here from "how do we increase liberty ? How practicable are Levin's ideas, and how well does he support them?" to...something else. Which is partly why I enjoy OL, and I hope you will like it to.
  23. Trope 1 is indeed excellent. Volunteering information after pointing out that it was improper for your interlocutor to ask for it, always makes a good impression on the jury.
  24. Adam, I did not see FF's comment as critical of the ideas expressed in the book. "If you're so smart why aren't you rich" is a discussion tactic not worthy of you. Maybe there are warring groups of Barnett and Levin fans I am unaware of.