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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Yes, objectivist's view objective reality, reason, self interest and free market capitalism as superior to the alternatives. This website exists because of people who have a belief in those principles, and is frequented by adherents of those principles. Why are you here? Have you had a single new idea or changed your mind about anything since you were about 10 years old and realized you had a "way with words" and could pretty much talk your way around anything? You can make people run for cover but have you ever convinced anyone of anything? And really believe it yourself? You are a sideshow, nothing more. Of your own choosing. Perhaps you think you can bait people into being rude to you and getting moderated. You have the skills for it. That's your big win, isn't it? Pathetic.
  2. Thank you for that insight. I think the Brandens both felt that protectiveness, to what personal cost, only they can know.
  3. Babies collect signatures to kill Mark Dice.
  4. And uh, moral superiority is kind of central to Objectivist philosophy, as is the connection between what you think and what you feel.
  5. It is feeling good left right and centre that matters, although apparently not to Mr. Shapiro.
  6. Brant, just came across this wonderful new verb of your coinage and fair warnings, I will appropriate it whenever I can. Carol Shameless Amoralist
  7. If Mormons could make it in Utah, surely Objectivists can make it on Mars.
  8. I will add one more thought here, maybe a presumptuous one, and if I overstep please forgive me. You both have daughters, and protect them in their youth while encouraging their independence, knowing that ultimately they must struggle alone with themselves and the world outside, make hard choices and suffer, and relearn humanity as every generation does. Could this be a factor in your emotions toward Rand?
  9. Adam, do you also have that protective feeling about the young Ayn?
  10. Where is Xray when I need her? I may have found the Secret B at last, but I fear I have not made a good impression on him.
  11. When you only have spelling, you can still provide services to those who don't have it. When you misspell in two languages, yet obviously should write a bestseller (I agree with moralist on this), you will need a better spellchecker (your grammar is not bad) and human ones are the best, but no one would expect you to jettison your principles and hire one.
  12. Of course I have nothing, and am nothing under your philosophy and its well-defined terms and conditions. But I bet you laughed at the Nothing. Laughing at nothing is one of the first Signs....
  13. I'll think about it. I dated an eagle once... maybe they have evolved over the past three decades?
  14. My Latin is not up for this, and google translate thinks it is in Catalan. You are either saying that all women are dogs or else advising me to have sex with an eagle.
  15. No tech advice, but if an idea seems good in the middle of the night when the cup usually looks not only half empty but leaking, it probably is good.
  16. Yes, also of the Galts Gulch West in "Old Nick's Guide to Happiness." There are pockets of unfettered economic systems around the world. I think of them as anarchies.
  17. I think I get it. At intervals, dead Roman legionaries will fall out of the sky abetted only by reason. Thanks Baal!
  18. Kyle, I know boys! I was just talking about blankies. MSK, thanks for the joy I never encountered before.
  19. Dear Diary, I am back at work and I will confide that sometimes I wish I could never leave. The lads were all so laconic but welcoming. They showed me pictures of their own babies, and although I would never tell K this, they all had much more normal size looking heads-- I miss them both most frightfully of course, and soon I will be settled in the new phase of my career. It has not been decided yet but I hope it is not the poncy wanker Household Cavalry. Those Garter ceremonies are embarrassing enough. Oh, I say! A nude bather has got in difficulties at OrgoFest -- wait till Harry hears this! I suppose I will not be allowed to rescue her --- oh, it's a him. Still, Duty is my Destiny, and Ich dien W.
  20. Really now Kyle, I was not spying on you. I just wanted to make sure you were covered up.