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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. not in your case! je me souviens Const Brind'Amour-Eddy RCMP Surrender le sirop ou souffrez les consequences!
  2. Serious post. I did not watch the video. By description it is blasphemous and do not doubt that at all. What it made me think of was the human instinct to worship, to have heroes. That is the fount of all religion and philosophy, all enquiry into what is virtuous and heroic. This child just evinces that, and if his god is a false god, as they all are, that does not in any way refute that humans need to worship, to feel awe, to feel part of something greater than themselves.
  3. Kyle Jacob Biodroski, you put that gun down RIGHT NOW or it is no maple syrup for you and you are grounded until Henry VIII tells me to let you out!
  4. This is semantics, at the intersection of interaction. There is a subjective line between the buoyant matter-of-fact confidence in one's own abilities, and the enjoyment of one's hard-earned successes amongst peers -- and blanket confirmation of one's own elite status, and contempt of those who have not achieved it. as I said, entirely subjective.
  5. Consider that the lice and parasites too are evolving. Where once they offered themselves to be consumed to sustain the body, yet mindlessly fed off that body until it died, they now have made the connection that it is in their interest to keep the body alive. I do not know about the US, but union-mgmt. relations have gone through significant changes here in the past two decades, from the traditional confrontational model towards a more cooperative one. The basic realities remain the same but we see them in the light of the times.
  6. I will also suggest an amendment to that beloved metaphor. While being sacrified to the lice and parasites, the noble soul in the incomparable body was being sustained by a nourishing diet of Aristotelian ambrosia for carbs, and for protein, you guessed it, lice and parasites.
  7. !!!!! I explicitly said that it is NOT unions that cause ghost towns! And I explicitly said that union busting is not proven to CAUSE economic declines as a stand-alone factor. Trends that cause decades-long declines in certain regions or industries are always multi-factoral, and the single factor of labour "w is not proven to be the deciding one. to "what you've heard theorized", yes I have heard that theorized for decades. It's not a theory, it is just a way of looking at things. Lice and parasites, as Rand like to describe the unwashed masses, in fact killed very few individuals by themselves, or even in organized hordes, just as bedbugs allowed most healthy individuals in the pre-hygiene era to suvrive.
  8. I seem to remember a lot of Christians praying fervently for the election of Bush, Palin, etc. Maybe including Glenn Beck.
  9. Whaddya mean new? We Anglicans have been praying for the Head of our country for 400 years. Obviously that child is just a throwback to pre- Revolutionary times.
  10. Tony, do you not realise that socialism and capitalism are evolving all the time, in all their permutations, and do you deny that they coexist and interact in places like Scandinavia and, well, Canada? Sometimes I think you torment yourself unnecessarily with pure reason and inevitable absolutes. You are a photographer. Is black and white the only option.
  11. Also, when the controllable factor of wages and benefits is reduced to its lowest possible number in the Outgoings column, there is no guarantee that revenue will be correspondingly increased or even maintained. For the municipality the main source of revenue I believe is taxes, and who is going to pay them? The Right to Work outfit you attracted with a huge tax break to hire a few of your newly deunionized workers ? The workers themselves who can now not afford their property taxes, or even sell their houses except at a loss? rising class of aggressive entrepeneurs with brilliant ideas and no capital and no backers? The richest guy in town, a one-man corporation and legal resident of Costa Rica who does all his business offshore? There is always tourism of course. And moving away, even if you are the mayor. Write if you get work, and send some money home. There were ghost towns long before there were unions and there will be long after they have disappeared.
  12. Your argument has merit, but if you contend that removing one factor (unions' coercive powers) will prevent future bankruptcies, you strip all context. I have no doubt that these municipalities and corporations maintained, and even believed, that the unions were the sole cause of the city and company financial woes. But many factors determine a business or municipal failure and are peculiar to each situation. Otherwise, all cities, everywhere, with public unions would fail, as would all businesses with a unionized workforce, solely because of that factor. But they do not fail with enough regularity to justify the theory, imo.
  13. I do not know if Dr Mrs Dr Helen comments on this, but consider the wife shortage in India, which is the result of gender selection technology in obedience to an overarching cuturall misogyny and patriarchalism. An entire generation is coming of age in which males outnumber females so significantly that many men will have to remain single unless they institute polyandry or marry outside their whole culture, nevermind their caste. Stay tuned for many unforeseen consequences in Indian culture.
  14. If you try to unload that maple syrup, we will hunt you down. RCMP special ops div.
  15. And to Adam, in forestallment: I know that the legal system does seriously discriminate against men in many cases of family and divorce matters, and some criminal matters. And some of this is due to "overcorrection" influenced by feminism. But most of it is due to simple fact that the law is reactive and not proactive; it always lags behind the culture, because it must rely on precedent and interpret the letter and the spirit in the light of immediate circumstance as best it may. It is not an evil legal conspiracy engineered by the castrating Monstrous Regiment.
  16. Indeed, it does not seem the type of work that would appeal to the husbands of highly-educated wives or the father of daughters as a good read. Its target market is men who have not got any wives or children at all, or had them and lost them, and need someone or something to blame.
  17. How could they when I only interact with people who are as smug or more smug than I am. I assume you are referring to your interactors in real life. but on the offchance you meant me, I don't think I am smug at all. Two years on OL would knock the smug out of Howard Roark himself. But if am nevertheless, it is not entirely my fault. There is indeed a generic kind of Canadian smugness that most of us are prone to in some degree. We can't help it. Consequentialize that!
  18. I felt concerned so I googled him up awhile back. While he was posting here, he was also online elsewhere and even put up a Linkediin profile. He seems to have been on the computer 24/7 for days at a time. Then, nothing. I conjecture that such a manic burst of sleepless energy would have been followed by a massive crashdown. I hope he is getting help.
  19. sdk, In return I want to thank Australia for providing one of my best friends with an amazing husband, Trevor - the only other non-macho non-chauvinist masculine male on the the continent besides you!
  20. The decline in membership can be causally linked to the practices and legislation, I think, and I never thought weak labour was a causal factor in the 2008 collapse at all. Just saying that it can't be shown that union busting has appreciably improved the economy overall.
  21. lol, I have described my traumatic audio ambush by Rush here elsewhere, I have felt your pain!
  22. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman, like there's anybody here except me to do anything, like always Dear Brother Adam, We have received your expense claim and explanations of the extreme circumstances in your Region that made you have to incur them. You know who is treasurer this year, the other Gord, he does not know his ulaq from his ilaq but he is the biggest cheapskate in town so he has been of great value to the Brotherhood. I regret to inform you that as you cannot justify any tangible benefits to our Lodge from the $4,773.82 you spent for "networking" and "spreading basic principles" at Lennys Palace of Pain Best in the Tri-State Area, you will not be reimbursed until such time as you produce said tangibles. The limited-series signed prints entitled "Dominate This!" however, will be considered as an investment for spreading our message and of course as a sign of our commitment to modern Art and culture, as soon as you send them here so we can look at them. Oh, Manitou! They found him again, and guess who gets to tell him where he lives and take him home... ISS Nanook Secretary and Grandmaster of the Dogs
  23. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 oOFFICE OF THE GRAND SHAMAN CONFIDENTIAL Dear Brother Adam, Jeez guy what the h** are you doing? Lay off the public comments about international and Interpol! I don't care about what is going on in New Jersey except Claudine and me had a great time on our honeymoon at Action Park there eh - but anyway, you could seriously screw up the Secret Plan with this stuff so cut it out. I should not tell you this but we are near to a drive-through, I mean breakthrough agreement with those Porkers and we do not need any media heat. Nanook says he will put you on Gone Rogue status and cut off your per diems if you do not cool it, and you know how he gets sometimes... I know you are a big favourite with the Grand Shaman and all , but he has got lost again and nobody knows where he will turn up this time, so we will not be having Emergency Circle about you this time but be warned! ISS Gord Asst. Shaman
  24. Correction: top-down was miswritten instead of "hindquarters up". Fearfully, Trotters Stawhouse PhD. Communications Coordinator Swines Union Local 13