Happy Birthday William (WSS)


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Happy Birthday....

My gift to you is global evenness in:


Religious cooperation


the spread of reason throughout the land.


Post Script:

Thanks to Carol's keen eye and clever post

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I just saw at the bottom that it's your birthday.

A very happy one to you, too.

May you live many, many, many more long, prosperous, healthy and delightfully quirky years and continue to grace this world with your unique vision.

Michael and Kat

(EDIT: This is the opening post of a thread I started that crossed with Adam's. I merged the two.)

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I feel more able to stagger through the remaining days of late middle age, before I plunge into the pre-elderly years, senescence and death.

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I feel more able to stagger through the remaining days of late middle age, before I plunge into the pre-elderly years, senescence and death.

Don't worry everybody- he was a lot more cheerful at the Sacred Igloo after the Rite!

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