You Know You're Being Insufficiently Objectivist If...

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A humor thread. Lets make fun of the stereotypes!

Disclaimer: This is a joke and meant to MOCK the cliche Objectivist Orthodoxy; it should not be construed as supporting said orthodoxy.

You Know You're Being Insufficiently Objectivist If...

1) You haven't morally denounced at least one significant other or relative for a whole month.

2) You haven't secretly dreamed of being pronounced Ayn Rand's Intellectual Heir.

3) If you have dreamed of being pronounced Ayn Rand's Intellectual Heir, you treat it as a dream rather than immediately starting up an Objectivist Think Tank from which you declare entire genres of any specific art to be inherently evil.

4) You haven't burned at least three copies of "The Passion Of Ayn Rand" within the last week.

5) You haven't yet written a deductive argument (devoid of any empirical evidence) that proves the proposition that anyone who disagrees you is a filthy filthy Cartesian Rationalist.

6) You aren't attempting to build a time machine to go back in time and kill Immanuel Kant as an infant.

7) If you are attempting point 6, you still struggle with the theory of relativity rather than realize said theory is absolutely stupid because its an example of M1 (or possibly D1, whichever).

8) You don't find the sound of ripping bodices to be erotic.

9) You quit smoking.

Any additions?

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A humor thread. Lets make fun of the stereotypes!

Disclaimer: This is a joke and meant to MOCK the cliche Objectivist Orthodoxy; it should not be construed as supporting said orthodoxy.

You Know You're Being Insufficiently Objectivist If...

1) You haven't morally denounced at least one significant other or relative for a whole month.

2) You haven't secretly dreamed of being pronounced Ayn Rand's Intellectual Heir.

3) If you have dreamed of being pronounced Ayn Rand's Intellectual Heir, you treat it as a dream rather than immediately starting up an Objectivist Think Tank from which you declare entire genres of any specific art to be inherently evil.

4) You haven't burned at least three copies of "The Passion Of Ayn Rand" within the last week.

5) You haven't yet written a deductive argument (devoid of any empirical evidence) that proves the proposition that anyone who disagrees you is a filthy filthy Cartesian Rationalist.

6) You aren't attempting to build a time machine to go back in time and kill Immanuel Kant as an infant.

7) If you are attempting point 6, you still struggle with the theory of relativity rather than realize said theory is absolutely stupid because its an example of M1 (or possibly D1, whichever).

8) You don't find the sound of ripping bodices to be erotic.

9) You quit smoking.

Any additions?


10. When attending parties, you don't use your cognitive resources to explain the productive achievement and lovability quotients of fellow guests.

Don't get me started!

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10. When attending parties, you don't use your cognitive resources to explain the productive achievement and lovability quotients of fellow guests.

Don't get me started!

Carol, What's to stop you? Fire away... :P

11. You sanction the immorality of self-mocking irony, by partaking in a poll such as this.


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10. When attending parties, you don't use your cognitive resources to explain the productive achievement and lovability quotients of fellow guests.

Don't get me started!

Carol, What's to stop you? Fire away... :P

11. You sanction the immorality of self-mocking irony, by partaking in a poll such as this.



12. You don't quit your job when your boss refuses to adopt the identification of "Value Trader" instead of "Shift Manager".

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8(B) Yet false dichotomies and excluded middles make you think of Heidi Montag and Pamela Anderson.

Somebody stop me.

What a waste of silicon...


Is this what they mean by the boom and bust cycle in silicon valley...


not a tit man

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13) You see news stories about civilian casualties in Afghanistan or Indonesian child labor without getting an erection.

14) You do not need to carry the Rand-English dictionary to handle social interactions.

15) The phrases "Children with Down Syndrome" and "No Free Lunch" do not send you into a blinding rage and a rereading of Galt's Speech.

16) You have ever uttered sentences like "I need to take responsibility" or "I'm sorry".

17) Stories about serial killers do not make you feel tingly and warm inside.

Edited by Joel Mac Donald
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8(B) Yet false dichotomies and excluded middles make you think of Heidi Montag and Pamela Anderson.

Somebody stop me.

What a waste of silicon...


Is this what they mean by the boom and bust cycle in silicon valley...


not a tit man

That is more like The Race to Silicon Mounrtain. Yeccch! Disproportionate. I guess I am not a tit man either.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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