Atlas Shrugged - The Movie launches website!


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> Also, you can cut and paste this icon and use it instead of [sarcasm alert]

Adam, I wasn't being sarcastic. I do think yours is a very good idea because it has more of a 'hits to misses' ratio than simply handing out copies of Atlas at random and having many of them go unread. And because they then commit to passing it along, although that may be less likely than them reading 200 pages:

200 pages is a good number because it gives them time enough for the story to 'hook' them. Many people feel the book starts slow for them, or maybe they are just not used to long novels.


I apologize. I did not mean to link the "dripping sarcasm" icon to your statement about how I network with Atlas.

However, I can see how you would connect the two because I was unclear. In your post # 19 in this thread, you referred to CPAC:

BTW, CPAC is only slightly bigger [sarcasm alert] than an Oist summer conference: It has ten thousand attendees.

This is where I suggested you use the icon, sorry about that!

My method does work well. I am also very good with people. It comes from the years in political work. I happen to really enjoy teaching and talking with people.

Therefore, as my father taught me, if anyone gets within five (5) feet of you, engage them in conversation, you will probably learn something.

My father and I used to go to Horn and Hardart, an Automat, on West 57th Street in Manhattan [which does not exist anymore]. You would get your food from glass enclosed "drawers" and then get a table "communal" style and be sitting with an heiress, businessman or maybe a bum down on his luck. It was great.


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The producers are being pretty shabby about the forthcoming preview. (Not "trailer," a misnomer for decades.) And at least borderline deceptive.

They have NOT posted any actual preview. They've put up only a graphic of an embedded YouTube video. With a "Gotcha!" display for those who click, saying that it's not going to be available until 11 February.

(Apparently, if we give credence to their flacks, to pander to CPAC. With the film of the magnum opus of a woman who wrote "Conservatism: An Obituary.")

Those genuinely seeking positive word-of-mouth do NOT do this with previews! This will just risk alienating anyone who follows a link with eagerness to finally find out how some of this film plays. And that's going to include some professional critics.

Way to go, "The Strike Productions." (Giving away the story's pivotal element in the name of the production company. Never was a good sign.)

They're alienating people who are already sympathetic — such as this third-of-a-century fan of the novel — or who might become that way, with a stupid "practical joke." I thought they wanted to avoid giving the impression that this production was considerably less than professional. Seems I was wrong.

Edit: My shorter comment speaking to most of the points above, posted on the linked page about an hour ago, has already been deleted. They don't know how to do publicity, nor are they willing to receive any criticisms about their mistakes.

Edited by Greybird
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The producers are running a "contest" (actually, a random drawing), intended to garner subscribers to their newsletter about the movie. Your entry adds you to their mailing list, and those already on the list are already entered. Entries can be made through this Friday night, 11 February.

The prize is a pair of tickets to a private screening of the film on 24 February at the Sony Pictures Studios (formerly MGM) in Culver City, California. Or, at the winner's option, an official movie-crew work jacket.

In scanning the voluminous rules — sad enough already, but lawyers do insist — I found that they include (emphases added):

The winner must provide valid government-issued photo identification and provide their complete address, social security card, date of birth, and phone number to claim a prize.

For tax reasons, obviously. Yet, still ... for a film made from this, of all books? {sigh}

Nonetheless, I signed up. I'll rationalize giving sanction to such irony if I win. {rueful smile}

* * *

Message on the confirmation-link e-mail:

Thanks for signing up for the Taggart Transcontinental newsletter. Because of the new "Anti-Dog-Eat-Dog" Bill recently enacted, this e-mail newsletter is now completely free of charge. Also, your FREE contest entry has been processed. Looter.

And upon clicking the link (above a sales pitch for the kitschy lapel pin):

Welcome aboard STRIKER. Your contest entry has been confirmed. Keep your eyes peeled for important news and messages.

I'm both a looter and a striker? {grin} ... They do get points for wit, however obvious.

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