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I need to focus on the real world for a while, so I will not be active on OL for around a month. I will pop in occasionally to see what is going on, but I doubt if I will be posting much, if anything. I will return after I get caught up with work.


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Might the too high a percentage among posts of: i) mean-spirited or paranoid name-calling + ii) trivia fest + iii) negativity + iv) posting whatever pops into one's head regardless of the topic of the thread get on one's nerves or darken one's sense of life if one doesn't take an occasional break and deal with normal people or smell the fresh air?

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Might the too high a percentage among posts of: i) mean-spirited or paranoid name-calling + ii) trivia fest + iii) negativity + iv) posting whatever pops into one's head regardless of the topic of the thread get on one's nerves or darken one's sense of life if one doesn't take an occasional break and deal with normal people or smell the fresh air?

Phil, are you sure you yourself haven't been seduced by the Dark Side?


you don't know the power of the . . .!!!!!!!!!!!!!--or do you?

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I need to focus on the real world for a while, so I will not be active on OL for around a month. I will pop in occasionally to see what is going on, but I doubt if I will be posting much, if anything. I will return after I get caught up with work.


There's a real world??

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Might the too high a percentage among posts of: i) mean-spirited or paranoid name-calling + ii) trivia fest + iii) negativity + iv) posting whatever pops into one's head regardless of the topic of the thread get on one's nerves or darken one's sense of life if one doesn't take an occasional break and deal with normal people or smell the fresh air?

Phil: MSK doesn't charge extra for commas. :lol:

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Might the too high a percentage among posts of: i) mean-spirited or paranoid name-calling + ii) trivia fest + iii) negativity + iv) posting whatever pops into one's head regardless of the topic of the thread get on one's nerves or darken one's sense of life if one doesn't take an occasional break and deal with normal people or smell the fresh air?

This post really hits the nail on the head. I mean, I can't think of anything that turns me off faster than people who are "mean-spirited," "negative," and spontaneous. The very idea! You should love everything, and if you don't have anything good to say about anybody or anything then don't say anything at all!


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Might the too high a percentage among posts of: i) mean-spirited or paranoid name-calling + ii) trivia fest + iii) negativity + iv) posting whatever pops into one's head regardless of the topic of the thread get on one's nerves or darken one's sense of life if one doesn't take an occasional break and deal with normal people or smell the fresh air?

Don't take it so personally, Phil. My vacation has nothing to do with your posts.


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I need to focus on the real world for a while, so I will not be active on OL for around a month. I will pop in occasionally to see what is going on, but I doubt if I will be posting much, if anything. I will return after I get caught up with work.


There's a real world??

Yes, there is a real world. I visit it occasionally, but I wouldn't want to live there.


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Real world?

Watch where you put your focus.

Rule No. 1 in life: Never sleep with someone crazier than you are.

I was never taught that. I had to learn it the hard way--over and over--from glimpses of dim flashes between the cracks of the broken pieces of good intentions.

But I finally learned.

Unfortunately, that's the real world.

But hell, have fun, anyway...



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Subject: spontaneous, trivial phil

By the way, speaking of trivia, I just invented a new drink: a teacoffee (or maybe cofftea). Half-awake in half focus and recovering from half a sleeping pill, I discovered two three-quarters-drunk cups of brownish fluid (don't go there) in my fridge.

I added some powdered creamer for coloration and put them together in the microwave. Yum. (A half-assed mistake but turned out to be not three-quarters bad.)

(Aside: The reason willthomas didn't invite me to speak at the summer con for several years in a row was that he had been deeply traumatized by sitting across from me in the cafeteria and observing not just my eating habits, but my penchant for creating weird drinks in public.

Ask me what a "Beer Float" is and how it tastes...)

Edited by Philip Coates
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Subject: spontaneous, trivial phil

By the way, speaking of trivia, I just invented a new drink: a teacoffee (or maybe cofftea). Half-awake in half focus and recovering from half a sleeping pill, I discovered two three-quarters-drunk cups of brownish fluid (don't go there) in my fridge.

I added some powdered creamer for coloration and put them together in the microwave. Yum. (A half-assed mistake but turned out to be not three-quarters bad.)

(Aside: The reason willthomas didn't invite me to speak at the summer con for several years in a row was that he had been deeply traumatized by sitting across from me in the cafeteria and observing not just my eating habits, but my penchant for creating weird drinks in public.

Ask me what a "Beer Float" is and how it tastes...)

Dear Mr. Coates,

I am very interested in your drink ideas and think they would be a good fit with my cuisine.

If you are ever in Toronto I would like to welcome you to my establishment and share synergistic ideas.

In the meantime could you send me recipe for Beer Float as it sounds very like a specialty of my friend Hamish next door at the tavern.

Yours sincerely

Iqbal Omaratenti, Prop. and Head Chef

Papa's Poutine and Souvlaki Hut

Toronto, Ontario

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> could you send me recipe for Beer Float

Dear Eight Ball,

The root beer float combines the tart acidity of root beer with the creamy richness of vanilla ice cream.

The phil coates beer float combines the tart acidity and creamy goodness of a Heineken or a Bud or a Colt 45 Malt Liquor or a bottle of Ripple with the creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream.

(If you down enuff of 'em at one sitting, it's possible to get both a hangover and a diabetic coma from the same drink.)


Edited by Philip Coates
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Real world?

Watch where you put your focus.

Rule No. 1 in life: Never sleep with someone crazier than you are.

I was never taught that. I had to learn it the hard way--over and over--from glimpses of dim flashes between the cracks of the broken pieces of good intentions.

But I finally learned.

Unfortunately, that's the real world.

But hell, have fun, anyway...



I completely disagree with this, Michael. In fact, I have found that sanity (in women) often tends to be inversely proportional to certain other attributes . . .


As a result, female sanity tends to be way down on my list of things to look for in the (so-called, if there is such a thing) “real world”. . .

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> could you send me recipe for Beer Float

Dear Eight Ball,

The root beer float combines the tart acidity of root beer with the creamy richness of vanilla ice cream.

The phil coates beer float combines the tart acidity and creamy goodness of a Heineken or a Bud or a Colt 45 Malt Liquor or a bottle of Ripple with the creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream.

(If you down enuff of 'em at one sitting, it's possible to get both a hangover and a diabetic coma from the same drink.)


Goodness gracious me Mr Coates, you are very interesting man.


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It's even worse than you think.

I have to go to bed with me every night.

And that puts me in a bind if I don't want to sleep with someone crazier than me.

Don't ask me how that logic works. It just does.



Michael--Sounds like you and Woody Allen ("I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member") have something in common. :rolleyes:

(Not sure how that logic works either, but it seems to fit.)

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It's even worse than you think.

I have to go to bed with me every night.

And that puts me in a bind if I don't want to sleep with someone crazier than me.

Don't ask me how that logic works. It just does.



Michael--Sounds like you and Woody Allen ("I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member") have something in common. :rolleyes:

(Not sure how that logic works either, but it seems to fit.)


That quote is from Groucho Marx..."I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member."

Groucho Marx


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Michael--Sounds like you and Woody Allen ("I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member") have something in common. :rolleyes:

(Not sure how that logic works either, but it seems to fit.)


That quote is from Groucho Marx..."I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member."

Groucho Marx


Woody Allen is equally famous for saying it, and popularized it in Annie Hall.

Woody Allen famous quotes

But thank you very much. I'm sure you are only interested in helping to expand my knowledge of the universe.

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Michael--Sounds like you and Woody Allen ("I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member") have something in common. :rolleyes:

(Not sure how that logic works either, but it seems to fit.)


That quote is from Groucho Marx..."I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member."

Groucho Marx


Woody Allen is equally famous for saying it, and popularized it in Annie Hall.

Woody Allen famous quotes

But thank you very much. I'm sure you are only interested in helping to expand my knowledge of the universe.

I love that theme. Did you ever see Tony Hancock, the 50s-60s Brit comic? He had an episode where he enters a premises, having to step over a drunk in the gutter to get there. The drunk takes a good look at Hancock and says. "Eeee, they'll let anybody in there.'

It also engenders thoughts on self-employment. I have realized that I would never hire me, and I would probably work for me but not very hard.

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