Fox swaps CPAC footage to make Ron Paul look bad


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Many libertarians shouldn't complain, they use the same dishonest tactics. Shayne

Some people named "Shayne" have been suspected by rural sheriffs of improper relations with livestock.

I am a loss to understand the leftward tilt of Fox News unless they are running a double fake to make people think they are conservative when really they are part of the International Conspiracy to Destroy the Constitution.


Big Brother is watching.

Edited by Michael E. Marotta
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Many libertarians shouldn't complain, they use the same dishonest tactics.

"Many" doesn't mean all, it means some. I see what category Marotta would like to proclaim himself as being a member of. Apparently he's still foaming at the mouth from when I inadvertently tripped over his religion.


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Well... that was painful... Maybe her goal is to get us all to obey her in return for her not chanting.

Try this:

Striking for the gentle, striking for the kind

Striking for the guardians and protectors of the mind

An’ the unpawned painter behind beyond his rightful time

Chimes Of Freedom

Far between sundown’s finish an’ midnight’s broken toll

We ducked inside the doorway, thunder crashing

As majestic bells of bolts struck shadows in the sounds

Seeming to be the chimes of freedom flashing

Flashing for the warriors whose strength is not to fight

Flashing for the refugees on the unarmed road of flight

An’ for each an’ ev’ry underdog soldier in the night

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

In the city’s melted furnace, unexpectedly we watched

With faces hidden while the walls were tightening

As the echo of the wedding bells before the blowin’ rain

Dissolved into the bells of the lightning

Tolling for the rebel, tolling for the rake

Tolling for the luckless, the abandoned an’ forsaked

Tolling for the outcast, burnin’ constantly at stake

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

Through the mad mystic hammering of the wild ripping hail

The sky cracked its poems in naked wonder

That the clinging of the church bells blew far into the breeze

Leaving only bells of lightning and its thunder

Striking for the gentle, striking for the kind

Striking for the guardians and protectors of the mind

An’ the unpawned painter behind beyond his rightful time

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

Through the wild cathedral evening the rain unraveled tales

For the disrobed faceless forms of no position

Tolling for the tongues with no place to bring their thoughts

All down in taken-for-granted situations

Tolling for the deaf an’ blind, tolling for the mute

Tolling for the mistreated, mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute

For the misdemeanor outlaw, chased an’ cheated by pursuit

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

Even though a cloud’s white curtain in a far-off corner flashed

An’ the hypnotic splattered mist was slowly lifting

Electric light still struck like arrows, fired but for the ones

Condemned to drift or else be kept from drifting

Tolling for the searching ones, on their speechless, seeking trail

For the lonesome-hearted lovers with too personal a tale

An’ for each unharmful, gentle soul misplaced inside a jail

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

Starry-eyed an’ laughing as I recall when we were caught

Trapped by no track of hours for they hanged suspended

As we listened one last time an’ we watched with one last look

Spellbound an’ swallowed ’til the tolling ended

Tolling for the aching ones whose wounds cannot be nursed

For the countless confused, accused, misused, strung-out ones an’ worse

An’ for every hung-up person in the whole wide universe

An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

Edited by Michael E. Marotta
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And how, exactly, does one go about making a conspiracy theorizing ichthyo-pacifist and, at best, if his protestations are to be believed, only second-hand racist look bad?

With the right makeup, of course.You Daleks should know that.

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And how, exactly, does one go about making a conspiracy theorizing ichthyo-pacifist and, at best, if his protestations are to be believed, only second-hand racist look bad?

You should be in journalism Ted. You're aping the neocon smear lines perfectly.


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Apologies to slw for not accepting his claims without proof (ahem), but Friday's New York Times provided a clue, if not a smoking gun, to explain why Fox News would play a dirty trick on Ron Paul.

"Fox News Chief is Said to Urge Lying in Inquiry" by Russ Buettner (page 1; column 1; below the fold) tells of Judith Regan, fired by Harper Collins in 2006. Harper Collins is owned by News Corporation, which owns Fox. As the story goes, Fox News chairman Richard E. Ailes is "a longtime friend of Mr. [Rudolph W.] Giuliani." Ms. Regan had an affair with Bernard B. Kerik former New York City police commissioner who was in 2006 being considered for chief of Homeland Security. A black mark against him would reflect on Giuliani, so Regan was told by Ailes to lie.

("All the news that's fit to print.")

We here understand that Giuliani and Paul represent opposite ideologies within the big tent of the GOP. So, while Fox would give favorable air to a Paul sound bite against the President, within the GOP, Fox has other priorities.

(Meanwhile, at the Vatican...)

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