Rahm "Al Capone" Emanual returns to take control of Chicago


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February 22, 2011

Emanuel Triumphs in Chicago Mayoral Race


CHICAGO — Rahm Emanuel, a former congressman who worked for two presidents, was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday, marking a new path for a city that has, for 22 years, been led by a singular, powerful force, Richard M. Daley.

Mr. Emanuel, who will take office in May, won 55 percent of the vote against five other candidates. That allowed him to avoid a one-on-one runoff election in April that had been seen by some opponents as their best chance to defeat Mr. Emanuel. With 95 percent of precincts reporting, his closest competitor, Gery J. Chico, a former chief of staff to Mr. Daley, captured 24 percent of the vote.

Capone returns to Chicago

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya appointed to Frank Nitti post of Chief Enforcer.

Bulletin: Gary J. Chico's body found floating in Lake Michigan off Foster Beach, named after Vince Foster from the Clinton Administration.

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Bulletin: Gary J. Chico's body found floating in Lake Michigan off Foster Beach, named after Vince Foster from the Clinton Administration.

Is that for real? If not, it is damned amusing.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Bulletin: Gary J. Chico's body found floating in Lake Michigan off Foster Beach, named after Vince Foster from the Clinton Administration.

Is that for real? If not, it is damned amusing.

Ba'al Chatzaf


Sorry about that as Maxwell Smart would have said.

It was just my sick sense of satire. Now you can enjoy laughing about it.

I read your other post about his back ground which I knew about. Additionally, after the elevation of O'biwan to his Pharaohship over America's originally limited Constitutional Republic some two (2) long years ago, the Enforcer, Rahm, chaired a very elite meeting of the Pharaoh's campaign organization.

At that meeting, the Enforcer picked up a steak knife and went through a list of political people that had opposed them and as he said each name, he screamed out "DEAD" and slammed the knife into the cherry wood dinner table.

Remember who his brother is, and what position he occupies in the Pharaoh's administration.


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Bulletin: Gary J. Chico's body found floating in Lake Michigan off Foster Beach, named after Vince Foster from the Clinton Administration.

Is that for real?

Mostly real, except that Chicago's Foster Avenue Beach was named after Foster Avenue. Vincent Walker Foster's body was found in Fort Marcy Park, which is in the state of Virginia. And of course, Gary J Chico is alive, having lost the Chicago election.

Besides that, the humorous tidbit is as real as any other item "Adam Selene" posts for our disinformation on OL.

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Besides that, the humorous tidbit is as real as any other item "Adam Selene" posts for our disinformation on OL.

The tidbit I heard is that Rahm got a pair of brass knuckles for a bar mitzvah gift.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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