Translating Objectivist Ideas into Every Language

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I just stumbled across this. I have long been an advocate of translating Ayn Rand's works, Objectivist ideas, etc. into all the languages of the world for wider impact. I'm not sure if this is what I had in mind though.

Ted, you're the language expert, do you think this is eloquent and effective enough? Other learned thoughts? :unsure: ===>

To Succeed at Anything in Life You Must Know How and When to Be Assertive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec magna quam, tincidunt tempor, facilisis in, tristique sit amet, felis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sollicitudin. Vivamus libero nunc, tempor congue, commodo et, tempus dignissim, ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam rutrum, justo vitae varius hendrerit, velit augue aliquet nulla, nec auctor lorem ipsum ullamcorper diam. Quisque libero quam, congue lobortis, mollis a, adipiscing id, leo. Sed luctus, sapien quis mattis laoreet, lectus mauris semper erat, ac fringilla felis ante at lectus. Maecenas a nunc. Donec nonummy ornare mauris. Nullam volutpat. Duis nibh quam, pretium sed, mollis vel, posuere quis, neque.

Edited by Philip Coates
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Just brings tears to my eyes at the sheer eloquence.

Especially words and phrases like: "adipiscing", "facilisis in", "ac turpis".

Not to mention: "ac fringilla felis ante at lectus".

And: "Duis nibh quam".

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I just stumbled across this. I have long been an advocate of translating Ayn Rand's works, Objectivist ideas, etc. into all the languages of the world for wider impact. I'm not sure if this is what I had in mind though.

Ted, you're the language expert, do you think this is eloquent and effective enough? Other learned thoughts? :unsure: ===>


To Succeed at Anything in Life You Must Know How and When to Be Assertive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec magna quam, tincidunt tempor, facilisis in, tristique sit amet, felis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sollicitudin. Vivamus libero nunc, tempor congue, commodo et, tempus dignissim, ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam rutrum, justo vitae varius hendrerit, velit augue aliquet nulla, nec auctor lorem ipsum ullamcorper diam. Quisque libero quam, congue lobortis, mollis a, adipiscing id, leo. Sed luctus, sapien quis mattis laoreet, lectus mauris semper erat, ac fringilla felis ante at lectus. Maecenas a nunc. Donec nonummy ornare mauris. Nullam volutpat. Duis nibh quam, pretium sed, mollis vel, posuere quis, neque.

Hnum yako miholo ollin.


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I just stumbled across this. I have long been an advocate of translating Ayn Rand's works, Objectivist ideas, etc. into all the languages of the world for wider impact. I'm not sure if this is what I had in mind though.

Ted, you're the language expert, do you think this is eloquent and effective enough? Other learned thoughts? :unsure: ===>

To Succeed at Anything in Life You Must Know How and When to Be Assertive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec magna quam, tincidunt tempor, facilisis in, tristique sit amet, felis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sollicitudin. Vivamus libero nunc, tempor congue, commodo et, tempus dignissim, ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam rutrum, justo vitae varius hendrerit, velit augue aliquet nulla, nec auctor lorem ipsum ullamcorper diam. Quisque libero quam, congue lobortis, mollis a, adipiscing id, leo. Sed luctus, sapien quis mattis laoreet, lectus mauris semper erat, ac fringilla felis ante at lectus. Maecenas a nunc. Donec nonummy ornare mauris. Nullam volutpat. Duis nibh quam, pretium sed, mollis vel, posuere quis, neque.

The only thing I see wrong with this piece is its title. I mean, there's a comma missing, right? ;-)


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Just brings tears to my eyes at the sheer eloquence.

Especially words and phrases like: "adipiscing", "facilisis in", "ac turpis".

Not to mention: "ac fringilla felis ante at lectus".

And: "Duis nibh quam".

Well, Cicero could be a good stand in for Nathaniel :-).


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Having language on the brain, I first misread this topic title as, "Translating Objectivist Ideas into Everyday Language.'

But why not do that ?

Many regulars of this site are fluent speakers of Objectivish (and some claim to be) and their translations would be fascinating to read.

it's already been experimented with in the Atlas Shrugged movie with a simple transition to vernacular bad grammar ("it's us who move the world") so I'm sure the writers on here can do better than that.

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OK, I'll bite.

Lorem Ipsum

From the linked article:

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s...

In web design, it is also very common.

Sounds to me like NB's webmaster either got fired, quit, or fell asleep on the job.


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Sounds to me like NB's webmaster either got fired, quit, or fell asleep on the job.

The page Phil twitted, the placeholder, was of course replaced when the content was filled in -- but the old plugged placeholder page wasn't removed. Somebody's shonky websearch turned up the page that should have been deleted.

See Old Self-esteem Page

vs New Self-esteem Page

I liked the opportunity to read up on the enduring placeholder convention derived from typesetting, and its continuing use in web/desktop mockups/models. I also enjoyed digging out the reference to Cicero.

<p>Unearthed from the Branden placeholder (with the excerpted items highlighted). This is luscious-looking language. No wonder Mr Niceypants McSnarkburn tripped out on it:</p>

<p>>neque porro qui squam est, qui do<b>lorem ipsum</b>, quia <b>dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci</b> v<b>elit, sed</b> quia non numquam <b>eius mod</b>i <b>tempor</b>a <b>incidunt, ut labore et dolore magna</b>m <b>aliqua</b>m quaerat voluptatem. <b>Ut enim ad minim</b>a <b>veniam, quis nostru</b>m <b>exercitation</b>em <b>ullam co</b>rporis suscipit <b>laborios</b>am, <b>nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat</b>ur? <b>Quis aute</b>m vel eum <b>iure reprehenderit,</b> qui <b>in</b> ea <b>voluptate velit esse</b>, quam nihil molestiae <b>c</b>onsequatur, vel <b>illum</b>, qui <b>dolore</b>m <b>eu</b>m <b>fugiat</b>, quo voluptas <b>nulla pariatur</b>?</p>

A translation from Wikipedia. Apropos? Objectivish? Pertains to esteem?

"Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"

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Sanctum Peter Cottium

Deus in re unium

hippitus hoppitus reus Domine

In suus viatorium

Lepus in re sanctum

hippitus hoppitus Deus Domine

Having language on the brain, I first misread this topic title as, "Translating Objectivist Ideas into Everyday Language.'

Me too.

Edited by Ted Keer
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