So long Joe.

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For those of you who MUST have their morning coffee, sad news. The coffee crop of Columbia (Arabica coffee) has been blighted by (gasp!) climate change. Apparently a small rise in average temperatures and a decrease in rain fall has led to a decreased yield, which will translate into higher coffee prices. The leading coffee chains (Starbucks, Seattle Best, ...) have taken a hit in the profit column and prices will inevitably rise until production once more rises to match demand. In addition, some of the developing countries now have populations who have developed the coffee habit. Why not? Us white guys in the industrialized world are not the only people who enjoy their morning hit.

So for those of you, who are like me, who need coffee just to start thinking in the morning be prepared to pay for your habit.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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And here I thought Joe "the dumbest Vice President to ever occupy the office" Biden had resigned!

Crestfallen and devastated, a gentle salty, tear hits my steaming cup of coffee.

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My solution to the rising price of coffee:

I dilute mine with cocoa, ovaltine, powdered creamer, milk, artificial sweetener, a bit of soy milk, some of that starbucks coffee-flarored concoction, some vanilla or raspberry syrup. All cheaper ingredients as well as good-tasting.

Whipped cream on top or as the Germans say "mit Schlage".

Once you've done much of this you can barely even taste the coffee

(Adam and Brant: you can add beer if you wish, but I strongly suspect you already thought of that.) :rolleyes:

Edited by Philip Coates
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My solution to the rising price of coffee:

I dilute mine with cocoa, ovaltine, powdered creamer, milk, artificial sweetener, a bit of soy milk, some of that starbucks coffee-flarored concoction, some vanilla or raspberry syrup. All cheaper ingredients as well as good-tasting.

Whipped cream on top or as the Germans say "mit Schlage".

Once you've done this you can barely even taste the coffee

(Adam and Brant: you can add beer if you wish, but I strongly suspect you already thought of that.) :rolleyes:


I don"t drink..

I hope you check your cholesterol regularly.

I also hope that that statement passed the civility test.


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Once you've done much of this you can barely even taste the coffee

(Adam and Brant: you can add beer if you wish, but I strongly suspect you already thought of that.) :rolleyes:

Aside from the buzz the flavor is the entire point of drinking this bitter brew.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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If you are addicted to coffee and the price goes up so high you can't afford it, you will learn a lesson about addiction that all addicts learn.

When a drug addict's habit costs more than the money he has, what does he do?

Does he abstain?

Hell no.

He steals.



This is a bit of a stereotype, don't you think? I have known heroin addicts who never stole a dime, even when they could not afford a fix. They suffered from withdrawal instead.


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Michael, I know you wrote in jest, but the price of coffee relative to one's budget isn't like the price of drugs relative to a drug addict's budget. Guessing, I don't spend much over a $100 per year on coffee. Making coffee most days at home is cheap.

I dilute mine with cocoa, ovaltine, powdered creamer, milk, artificial sweetener, a bit of soy milk, some of that starbucks coffee-flarored concoction, some vanilla or raspberry syrup. All cheaper ingredients as well as good-tasting.

Whipped cream on top or as the Germans say "mit Schlage".


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Once you've done much of this you can barely even taste the coffee

(Adam and Brant: you can add beer if you wish, but I strongly suspect you already thought of that.) :rolleyes:

Aside from the buzz the flavor is the entire point of drinking this bitter brew.

Ba'al Chatzaf

I have never gotten a "buzz" from coffee. I can drink an entire pot without the span of two hours and fall asleep within five or ten minutes. On the other hand, I have known people who cannot sleep for hours after drinking one cup.

These dramatic variations seems to occur with every kind of drug. I used to know a guy (a former Green Beret) who usually kept a gram of coke on hand. He would typically do a line in the morning before he went to work and then not touch the stuff for the rest of the day or on weekends. A single gram would easily last for a week or more.

There are also people for whom kicking heroin is relatively easy and painless. In his autobiography, the writer Jack Woodford tells how he snorted heroin daily for a year in 1914, when it was still cheap and legal. But the following year, when the Harrison Narcotics Act caused the price of heroin tablets to skyrocket, Woodford decided to stop. Having heard stories of painful withdrawals, Woodford secluded himself in a hotel room for several days. The only thing he experienced was a bad case of the hiccups, and he never used heroin again.


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Like any real man I drink my coffee black--no sugar, no cream, just coffee.

The reason is when I started drinking it it tasted so bad that adding anything to it made it taste even worse.

Now, if it tasted so bad why did I ever start? I thought I had to to be a real man. I found out, too late however, I was still the man I had always been, only now I was drinking this awful stuff.


stupid man

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And here I thought Joe "the dumbest Vice President to ever occupy the office" Biden had resigned!

Crestfallen and devastated, a gentle salty, tear hits my steaming cup of coffee.

And here I thought Dan Quayle was dumber than any Democrat who ever lived.


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And here I thought Joe "the dumbest Vice President to ever occupy the office" Biden had resigned!

Crestfallen and devastated, a gentle salty, tear hits my steaming cup of coffee.

And here I thought Dan Quayle was dumber than any Democrat who ever lived.


He was only dumb because he had no brains.


give the guy a break--if I can you can too

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And here I thought Joe "the dumbest Vice President to ever occupy the office" Biden had resigned!

Crestfallen and devastated, a gentle salty, tear hits my steaming cup of coffee.

And here I thought Dan Quayle was dumber than any Democrat who ever lived.



Might be a dead heat on Quayle and Biden.


trying to decide on mashed potatoes or potatos for tonight's dinner or diner confused.

Quayle's son Ben used this in his campaign last year

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If you are addicted to coffee and the price goes up so high you can't afford it, you will learn a lesson about addiction that all addicts learn.

When a drug addict's habit costs more than the money he has, what does he do?

Does he abstain?

Hell no.

He steals.



Good thing I'm stocked up on the Kona coffee at home. Maybe when the prices kick up, I can sell nickel and dime bags of the stuff and earn a second retirement :)

~ Shane

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If you are addicted to coffee and the price goes up so high you can't afford it, you will learn a lesson about addiction that all addicts learn.

When a drug addict's habit costs more than the money he has, what does he do?

Does he abstain?

Hell no.

He steals.



Good thing I'm stocked up on the Kona coffee at home. Maybe when the prices kick up, I can sell nickel and dime bags of the stuff and earn a second retirement :)

~ Shane


Package them with incandescent light bulbs and it will work.

Call it Speed Lighting!


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I have known heroin addicts who never stole a dime, even when they could not afford a fix. They suffered from withdrawal instead.


Write that up into a step-by-step system that is actually workable (meaning you can get addicts in general to adhere to it) and I will make us a fortune.

Google "addiction cure" and look at the paid ads on the right, and even all those products in the organic search results, and you will see what I mean. There's a hell of a market out there. (You could even say one full of stereotypes. :) )


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My solution to the rising price of coffee:

I dilute mine with cocoa, ovaltine, powdered creamer, milk, artificial sweetener, a bit of soy milk, some of that starbucks coffee-flarored concoction, some vanilla or raspberry syrup. All cheaper ingredients as well as good-tasting.

Whipped cream on top or as the Germans say "mit Schlage".

Once you've done much of this you can barely even taste the coffee

(Adam and Brant: you can add beer if you wish, but I strongly suspect you already thought of that.) :rolleyes:

Yuck. That's not coffee that's a woman's drink. ;)


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Package them with incandescent light bulbs and it will work.

Call it Speed Lighting!


I could do that. Then I could string them around my neck to free my hands for the salesman flourish ;)

~ Shane

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Whipped cream on top or as the Germans say "mit Schlage".

"Mit Schlag" is a nice Austrian expression, an abbreviation of "Schlagobers" (which is "Schlagsahne" in German).

Makes me want to visiti wonderful Vienna again, and order a "Sachertorte mit Schlag" in one of the famous cafés whose atmoshere is simply unique.

But as for coffee itself, I merely drink it for the caffeine kick; I don't even like its taste. Tea I drink for pleasure and taste, but coffee I just gulp down with a little milk (more stomach-friendly than the pure black stuff).

Yuck. That's not coffee that's a woman's drink. ;)

I like my coffee like I like my women: inexpensive and available on demand. This may explain why I have been single for years now. :rolleyes:

Militant feminists would probably fly off the handle on reading these comments. :D

I like my women: inexpensive

Ghs - a tightwad when it comes to women? :o Now that comes as a real surprise to me I must say ...!

I have never gotten a "buzz" from coffee. I can drink an entire pot without [sic] the span of two hours and fall asleep within five or ten minutes. On the other hand, I have known people who cannot sleep for hours after drinking one cup.

Are a regular heavy coffee drinker? In that case, your body could have become used to the substance.

Edited by Xray
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Like any real man I drink my coffee black--no sugar, no cream, just coffee.

The reason is when I started drinking it it tasted so bad that adding anything to it made it taste even worse.

Now, if it tasted so bad why did I ever start? I thought I had to to be a real man. I found out, too late however, I was still the man I had always been, only now I was drinking this awful stuff.


stupid man

I drink my coffee the same way. My first coffee at age 7 was a cream and sugar filled nightmare prepared by an Irish great-aunt. When finally allowed to drink coffee at age 16 via an intervention with Ma ("Of milk and cold water you may have aplenty, but no tea or coffee until you are twenty"), I went for the real stuff. Love at first taste.


stupider woman

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I like my coffer coffee dark and strong like my women.

You are supposed to use money to get women? Why? They seem eager enough to trade pleasures for pleasures.

What did Ayn say, show me what a man finds sexually attractive in bed, and I will tell you his philosophy of life!


stupid human

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I like my coffer dark and strong like my women.

You are supposed to use money to get women? Why? They seem eager enough to trade pleasures for pleasures.

What did Ayn say, show me what a man finds sexually attractive in bed, and I will tell you his philosophy of life!


stupid human


if you are trolling for shapely redheads again, down boy. My BFF Xray is a slim blonde, and I have warned our new girl Annie to be on her guard with you.

Honestly, there used to be a time when men were Past It. Usually when their wives told them they were.


the mother of them all

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I like my coffee dark and strong like my women.

You are supposed to use money to get women? Why? They seem eager enough to trade pleasures for pleasures.

What did Ayn say, show me what a man finds sexually attractive in bed, and I will tell you his philosophy of life!


stupid human


if you are trolling for shapely redheads again, down boy. My BFF Xray is a slim blonde, and I have warned our new girl Annie to be on her guard with you.

Honestly, there used to be a time when men were Past It. Usually when their wives told them they were.


the mother of them all

Memo to Earth Mother:

This kind of dickatatorship will only work with metro sexual men.

You could try it with Phil though.

Such socialist sexism!

I never troll. Redheads are a selected passion, but too small in numbers.


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