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> The remarks on symmetry and paired organs are all correct - except that I don't think the "eyespots" are eyes as such, but likely excretory organs. [Ted]

Hmmm? I wonder? It's still odd. Even bilaterally symmetric organisms don't have two paired side-by-sie excretory holes...eventually species developed one for number one and one for number two, but they don't generally look the same (one's bigger) and they are not up top near where it feeds but at the bottom.

> And yes, it is a larva.

My reason for guessing that was in part transparency, (assuming it wasn't any one celled microscopic species which tend to be that way due to their size and thinness.) Tiny juvenile forms you often can see through.

(Are those Atlas Points in the mail?)

Edited by Philip Coates
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Ted, thanks for the aquacornucopia. I remember reading that book about us all being essentially aquatic (was it Morgan)? - and thinking, yes, of course. The way many connect with Rand. I never feel so entirely myself as when immersed in the nearest available body of water - lucky I grew up close to the ocean. Morgan could be a lot of biological hooey for all I know, but I know my lakes and rivers and the value of being in them.

Still don't like dulse though.

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> The remarks on symmetry and paired organs are all correct - except that I don't think the "eyespots" are eyes as such, but likely excretory organs. [Ted]

Hmmm? I wonder? It's still odd. Even bilaterally symmetric organisms don't have two paired side-by-sie excretory holes...eventually species developed one for number one and one for number two, but they don't generally look the same (one's bigger) and they are not up top near where it feeds but at the bottom.

> And yes, it is a larva.

My reason for guessing that was in part transparency, (assuming it wasn't any one celled microscopic species which tend to be that way due to their size and thinness.) Tiny juvenile forms you often can see through.

(Are those Atlas Points in the mail?)

You got your Atlas points earlier in the thread.

I was trying to avoid going into too much detail, Phil, but I believe the dark spots are the paired nephridia, basically kidneys. And some animals do indeed have paired nephridiopores.

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Ted, thanks for the aquacornucopia. I remember reading that book about us all being essentially aquatic (was it Morgan)? - and thinking, yes, of course. The way many connect with Rand. I never feel so entirely myself as when immersed in the nearest available body of water - lucky I grew up close to the ocean. Morgan could be a lot of biological hooey for all I know, but I know my lakes and rivers and the value of being in them.

Still don't like dulse though.

You mean Thomas Hunt Morgan? He's a standard, and a prolific writer, but I haven't read anything by him.

Edited by Ted Keer
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Sigh. I could have got a carton of cigarettes on the Black Market here for half those Atlas Points, but I am too Respectable.

I still love the avatar. I have a grey jacket with floppy sleeves in which I often do my imitation of it. although I now know that the attractive crinoline effect on the bottom consists entirely of anus.How wonderful and weird is life and all its forms.

Here are three Atlas8.gifAtlas8.gifAtlas8.giffor making me laugh out loud with that one, but be aware the animal has a u-shaped gut, and in the adult its anus is actually next to its mouth. I think the dark spot visible in the center of the body in the larva is the anus. Here's a different image, the bend at the bottom is the gut.


Edited by Ted Keer
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Sigh. I could have got a carton of cigarettes on the Black Market here for half those Atlas Points, but I am too Respectable.

I still love the avatar. I have a grey jacket with floppy sleeves in which I often do my imitation of it. although I now know that the attractive crinoline effect on the bottom consists entirely of anus.How wonderful and weird is life and all its forms.

Here are three Atlas8.gifAtlas8.gifAtlas8.giffor making me laugh out loud with that one, but be aware the animal has a u-shaped gut, and in the adult its anus is actually next to its mouth. I think the dark spot visible in the center of the body in the larva is the anus. Here's a different image, the bend at the bottom is the gut.


Bend how they will, the ways we live are fascinating, and I'll still think of your avatar as a Dalek. No guts, no glory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey! Does anyone know the character in my avatar? LOL

This one shouldn't be as hard although I found fewer pictures of him on the internet than the hookworm.

Jimmy Carter?

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Looks like one of the Sendak creatures from "Where the Wild Things Are"?

> I believe the dark spots are the paired nephridia, basically kidneys. And some animals do indeed have paired nephridiopores.

Thanks, Ted: that makes a lot of sense to me and seems to solve my puzzle about the single eyespot not double ones. Ted? .... Ted? ...........Ted?

Edited by Philip Coates
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I give up. I've obviously never met the fellow acquaintance. :rolleyes:

You never will, as long as your rocket ship doesn't move off its pad.

(No get-up-and-go, Phil?)


His get up and go, got up and went!

Thanks for the fat set up pitch Tony!

And there it goes deep to left and it is gone!


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> You never will, as long as your rocket ship doesn't move off its pad.

(No get-up-and-go, Phil?) [WhyNot, #90]

You know I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for a joke like that. It occurred to me soon after putting up the rocket ship idle on the launching bag, the unused erection, so to speak...that I left a huge opening... lots and lots of jokes that could be made. All these guys specializing in Phil Putdowns...and they didn't even see the nineteen story tall one sitting right in front of them in every post I made.

I mean think of all the Limp Dick jokes?

The long proud shaft has to be supported at four points by huge metal clamps along the right side?

Or, it's fading twilight and Phil hasn't budged an inch?

. . . I mean, COME ON, guys! You're not going to break out of the H.L. Mencken wannabe league unless you're more imaginative than this!!! :lol:

Edited by Philip Coates
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> You never will, as long as your rocket ship doesn't move off its pad.

(No get-up-and-go, Phil?) [WhyNot, #90]

You know I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for a joke like that. It occurred to me soon after putting up the rocket ship idle on the launching bag, the unused erection, so to speak...that I left a huge opening... lots and lots of jokes that could be made. All these guys specializing in Phil Putdowns...and they didn't even see the nineteen story tall one sitting right in front of them in every post I made.

I mean think of all the Limp Dick jokes?

The long proud shaft has to be supported at four points by huge metal clamps along the right side?

Or, it's fading twilight and Phil hasn't budged an inch?

. . . I mean, COME ON, guys! You're not going to break out of the H.L. Mencken wannabe league unless you're more imaginative than this!!! :lol:

I assumed that everyone had refrained out of respect.

Obviously the entire structure is constructed of Rearden Metal, and liftoff is inevitable, sooner or later.

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> I assumed that everyone had refrained out of respect.

RESPECT? For ME?!?!!?

...You haven't been coming to the site very long, have you? :blink:




(believe me, if they'd thought of it, they'd have used it.)

Edited by Philip Coates
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> I assumed that everyone had refrained out of respect.

RESPECT? For ME?!?!!?

...You haven't been coming to the site very long, have you? :blink:

(believe me, if they'd thought of it, they'd have used it.)


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You know I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for a joke like that.

I just want to say, given that this thread is dead, the original topic having been dispatched, it’s a prime candidate for yet another discussion of Phil. So yeah, let’s all talk about Phil! Phil Phil Phil!!! Where are you going to see the movie, Phil? Which location did you settle on? How many people are you taking to see it? Do you buy popcorn at the theater, and if so, do you put butter on it? I have you pegged as a Skittles, Goobers and/or Bit O’Honey consumer, who nevertheless drinks Diet Coke to minimize the calories. My reasoning behind this theory might be classified as “psychologizing”, so I’m not going to go into it, lest I be subject to another of your trenchant critiques of my posting style, rhetorical method, or overall moral status. Oooh, I’m quaking in my slippers just thinking of it.

I want to hear more about Phil, how about some more limericks, people? Come to think of it, didn't he offer to write one himself, on the subject of his bowel movements? I await with baited breath (and plugged nose).

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> yet another discussion of Phil

In case you haven't figured out how this works:

We have a serious discussion of a topic. Someone takes offense at my views and ridicules me or insults or makes a personal attack or posts a cute little cartoon whose intent is ridicule or contempt. That's the point at which I defend myself or return the contempt and counterattack and it becomes 'about me'.

If you don't want a thread to become 'about me', stick to the issues.

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