Sex rears its ugly head in Canadian election


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Pundits have long jeered that Canadian politics has never had any sex scandals worth the name, and they have been right,but just today two worthy entrants have challenged that assumption, though in my opinion punily.

1. The frontrunner in Monday's federal election has admitted that fifteen years ago he was in a massage parlour, (naked or not is not yet determined). His wife says she knew it at the time. "He keeps in great shape and always has", quoth she. "He needs regular massages." Translation: "He's a stud, eat your hearts out, press gallery."

2. An Ontario Libertarian Party candidate discusses in today's Toronto Star the possible disadvantages to his campaign of the publication of his novel, which details his experiences as a regular customer of prostitutes. As libertarians advocate the decriminilazation of prostitution, he thinks, on balance, it might boost his, er, political profile.

And yes, Adam, it is a graphic novel.

I should have put this in Canadian Boring thread but really, compared to our usual politics, this is fairly interesting.

Edited by daunce lynam
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Pundits have long jeered that Canadian politics has never had any sex scandals worth the name, and they have been right,but just today two worthy entrants have challenged that assumption, though in my opinion punily.

1. The frontrunner in Monday's federal election has admitted that fifteen years ago he was in a massage parlour, (naked or not is not yet determined). His wife says she knew it at the time. "He keeps in great shape and always has", quoth she. "He needs regular massages." Translation: "He's a stud, eat your hearts out, press gallery."

2. An Ontario Libertarian Party candidate discusses in today's Toronto Star the possible disadvantages to his campaign of the publication of his novel, which details his experiences as a regular customer of prostitutes. As libertarians advocate the decriminilazation of prostitution, he thinks, on balance, it might boost his, er, political profile.

And yes, Adam, it is a graphic novel.

I should have put this in Canadian Boring thread but really, compared to our usual politics, this is fairly interesting.


As is the subtle title of your thread.

So now, a Chinese commentator could say that the Canadian National erections are being held today? My, my... getting kind of "jiggy" here up thar in them frigid Northern climes!


thinking Canadian carnally

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Pundits have long jeered that Canadian politics has never had any sex scandals worth the name, and they have been right,but just today two worthy entrants have challenged that assumption, though in my opinion punily.

1. The frontrunner in Monday's federal election has admitted that fifteen years ago he was in a massage parlour, (naked or not is not yet determined). His wife says she knew it at the time. "He keeps in great shape and always has", quoth she. "He needs regular massages." Translation: "He's a stud, eat your hearts out, press gallery."

2. An Ontario Libertarian Party candidate discusses in today's Toronto Star the possible disadvantages to his campaign of the publication of his novel, which details his experiences as a regular customer of prostitutes. As libertarians advocate the decriminilazation of prostitution, he thinks, on balance, it might boost his, er, political profile.

And yes, Adam, it is a graphic novel.

I should have put this in Canadian Boring thread but really, compared to our usual politics, this is fairly interesting.


As is the subtle title of your thread.

So now, a Chinese commentator could say that the Canadian National erections are being held today? My, my... getting kind of "jiggy" here up thar in them frigid Northern climes!


thinking Canadian carnally

Mr. Selene,

As the wife of the NDP leader in question is Chinese, she might feel obliged to report you to the Political Correctness Commission, had she not herself implied that your comment was factually correct.

The most shocking aspect of the whole affair is that anyone is even thinking about sex NOW. As you know we have only 3 seasons, Regular Season, Playoff Season and Off-Season aka Mating Season. Of course, Toronto has become degenerate due to premature off-season for the past 40 years. You can hardly blame poor Jack.

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It is a pleasure playing your "straight" man...

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You know a google search of "Ontario Libertarian Party scandal" does not even bring any relevant news. We are one .... boring ... country.

Of course, Toronto has become degenerate due to premature off-season for the past 40 years. You can hardly blame poor Jack.

Said it before and I'll say it again. Last time the Leafs won Jerusalem was Arab.

Habitants! Habitants! Habitants!

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Erlection night. Strange how after 30 years as an Ontarian I am still excited about the Maritime results, more than the others.

What is going on in Gaspesie? The NDP candidate has no office and no phone and apparently mounted no campaign and he's leading??

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Erlection night. Strange how after 30 years as an Ontarian I am still excited about the Maritime results, more than the others.

What is going on in Gaspesie? The NDP candidate has no office and no phone and apparently mounted no campaign and he's leading??

It sure turned out to be an interesting election campaign after all. I have ten minutes to wait until the results from down east start showing. Me, I am keeping my eye on Laurier--Sainte-Marie.

Monsieur Layton, comment ça roule? La poussée orange!

(for those not bored and nauseated by our election, Monsieur Layton is the head of the NDP, which is poised for a breakthrough in the province of Québec at the expense of the sovereignist party, the Bloc. Orange is the colour of the NDP.)

Edited by william.scherk
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Erlection night. Strange how after 30 years as an Ontarian I am still excited about the Maritime results, more than the others.

What is going on in Gaspesie? The NDP candidate has no office and no phone and apparently mounted no campaign and he's leading??

It sure turned out to be an interesting election campaign after all. I have ten minutes to wait until the results from down east start showing. Me, I am keeping my eye on Laurier--Sainte-Marie.

Monsieur Layton, comment ça roule? La poussée orange!

(for those not bored and nauseated by our election, Monsieur Layton is the head of the NDP, which is poised for a breakthrough in the province of Québec at the expense of the sovereignist party, the Bloc. Orange is the colour of the NDP.)

I'm shocked! the riding where I teach, a Liberal stronghold for the past 20 years, looks like falling to the NDP.

For over 100 years the Liberals and Conservatives have been the Republicans and Democrats of Canada ( I should say Dems and Pinkos I suppose) and now the Liberals are being supplanted - and Quebec separatism is at its historic lowest point. Brave new world indeed.

Looks like Cons will get their majority though.

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For over 100 years the Liberals and Conservatives have been the Republicans and Democrats of Canada ( I should say Dems and Pinkos I suppose) and now the Liberals are being supplanted - and Quebec separatism is at its historic lowest point. Brave new world indeed.

Looks like Cons will get their majority though.

A bit of a schocker, yup, for the NDP. Mr Harper can now turn into the lizard-monster his harshest opponents imagine him to be, a kind of authoritarian majoritarian. It is almost sad that M Duceppe may lose his seat in Parliament. It is the only job he has had for twenty years, poor fellow.

Unlike in Syrian presidential 'elections,' we have losers.

Edited by william.scherk
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For over 100 years the Liberals and Conservatives have been the Republicans and Democrats of Canada ( I should say Dems and Pinkos I suppose) and now the Liberals are being supplanted - and Quebec separatism is at its historic lowest point. Brave new world indeed.

Looks like Cons will get their majority though.

A bit of a schocker, yup, for the NDP. Mr Harper can now turn into the lizard-monster his harshest opponents imagine him to be, a kind of authoritarian majoritarian. It is almost sad that M Duceppe may lose his seat in Parliament. It is the only job he has had for twenty years, poor fellow.

Unlike in Syrian presidential 'elections,' we have losers.

Oh, God. If Harper does to the whole country what Harris did to Ontario, where is there to go? I'm too old to move to Finland!

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Oh, God. If Harper does to the whole country what Harris did to Ontario, where is there to go? I'm too old to move to Finland!

I have no idea what Big Things the prime minister hopes to do, really. He may be like Chrétien, and just drive the bus in the lane: reduce deficit, reduce deficit, reduce deficit. What great Canadian project does Harper have? Not much at all except boost economy, boost economy, boost economy. So, Carol, you may safely order that new wallpaper. You aren't going anywhere, since Harper is not as stupid as Harris.

Now, that Quebec dumped its parochial party is perhaps the most interesting of all. An infusion of francophone socialist canuckis into the NDP can only be good for the NDP -- they can now fairly claim to be a national party.

For the bored-to-sickness Americans, the upshot of the election was that two party leaders could not retain their seats (Duceppe and Ignatieff), the separatist party was crushed crushed crushed, and we won't have another election for four years. A very minor surprise is the first seat taken by a Green party member (the leader, Elizabeth May).

At the moment, the seat rankings are (2008 totals in parentheses):

Conservatives: 166 (143)

New Democrats: 104 (37)

Liberals: 34 (77)

Bloc Québecois: 3 (49)

Green Party: 1 (0)

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